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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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For each of the following, the selection for the visit was work/less than 6 months.

You don't need this visa if you're from the USA.
not so clear cut

You don't need it from Canada.

not so clear cut

You don't need it from Australia.

not so clear cut

I gathered this information from your own link, but I already knew because I've been outside the EU on business.
Depends very much where you go, what for and how long - per the above links relevant to the UK itself.


Many (most?) countries still don't have a (US-) ESTA-like waiver programme.

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Sheff bookies surprisingly also,lower the odds when they think they may lose the bet :hihi:


Is there a difference between the EU and IMF, does a Wetherspoon drinker see one. Both organisations are run by unelected people, the EU part finance the IMF. The head of the IM F is under investigation, she is French, France has a vested interest to keep us in the EU, has she been nobbled to come out in the side of remain. Is it facts they dish out or propaganda, are wether spoons right to question the involvement of the IMF.


Loob having read your post at 3436 it tends to validate car boots post at 3431, the higher up the economic ladder you are, obviously with your company and your wife's very important sounding job you are wealthy, the more you are insulated from the affects of migration.


Green Judy, you not being British is where you are at a disadvantage. This is more than pounds and pence, it's the lack of accountability from the eu, it's the erosion of British values, of our democracy, of what makes us British. That is what we are trying to preserve. Whilst you are right about home grown white alcoholics and druggies getting benefits I fully agree they should not. But that said somewhere along the line these people or their families have paid into and probably still paying into the system to support these people. My father w,as made redundant at 63 and was mortified for claiming benefits but he had 5 children who were all married, who had between them 5 children of working age. So between us there were 15 people working and paying taxes to support my dads benefits. What people object to is that immigrants can just come here and immediately access things they, their families or ancestors have never paid in to. I know the argument is we can do it in reverse but surprisingly none of the members from those 5 families have any intention of moving to Poland or such like and living off whatever benefits they could get, so that is a bit of a moot point for my family and probably 95 per cent of British families.


Tusk has now in a speech admitted that the utopia envisaged by Eurocrats is at odds with what ordinary People within Th eu want. Paris is to set up its first camp for migrants, times are changing in the EU, is it a project that can be saved, is it a project that justifies being saved, only time will tell.

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It is not often that you make a complete fool of yourself Sutty, I wonder if you are alright.



And yet it is you unable to counter the argument, when ever you are proven wrong you resort to this crap, bottom line it you are wrong and you know you are wrong, your only retort is to dismiss that which shows you to be wrong.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 12:52 ----------



Try checking your facts before you start insulting people.


He insults people because he knows the facts and knows he is wrong, but he can't convince people to vote stay with facts so has to post untruths and insult people when they show him to be wrong.

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For each of the following, the selection for the visit was work/less than 6 months.

not so clear cut


not so clear cut


not so clear cut

Depends very much where you go, what for and how long - per the above links relevant to the UK itself.


Many (most?) countries still don't have a (US-) ESTA-like waiver programme.


It really is. Read further. There are a lot of conferences in my line of work and people come in from all over the world. Our US and Canadian collaborators come over routinely, sometimes for weeks. If they want to come for months, yes there's paperwork, but it rarely causes any difficulty. But who plans to go abroad for months without a little advance planning?

Even if you do need a visa for what you're doing, if you're from a friendly country you can apply after you arrive.


The restrictions are for people taking up jobs and residence in the UK. Not for any kind of short visit.

Now if you're from somewhere less friendly, there's more paperwork.


It is not remotely plausible to suggest that there will any meaningful difficulty for the people of western europe to visit the UK or vice-versa outside an unlimited free movement arrangement. If it were we would have these issues right now with the US, Canada and Australia and we don't.

Edited by unbeliever
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Is there a difference between the EU and IMF, does a Wetherspoon drinker see one. Both organisations are run by unelected people, the EU part finance the IMF. The head of the IM F is under investigation, she is French, France has a vested interest to keep us in the EU, has she been nobbled to come out in the side of remain. Is it facts they dish out or propaganda, are wether spoons right to question the involvement of the IMF.


Nobbled? She has been asked to express an opinion. If she was pro-Brexit its hard to imagine this being an issue. I think it is quite important that Wetherspoons drinkers know the difference. So they can see those beermats for what they are, just beermats to avoid water marks. Nothing more.


The people demand facts. Its facts we need they scream on Question Time. Its facts!!!


When organisations such as the IMF provide some forecasts they are shot down. These are not the facts we want because they do not corroborate our opinion the people scream. We want better facts from other people, you are lying, you have been nobbled, you only care about the rich. I asked you for information and all you did was not agree with me. How dare you!!


All these economists were wrong about the euro the people scream, why should we believe them now they huff?


Instead of listening to you I am going to listen to Tim Martin (who sounds like Alex Higgins, and everyone likes Alex Higgins!!) He expresses the same opinion as me so he is the only person that is right!!


IMF, POTUS, heads of MI5, MI6 etc etc ad infinitum pffttttt who cares what they think! They don't understand what I mean by facts!

Edited by Shef1985
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Green Judy, you not being British is where you are at a disadvantage. This is more than pounds and pence, it's the lack of accountability from the eu, it's the erosion of British values, of our democracy, of what makes us British. That is what we are trying to preserve. Whilst you are right about home grown white alcoholics and druggies getting benefits I fully agree they should not. But that said somewhere along the line these people or their families have paid into and probably still paying into the system to support these people. My father w,as made redundant at 63 and was mortified for claiming benefits but he had 5 children who were all married, who had between them 5 children of working age. So between us there were 15 people working and paying taxes to support my dads benefits. What people object to is that immigrants can just come here and immediately access things they, their families or ancestors have never paid in to. I know the argument is we can do it in reverse but surprisingly none of the members from those 5 families have any intention of moving to Poland or such like and living off whatever benefits they could get, so that is a bit of a moot point for my family and probably 95 per cent of British families.



Well, there are generations of White British families who never paid into anything. Just saying..


Of course its not ok that someone comes here and immediately wants to access all benefits. That's why the 4 year break will be a good deterrent. But again, it's the govs responsibility to execute these laws consistently. Leaving the EU won't change anything (not even the amount of immigrants) if the gov decides to keep throwing money at people.

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BBC 1 0' clock news:


'Out' want controlled, points based immigration, 'In' say it will wreck the economy.


Why will it? Why can't we start proper training of our own people to do real worthwhile jobs like nursing, instead of importing nurses from other people's countries?


Uncontrolled immigration simply can't go on.

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And of course she can be relied on to give facts, from an organisation part funded by the eu, headed by a French national who is under investigation, of course I would take notice of a potential criminals point of view from an organisation who has a vested interest in the uk remaining in the eu.


You see the problem is when Cameron said a Brexit would start world war 3 he lost all credibility for offering up information from other sources which may well be true and/ or accurate. He shot himself in the foot, every time he wheels out some organisation or person offering doom/advice I automatically think they are lying.

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