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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Sense? By going in against every single economic body's assessment of the situation, including the OFS?




How many of these future forecasts do these guys get right?

I'd hazzard it's close to 0%.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 17:01 ----------


How many times over the last 6 years has the chancellor had to revise his figures? these so called expert bodies are ALWAYS wrong.

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How many of these future forecasts do these guys get right?

I'd hazzard it's close to 0%.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 17:01 ----------


How many times over the last 6 years has the chancellor had to revise his figures? these so called expert bodies are ALWAYS wrong.


And they usually have vested interest in saying what they say, these people only care about themselves. According to the polls the rich support staying in the poor support leaving, both are understandable positions because the rich benefit the most from the EU, whilst the poor are made poorer by it.

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A revision to a forecast by .2 % means the forecast of 2.4% was mostly right bar ten percent, pretty accurate I'd say. When making claims about forecasts it helps to understand the methods used. They might not be 100% accurate, but they generally hit the mark when it comes to the direction of the economy.


As for rich and poor, I'd love a source for that Sutty.

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.....the poor support leaving......


Lord Pearson, Paul Sykes, Ian Botham, Sol Campbell, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump, Michael Caine, Stuart Wheeler, Boris Johnson and Zac Goldsmith are all poor?


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 17:38 ----------


As for rich and poor, I'd love a source for that Sutty.


His warped imagination.

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Lord Pearson, Paul Sykes, Ian Botham, Sol Campbell, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump, Michael Caine, Stuart Wheeler, Boris Johnson and Zac Goldsmith are all poor?


No, they look to exploit the poor, you silly!

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From ONS net migration now running at 330000, second highest level ever. ONS predict rise of population of 4 million within next few years. May just have swayed a few more to vote out.

That can't be right, Cameron said 'no ifs or buts, we will get immigration down to tens of thousands'. Oh hang on a bit this is the bloke who does a u- turn every week.

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Since preventing foreign medical practitioners from coming to the UK "for the good of their own country" would reduce the pool of qualified doctors in the UK and therefore drive doctors' pay up as a straightforward consequence of supply and demand, I look forward to reading about your negotiations to reduce doctor pay levels in the UK without causing a brain drain from the UK itself.


I suggest you take a leaf out of Health Minister Hunt's book :hihi:

I take it that you haven't yet seen the Remain leaflet, which is mostly about the positives?

I take it that you haven't yet seen the Remain leaflet, which is mostly about the positives? (;))


Most of the contribution by Remainers in this thread at least, is about debunking the Brexiters' (repeated) untruths and biased or unfounded claims. Unsurprisingly that will come across as negative, since it consists mostly of evidence-based counter-arguments to vapourware wishful thinking.


But it's not the same "negative" as the alarmist rethoric spouted by the Remain campaign in mass media, which is simply a noise-balancing exercise against the alarmist rethoric spouted by the Brexit campaign (where the average voter is concerned, IMHO both sides cancel each other out...hopefully, and I have full faith in the intelligence and common sense of the said average voter).


Look into issues of concern yourself, be critical of and objective about the materials you come across, and come to your own conclusions: regardless of which side that exercise pushes you on, just vote according to your informed beliefs, don't let others do your thinking for you.


From what I can see the remain group will say anything. I don't think anything outweighs the risk of borders we can't control, and the breakdown of schools, or whatever they want to call them this week, and the breakdown of the NHS.

Yes I have received the leaflet and filed it in the appropiate place, where it belongs. Just more empty threats.

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Lord Pearson, Paul Sykes, Ian Botham, Sol Campbell, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump, Michael Caine, Stuart Wheeler, Boris Johnson and Zac Goldsmith are all poor?


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 17:38 ----------



His warped imagination.


I didn't say all, but the polls do show a majority of rich will be voting in and a majority of poor will be voting out.


---------- Post added 26-05-2016 at 18:18 ----------


From what I can see the remain group will say anything. I don't think anything outweighs the risk of borders we can't control, and the breakdown of schools, or whatever they want to call them this week, and the breakdown of the NHS.

Yes I have received the leaflet and filed it in the appropiate place, where it belongs. Just more empty threats.


There's just been a school on the news, over crowded classrooms, 400 kids in a school that was built for 200, kids that can't speak English, but the teacher still thought immigration was a positive thing.

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Lord Bunkett of Derbyshire (they must be giving them out with the cornflakes) has just been on the news saying he didn't expect the increase in immigration when he opened the UK borders to all comers in the EU. Mind you I don't expect the public services under pressure and housing shortages are going to have much effect on him.

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I didn't say all, but the polls do show a majority of rich will be voting in and a majority of poor will be voting out.


The polls also show remain to win. There must be more rich people now than poor. Well done David Cameron!!

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