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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Paris based OECD ( surprise surprise ) predict we will lose thousands per household by 2030 if we Brexit but on the bright side they also say the eu economy will be one per cent smaller because of Brexit. So every cloud has a silver lining.

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I think most people don't realise how well off they are. Most people who want out have this idea that not being able to have Sky subscription means that they live in poverty.


On the other hand, I think sovereignty (which usually is the other reason they state) is completely overrated.. But I was brought up in a country where people were scared to hold up their countries flag up until the 2016 World Cup.


Yes, we are extremely lucky.:)


I want OUT for sovereignty, democracy & perhaps border controls. On the last part experts say a 10-15% reduction so is not exactly what I'd hoped to hear.


I'm now not too sure regarding the trade aspects. I see pro's and cons either way.


I'm not too sure on worker protections, as the EU does help. It depends on what governments in power.


I think the UK will basically be OK, either way, like you say we are going to remain in the top percentile for global living standards whatever happens.


Either way we are heading for housing pressures and a failing NHS as the government is so crap.


so I'm voting OUT but I won't lose much sleep if we remain (most likely).

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If you're settled in the UK, have you considered applying for citizenship before the matter comes to a head. https://www.gov.uk/becoming-a-british-citizen/check-if-you-can-apply.
Out of the question for another 7 years at least.

An opinion based on your own prejudices, you don't want rational debate, you want people to agree with you and when they don't you call them xenophobic.
LOL, where did I claim that all Brexiters, UKIPers, hard right-ists et al are xenophobes?


It's not the first time you've been called out about understanding what you want to understand from posts, rather than what is plainly written, is it?

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Unbeliever you may wel, be right in what you say but that is not how I see it. I see the eu as run by unelected bureaucrats that are power hungry, are never brought to account and quite happily carry on their merry way even though it is obvious to a blind man that there is unrest within Eutopia.


I'm voting out for that too. I hate the EU institution. If we stay in we must push and lobby for reform ASAP.

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If we stay in they will just tell us to get stuffed, bend us over and ask how far we want it pushed up before we give in to them. This is literally a once in a generation chance to save some semblance of this once great country for our descendants

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If we stay in they will just tell us to get stuffed, bend us over and ask how far we want it pushed up before we give in to them. This is literally a once in a generation chance to save some semblance of this once great country for our descendants


be prepared for failure on that score. The leave campaign has been a right old shambles thus far.

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Tom trade will continue, we had workers rights before the eu and they will still be there after, should labour sort themselves out sharpish they could even win the next election and give more.

If point system is fetched in them migration will be cut.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 16:43 ----------


Why is it that everybody seems to imply that we are a second rate nation unable to stand on our own two feet without holding the hand of the eu, if we Brexit then we will disappear under the sea like a northern Atlantis, then in the next breath that we are that important that we will cause world war 3 , financial disruption for generations and untold misery on mankind that exceeds everything in the Bible. On top of that dinosaurs will re appear just as the four horsemen come in to herald the end of life as we know it. I just don,t get it.

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I haven't accused any Brexiters of being involved in the photocopy industry.


That doesn't change the fact that your opinion was based on your own prejudices.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 16:51 ----------


Out of the question for another 7 years at least.

LOL, where did I claim that all Brexiters, UKIPers, hard right-ists et al are xenophobes?


It's not the first time you've been called out about understanding what you want to understand from posts, rather than what is plainly written, is it?


Where did I claim that you said all, it's not the first time you've been called out about understanding what you want to understand from posts, rather than what is plainly written, is it?

Edited by sutty27
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Out of the question for another 7 years at least.


Are you sure? You've been a member of this forum for almost 8 years. Perhaps you're reading the guidance for non-EEA nationals. Anyway I leave it with you.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 16:59 ----------


It's starting to look close. Last 2 big polls put leave in the lead.

May well come down to turnout bias.


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