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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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How can it be in the country's best interests to end being a country?

Plus we will still trade with Europe after leaving.

How do people not understand that?


They must understand. I don't think it's about that. It's just people generally are scared of upsetting the status quo. They are scared house prices will fall. They are scared they will lose their modest job or wages won't go up. They are scared interest rates will rise. They are scared of recession. Fear, fear, fear...and the tories know this.


Fear makes people do irrational things or freeze and nothing.


---------- Post added 23-05-2016 at 22:33 ----------


I don't think that the EU has decimated wages, I think that it's neither here nor there in the big scheme of things. I believe that the wage issue is more down to globalisation, and that is not something that we can just wish away, So all we have to do is prepare ourselves to face the challenges that further globalisation will bring as best we can.


You claim globalisation. But we're not trading optimally with the rest of the world. Globalisation has more than one dimension you know. It's not just stuff happening to us, we could be looking outwards.


---------- Post added 23-05-2016 at 22:35 ----------


Is it really impossible for you to understand that some may believe that it is our country's best interests to remain inside the EU?


I don't hear much positive argument for staying.

Edited by Tomjames
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You claim globalisation. But we're not trading optimally with the rest of the world. Globalisation has more than one dimension you know. It's not just stuff happening to us, we could be looking outwards.


---------- Post added 23-05-2016 at 22:35 ----------



I don't hear much positive argument for staying.


I'd suggest that you're not interested in hearing anything positive about staying in the EU.

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This poll is interesting; overwhelming support for Brexit. The highest rated comments on the BBC HYSs are always Brexit orientated. Same story (surprise surprise) on the Daily Mail website.


However, look at the bookies' odds and what they predict it is clear cut: We will remain.


I think that is indicative of one thing - people in the remain camp by and large have better things to do than argue on forums with Brexiters who's only counter to a pro-EU argument is to call them sheep.

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I don't think anybody has suggested that we will stop trading with Europe in the event of Brexit, or that if we remain in the EU we'll stop being a country. So I don't know where you are going with those suggestions.


Of course trade will continue they need us at least as much as we need them, Imo, they need us more.


Yes this country is ended if we remain, at best we will become a few regions within a united states, without the right to elect a president. We end.

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Of course trade will continue they need us at least as much as we need them, Imo, they need us more.


Yes this country is ended if we remain, at best we will become a few regions within a united states, without the right to elect a president. We end.


So how do we cease being a country?


Will our parliament suddenly dissolve? Will we lose our Supreme Court? Will we lose the Bank of England? Will our armed forces suddenly disappear?


Or are you just talking rubbish? I think you are.

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Of course trade will continue they need us at least as much as we need them, Imo, they need us more.


Yes this country is ended if we remain, at best we will become a few regions within a united states, without the right to elect a president. We end.


Wow....not even Nigel Farage has gone so far as to say we end if we remain. He's been campaigning for years and years and now there is a real actual proper vote to get us out, you think he'd be shouting that from the rooftops! Instead he can't even construct a cohesive plan for a post Brexit Britain and can only accuse Remain of scaremongering. Well, come on Nige, do some scaremongering back if we are THAT doomed! This is the chance you have been waiting for! For example every time trade deals are mentioned Remain bring up Norway, he will say 'we aren't Norway!' and then he sort of fizzles out, mentioning something about a boutique deal. So vague it's unbelievable and infuriating!!


And BJ....well he's just bumbling about being just as vague but in a zany way saying the Remain camp is scaremongering as well, making up numbers and bumbling about some more.


The Brexit campaign is laughable.

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European Convention on Human Rights

European Working Time Directive

European Single Market

European Research Council

Regional Policy of the European Union


Hey ez8004, I will answer your points like a Brexiter before they do;


Human Rights, all they do is protect illegal immigrant pedos from going to prison after I shoot them dead because I thought they were robbing my house even though they were running away. The bloke next door's husband told me that. I didn't even know they could get married!


Working time directive? I'm not a parent so I don't get paternity leave. How is that fair??????


Single market, lol lol lol, I want a Chinese car from Korea but they won't let me buy one! Cos of Merkel. Couldn't win us in a war so she's trying to invade by the transport network.


I don't even know what research is, I've never done any. I bet is tastes disgusting though.


Regional Policy. Omg you are such a sheep. A big believe everything the evil Tories tell you sheep!!

Edited by Shef1985
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