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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I think the referendum is about whether we want to be an independent country with a democratically elected government, that we can get rid of every few years or a province of the decidedly undemocratic USE, where we have no say in who's running the show.


No, the referendum is about whether we want to leave the eu or remain in it. Any other subtext is purely your own.


---------- Post added 01-06-2016 at 23:37 ----------


I all so believe that if we vote to come out of the eu, the uk will in some way be affiliated and allowed to trade favourably with it, there is no getting away from it, the uk is a big trading country with the eu, that includes buying and selling.


It won't be the end of days Cameron is talking about but there would a big economic shock for a while. There can't not be. We'd probably recover, how long - who knows?

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I think the referendum is about whether we want to be an independent country with a democratically elected government, that we can get rid of every few years or a province of the decidedly undemocratic USE, where we have no say in who's running the show.


Possibly...but I also trust a coalition of European Governments to make decent policy rather than our, first past the post politicians who NEVER govern for the public good but are just there for the money.


Cynical, yes. But in Europe PR is more prevalent, there is a wider range of people in power. In Britain our politicians have proved to be, if not incompetent, then corrupt.


I don't want to be ruled from Westminster. I don't trust them. Labour, Lib Dem or Tory.

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in the past and now to a certain extent, the eu has put money into the poorer area's of the uk including Yorkshire. But now with the influx of the what might be termed third world country's, not to mention turkey, we will get next to nothing in return for our £13bn.

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in the past and now to a certain extent, the eu has put money into the poorer area's of the uk including Yorkshire. But now with the influx of the what might be termed third world country's, not to mention turkey, we will get next to nothing in return for our £13bn.


No one in their right mind will let Turkey in the EU...

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I voted today.


I was always going to vote in, but this load of garbage from the Brexit camp really was the last straw.


Nasty poisonous little Englanders who just want to screw the world and the environment up for everyone.


Vote leave has been a shambles...I'm voting out but wish vote leave had put a better case together as the evening standard debates were actually rather good & presented a coherent case.

As soon as Boris git his grubby mits on the blunder bus wheel it came apart at the seams.

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I find it utterly bizarre that some people cannot grasp that other people might just think that staying in the EU is in our country's best interests.


I also agree with you.

Some people will vote in or out because they believe it to be in their own best interest.


Others will vote in or out because they believe it to be in the best interest of the country.


Others will vote in or out because they believe it to be in the best interest of future generations even though its not in their best interest.


Some will vote out not because they believe it will be better out but because they are fedup with the EU as it is now.


Others will vote in because they don't know which way will be best so just stick with the status quo.


Some will simply vote the way they are told to vote.


Probably many more reasons why people end up voting the way they vote.


---------- Post added 02-06-2016 at 06:53 ----------


We live in a world that is only going to become more globalised, like it or not, so I believe that being at the heart of the worlds biggest economy allows us to face the challenges that further globalisation will bring.


Being at the heart of a dying corpse isn't the best place to be.


The referendum isn't about looking backwards and turning the clock back to what we used to be, it's about looking forwards and equipping us for the future.


I agree, that's why many people will be voting out, empires fall whilst the countries remain and the EU is yet another attempt to build an empire with the ruling class lauding it over us. We've been their before and the paupers always revolt, we are being given the opportunity to do it peacefully and democratically.

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"Labour voters are not being energised by the Referendum debate."


You bet they're not.

Watching and listening to the nasty party bitch about who's telling the biggest porkies, and its all about money and immigration and Rule Brittannia.


All this selfish, me-me-me, little englander stuff is a big turn-off.


Why would a pragmatic political perty interfere when their opponents are ripping into each other.

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Why would a pragmatic political perty interfere when their opponents are ripping into each other.


The point some people in the Remain camp are making is that Labour isn't getting its message over. Labour voters don't know how Labour would like them to vote and therefore may abstain or vote to get out. The campaign has descended into an internal Tory battle but Labour, especially Corbyn, should be doing a lot more to get heard above Cameron, Johnson, Gove, et al, so that Labour voters will vote to remain in.

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The point some people in the Remain camp are making is that Labour isn't getting its message over. Labour voters don't know how Labour would like them to vote and therefore may abstain or vote to get out. The campaign has descended into an internal Tory battle but Labour, especially Corbyn, should be doing a lot more to get heard above Cameron, Johnson, Gove, et al, so that Labour voters will vote to remain in.


A large part of me thought; whilst listening to the Labour MP who said a constituent had asked what Labour's position was, so he could know which way to vote, that this small fact represents everything that is broken about UK politics. Not only is this not a party political campaign, but I question whether anyone relying on being told which way to vote by someone else should be entitled to waste their privilege in such a way.

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