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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Mobile you have just answered my point. Why do we have to import eu scum when we already have our own home grown such apparently in Nottingham, though long time since I went to Nottingham so will take your word for it.

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Mobile you have just answered my point. Why do we have to import eu scum when we already have our own home grown such apparently in Nottingham, though long time since I went to Nottingham so will take your word for it.


By 'scum' are you referring to some of the most persecuted and displaced people in Europe that no government has ever properly tried to address?


Unless you count genocide, forced sterilisation, declaring them a threat to national security and forced repatriation addressing it?


Page Hall is not the fault of the EU. I don't live far from there by the way! It's the fault of our own Governments. Only now is the EU (yes, the EU, not governments) trying to end discrimination of the Roma. If they succeed it's possible there will be no more Page Halls. Think about it.

Edited by Shef1985
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Shef I can only comment on what I see. I do not like being harassed at the cash machine when I get a parking ticket at the northern general by 3 fat Roma's who abuse me when I say no ( they left it at that because I am a big lad ) then go on to verbally abuse a chap in his 70s who would not give him money, so yes will admit in here that I decked one of them, if it's on cctv then SYP here I am.

As far as this thread I voted UKIP because they offered me a vote on eu membership and me and the other 4 million voters pressured the tories into giving us this vote via their manifesto. After the election they should disappear if we go out or evolve/ change if we stay in.

I used to vote labour when the word meant something in that the MPs were ex miners/steelworkers/shipbuilders etc and knew what the working man cared and worried about. Now they are as bad as the tories, go to uni then into politics with no idea of how to work for a living. Blair is and was a Tory using labour for his own gains.

Come then next general election will see what the parties offer, if UKIP are about will look at them just like labour but that is years hence.

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That's a matter of opinion based on predictions.
At the very least, it's well-informed opinion: the Brexit side have accepted that a Brexit would have adverse economic consequences, even if only short-term (for the avoidance of doubt: measured in years, not weeks or months), and for whichever economic contraction you care to look at, and wherever you care to look at, the bottom rung of the professional ladder is always that which suffers first and most.


If the thinking Brexit side has a plan to deal with it, let's hear it :)


If the thinking Brexit side just considers it as collateral damage, well...they're hardline Tories, so what do you expect :twisted:


Hey, in any case, none of it will be on my conscience, since I'm firmly Remain and I'll have tried as best I could, in my own small way both on here and elsewhere in business/professional circles and debates.


And it won't be on my tax €, either ;)

Edited by L00b
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Shef I can only comment on what I see. I do not like being harassed at the cash machine when I get a parking ticket at the northern general by 3 fat Roma's who abuse me when I say no.


I don't like being harassed by anyone, fat or thin black or white. You being pestered in a hospital car park is not the fault of the EU unless you remove every single other causal influence in between. By all means vote out and your chances of being mugged by a Roma might diminish but your chances of being mugged will not shrink to zero. And you'd be the mug for voting out, cutting your nose off to spite your face.

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Susanna Reid was interviewing Tim Farron this morning, he said the £350 million was a lie, she pointed out to him several times that it was the gross figure, and each time she asked him if he agreed that it was the gross figure he came back with no its a lie, the net figure is a third of that, she would then say "but what's the gross figure" and again he replies the net figure is a third of that. She asked him several times what the gross figure was but all he would give was the net figure.


Now he is either very stupid and doesn't know the difference between net and gross, or he wouldn't answer because in doing so he would have to admit that the £350 million isn't a lie and it was in fact him that was lying.


It is this kind of question dodging that annoys most of the electorate.

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Never been harassed before, had beggars hold their hand out as I passed, that's about it. But these 3 were just plain intimidating, surrounded me and made aggressive begging seem like a walk in the park. Now I have at times a short fuse so it worked in my favour. They crossed the road to the other car park and did exactly the same to some old guy. Now he was either there for treatment or to visit some one ill that may have been his wife etc.

They were disgusting with him calling him a effing c@@@, my blood was up so I went straight over and snotted the biggest.

There may well be some nice Roma somewhere but I have not met one so I vote on what I see.

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Never been harassed before, had beggars hold their hand out as I passed, that's about it. But these 3 were just plain intimidating, surrounded me and made aggressive begging seem like a walk in the park. Now I have at times a short fuse so it worked in my favour. They crossed the road to the other car park and did exactly the same to some old guy. Now he was either there for treatment or to visit some one ill that may have been his wife etc.

They were disgusting with him calling him a effing c@@@, my blood was up so I went straight over and snotted the biggest.

There may well be some nice Roma somewhere but I have not met one so I vote on what I see.


Then talk to the council, talk to hospital security, talk to the police - they can and frankly should do something. Bear in mind IF we leave and a lot of EU nationals leave us a s result theres no guarantee we wont be bringing in other ne'erdo wells from lord knows where to do low paid work during the day and supplement their income by aggressive begging at night.

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Tinfoil are you serious. Police don,t even come out for a real crime let alone begging. Council ambassadors only operate in the city centre, the only enforcement employees that venture out are traffic wardens. Did speak with hospital security and his reply was " yeah it appens all time ", so He was a great help.

If we stop paying benefits to peple that just come here to sponge from wherever in the world then they will not come and occupy their free time by supplementing benefits by begging.

That's why I am voting out, the nice eu migrants I may come across in hospital or such places but have not been ill,touch wood, for decades, so not met one. When visiting relative in hospital came across not nice eu immigrants, so bad as it seems decision made on that meeting.

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