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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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If an average couple both worked 40 hours a week that's a household (before tax) salary of £33k. Is that not decent anymore?



no , £270 take home pay each, for 40 hours work. scandalous

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It's assumed more young vote in and the old vote out. Glastonbury is on over vote day. Let's hope they forget to vote by proxy!


But in actual fact, more young cant be bothered on the day and more old will definitely 100% be voting. That's how its always worked.

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I work with first time voters, trust me, they will vote. They are very passionate about this topic.


Turn out will be 55-65% be surprised if more.


---------- Post added 22-05-2016 at 09:09 ----------




Some more info

The first comment makes an interesting point. House prices, food prices have risen steadily for years. If being in the EU is meant to stop inflation it isn't doing a very good job!

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Turn out will be 55-65% be surprised if more.


The higher end of that, plenty of people who normally don't vote feel they have to this time.


My wife's cousins, nephew and niece all in their twenties, normally no voters, will all go this time. It is also really obvious that there is a generational divide, they will all vote remain, their parents are either undecided or will vote leave.


On the ferry to Lewis yesterday, an elderly couple sittingin front of us were debating it, with the man passionate about leaving, a group of students (that age anyway) couldn't help but get dragged in, all seven were tryingto explain to the gentleman why his argument he voted out for the future was wrong in their eyes. And that in fact they were the future.


I have met a few youngsters wanting to leave at my Uni, without fail they have been of the inherited money type. Staunch Tories through and through and raising the sovereignty debate above all else, but in general they are greatly outnumbered.

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Some more info

The first comment makes an interesting point. House prices, food prices have risen steadily for years. If being in the EU is meant to stop inflation it isn't doing a very good job!


you can't stop inflation. well not without completely redesigning the global political system and economy.


the bank of england is supposed to be targeting 2% inflation as that is perceived as encouraging investment to increase productivity without any of the siginificant problems which higher rates of inflation causes.


---------- Post added 22-05-2016 at 10:16 ----------


The young certainly didn't vote in numbers in the general election.


this isn't the general election though


---------- Post added 22-05-2016 at 10:17 ----------


Did the passionate students say why they were so enthusiastic about such an undemocratic institution?


because its not undemocratic and far more democratic than the alternatives

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The higher end of that, plenty of people who normally don't vote feel they have to this time.


My wife's cousins, nephew and niece all in their twenties, normally no voters, will all go this time. It is also really obvious that there is a generational divide, they will all vote remain, their parents are either undecided or will vote leave.


On the ferry to Lewis yesterday, an elderly couple sittingin front of us were debating it, with the man passionate about leaving, a group of students (that age anyway) couldn't help but get dragged in, all seven were tryingto explain to the gentleman why his argument he voted out for the future was wrong in their eyes. And that in fact they were the future.


I have met a few youngsters wanting to leave at my Uni, without fail they have been of the inherited money type. Staunch Tories through and through and raising the sovereignty debate above all else, but in general they are greatly outnumbered.


I bet it's under 60%. You have to be registered to vote. Many miss the cut off.

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