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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I dont think that most people are against immigration of skilled workers.


But i watched that 'How to get a Council House' this week and it just made me so angry.


A Romanian family were refused housing so they went back to Romania and brought their 5 kids back to the UK so we were legally obligated to house them with a new 4 bedroom house.


If we didnt give them that house they would just go back to Romania.


Did anyone else watch it?

Edited by AmourDesign
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The post at 2997 by ommando gives food for thought. Say for argument that the in/out groups numbered 12 and 18 million respectively or vise verse and that within each group 20 per cent could be influenced to change their minds. In one group that would be 2.4 million and in the other 3.6 million.Even taking the 3.6 million from the largest group and adding it to the smallest group it would still leave the largest group as just that, ie most votes when the changes from the smaller group are added.

So the undecided are, depending on the size of the group , possibly a game changer. Without knowing how large the in/out groups are, this will become apparent on 23rd June, there is really no accurate way of predicting the outcome.

The largest official poll I can find numbers a sample of 3000+. The official polls seem to be, the lower the sample the more in favour they are of leaving, you can check these results on the ft website. I have also looked at the regional newspaper polls as stated by ommando and they are correct when they say only 3 Scottish ones , and I found 1 English one, favour remain with the rest favouring Brexit, some with quite large margins.

I know that these are unscientific just like the poll on this thread but they do seem to carry more weight than official polls because they reflect, to a degree, regional concerns.

Saw breakfast bbc this morning and the Greek guy from dragons den was on, cannot remember his name. And he favours Brexit stating the scare stories are rubbish and the U.K. If it exits will flourish but he still thinks that if we vote to leave,the EU will want to renegotiate and offer another deal. It's worth voting out just to see if the EU do back down even though they and Cameron say there will be no second renegotiation.

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I dont think that most people are against immigration of skilled workers.


But i wanted that 'How to get a Council House' this week and it just made me so angry.


A Romanian family were refused housing so they went home and got their 5 kids so we were legally obligated to house them with a new 4 bedroom house.


Did anyone else watch it?


I definitely don't watch these C4/C5 programmes for my sanity :hihi:


The BBC showed a good programme the other day called Last whites of the East end which was quite good.

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Ash I have read your posts over the last month and if I had to bet I would have had you as remain. I cannot believe that I am sat here agreeing with you, seems wrong somehow.

That said I wholeheartedly agree with what you have said in this subject. This tiny island is full, our services are in crisis and the best that Cameron can do is spout financial fear stories for every single group in society. Benefits will be cut, holidays will be more expensive and now he is saying pensions may well be hit. There is not a single section that will not suffer.

Yet his mate has now come out as brexiter and says Cameron would be too if he was not pm, obviously paid off with a future EU Job. Ash keep up the good work.

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I dont think that most people are against immigration of skilled workers.



I am when it causes a brain drain and further suffering in the country they leave. Some countries need doctors far more than we need them so its immoral to entice them here by offering them higher pay.

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I am when it causes a brain drain and further suffering in the country they leave. Some countries need doctors far more than we need them so its immoral to entice them here by offering them higher pay.


Have the governments of India etc ever complained?

I share your concern, but they might find that there are benefits which make it work out for them. Can't think what, but it's worth checking.

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Ash I have read your posts over the last month and if I had to bet I would have had you as remain. I cannot believe that I am sat here agreeing with you, seems wrong somehow.

That said I wholeheartedly agree with what you have said in this subject. <snip>


You'd definitely had lost that bet! :hihi:


<snip>s are in crisis and the best that Cameron can do is spout financial fear stories for every single group in society. Benefits will be cut, holidays will be more expensive and now he is saying pensions may well be hit. There is not a single section that will not suffer.

Yet his mate has now come out as brexiter and says Cameron would be too if he was not pm, obviously paid off with a future EU Job. Ash keep up the good work.


I've heard this 'holidays abroad will be more expensive' a few times.


Well I thought, so what? Perhaps it will encourage more people to holiday at home with a fairer competition! Perhaps some 'resorts' could do with some money thrown into them, but all kids need for a good holiday is the beach and a bucket and spade! Happy as pig in **** they are :D


More jobs here, and Ryan Air boss can sod off (who was on QT saying 'well put prices up if you vote out') - who is he looking out for if not himself?

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You are correct about the remain lobby having nothing positive to say about remaining but the leavers have spoke about mass immigration. Not that they are saying anything I disagree with. I thought it was a brilliant thing joining the EU and I voted for it wholeheartedly in the 70s, but now it's got too big and it doesn't know where to stop and if it goes on our island will be drowned under the weight of open borders causing the breakdown of the NHS and the education system with it.


Cheers spilldig you've helped me in my thinking at least, now leaning to leaving I can remember the euphria in the 70's not what we seemed is it; and yes I forgot they'd spoken abut immigration which does rankle with me.

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I am when it causes a brain drain and further suffering in the country they leave. Some countries need doctors far more than we need them so its immoral to entice them here by offering them higher pay.
Since preventing foreign medical practitioners from coming to the UK "for the good of their own country" would reduce the pool of qualified doctors in the UK and therefore drive doctors' pay up as a straightforward consequence of supply and demand, I look forward to reading about your negotiations to reduce doctor pay levels in the UK without causing a brain drain from the UK itself.


I suggest you take a leaf out of Health Minister Hunt's book :hihi:

You are correct about the remain lobby having nothing positive to say about remaining
I take it that you haven't yet seen the Remain leaflet, which is mostly about the positives?

what I will say is that the ones who want us to stay have said nothing positive about staying, but have said plenty of negatives if we leave. Meanwhile the leavers have not really said anything to grab my attention.
I take it that you haven't yet seen the Remain leaflet, which is mostly about the positives? (;))


Most of the contribution by Remainers in this thread at least, is about debunking the Brexiters' (repeated) untruths and biased or unfounded claims. Unsurprisingly that will come across as negative, since it consists mostly of evidence-based counter-arguments to vapourware wishful thinking.


But it's not the same "negative" as the alarmist rethoric spouted by the Remain campaign in mass media, which is simply a noise-balancing exercise against the alarmist rethoric spouted by the Brexit campaign (where the average voter is concerned, IMHO both sides cancel each other out...hopefully, and I have full faith in the intelligence and common sense of the said average voter).


Look into issues of concern yourself, be critical of and objective about the materials you come across, and come to your own conclusions: regardless of which side that exercise pushes you on, just vote according to your informed beliefs, don't let others do your thinking for you.

Edited by L00b
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There's benefits to remain.

I still have to vote out due to the migration problem. And I think we can do more with trade. Leaving is better for small businesses


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 11:24 ----------


You'd definitely had lost that bet! :hihi:




I've heard this 'holidays abroad will be more expensive' a few times.


Well I thought, so what? Perhaps it will encourage more people to holiday at home with a fairer competition! Perhaps some 'resorts' could do with some money thrown into them, but all kids need for a good holiday is the beach and a bucket and spade! Happy as pig in **** they are :D


More jobs here, and Ryan Air boss can sod off (who was on QT saying 'well put prices up if you vote out') - who is he looking out for if not himself?


The cheap flights and mobile charges is so lame argument. If that's all people care about at the price of sovereignty they should get a life.

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