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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Sutty you are quite correct, the reforms we have are the only ones that are on offer subject to eu parliament approval and not being contested in Europe courts.

Basically remain are saying that if we vote to stay then we can reform it from within. That is of course providing the likes of the eastern countries Don,t band together to block things or any other such grouping looking after vested interests.

I mean come on they won,t even stop moving between Brussels and Strasbourg every few months which costs apparently, quoted by bbc breakfast time this morning, 120 million a year, how stupid is that.

By all mean vote to stay in a reformed eu but I think this is about as reformed as it is going to get.

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Sutty you are quite correct, the reforms we have are the only ones that are on offer subject to eu parliament approval and not being contested in Europe courts.

Basically remain are saying that if we vote to stay then we can reform it from within. That is of course providing the likes of the eastern countries Don,t band together to block things or any other such grouping looking after vested interests.

I mean come on they won,t even stop moving between Brussels and Strasbourg every few months which costs apparently, quoted by bbc breakfast time this morning, 120 million a year, how stupid is that.

By all mean vote to stay in a reformed eu but I think this is about as reformed as it is going to get.


Very, and the worst of it is that the majority don't want to do it but they are unable to change the treaty, if they can't change something a wasteful and bizarre as this there is no hope for them.

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I think it will be hard for Cameron to get EU reform when he couldn't get any rebate on the extra 1.7 billion they demanded because our economy was performing better.






The European Commission confirmed last week that Mr Cameron stumped up for the bill, despite having called it “appalling” last October, and promising UK tax payers that he would not pay the larger bill, which was based on Britain’s economy growing, and taking into account the “black economy” such as drugs and prostitution into Gross National Income growth figures.
Edited by crazybaby
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Desperate stuff.


Everybody accepts it's a lie, except some misguided bods in the Brexit campaign who want to keep that particular dog whistle peeping away.


---------- Post added 28-05-2016 at 07:48 ----------



Can't you do any better than the Express.


Nasty little xenophobic rag.


---------- Post added 28-05-2016 at 07:52 ----------



The 'stay' campaign despite all of Cameron's recent nonsense is making the most solid case.


The leave campaign is a turgid mess. Trading on blatant lies is never going to convince me to come off the fence.


It's one thing a campaigner making the odd slip-up or to tell a white lie in an interview, but to drive around the whole country in a big red (Polish-built) bus for weeks on end with a blatant lie plastered on the side of it is quite something else.


Its calculated a year in arrears. Go read up on it.


You have consistenly argued the remainian case throughout while claiming to be undecided. I don't believe that you ever were undecided tbh but just thought you could sway people to the remainian side by pretending to be neutral.

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I was in Leeds City Centre this afternoon, near to Boots, when a posh, cultured voice asked me if I would like to take a leaflet. Looking round, I noticed a well dressed man offering me a leaflet. So I asked him what it was about. He informed me that it was to do with the European Union. Growing annoyed, I asked if it was for leave or stay? He told me it was to remain. I politely told him "No, I don't want your leaflet. I don't support you, or the rich and powerful interests you represent. I am opposed to big business exploiting the poor, the European Union is an anti-working class organisation, a bosses club. I will be voting to leave'. The man looked at me nervously. Next time he should inform people straight away which camp he is campaigning for.

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I was in Leeds City Centre this afternoon, near to Boots, when a posh, cultured voice asked me if I would like to take a leaflet. Looking round, I noticed a well dressed man offering me a leaflet. So I asked him what it was about. He informed me that it was to do with the European Union. Growing annoyed, I asked if it was for leave or stay? He told me it was to remain. I politely told him "No, I don't want your leaflet. I don't support you, or the rich and powerful interests you represent. I am opposed to big business exploiting the poor, the European Union is an anti-working class organisation, a bosses club. I will be voting to leave'. The man looked at me nervously. Next time he should inform people straight away which camp he is campaigning for.


Doesn't sound like you gave him much chance.


I am currently scruffily dressed and I have a strong Sheffield accent. British collages often have as much difficulty understanding me as EU Nationals we work with. I'm am voting in.


I have never been to a Boots in Leeds.

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Doesn't sound like you gave him much chance.


I am currently scruffily dressed and I have a strong Sheffield accent. British collages often have as much difficulty understanding me as EU Nationals we work with. I'm am voting in.


I have never been to a Boots in Leeds.


What annoyed me was the fact that he had attempted to distribute his disgusting propaganda without mentioning the fact that he supported the remain camp. If he had said something along the lines of 'remain in the EU' then I would have just carried on walking by. Not even sparing him another glance. Instead, he got me to stop. I object to the wealthy using subterfuge in their efforts to exploit the poor and uneducated.

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