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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Tinfoil are you serious. Police don,t even come out for a real crime let alone begging. Council ambassadors only operate in the city centre, the only enforcement employees that venture out are traffic wardens. Did speak with hospital security and his reply was " yeah it appens all time ", so He was a great help.

If we stop paying benefits to peple that just come here to sponge from wherever in the world then they will not come and occupy their free time by supplementing benefits by begging.

That's why I am voting out, the nice eu migrants I may come across in hospital or such places but have not been ill,touch wood, for decades, so not met one. When visiting relative in hospital came across not nice eu immigrants, so bad as it seems decision made on that meeting.


You said you were voting out because of sovereignty before? But it's actually Roma beggars (that could be sorted out if our council wasn't so inept) that has swung it for you???? That's a great shame.

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If we have sovereignty then we have control of our own borders so can hopefully stop these people coming in. The referendum is being fought on two issues, the economy and immigration.

I think as the 5th largest economy we will be ok but we can only control immigration by coming out of the eu and taking control of our borders,not being ordered by the Eu to let more and more in. Yes will openly admit the only eu migrants I have come across are the Roma as mentioned plus seeing them as I drive past so they have influenced my decision and made me more adamant.

Ever since I became politically aware I have resented the eu and that resentment has increased as the eu has eroded our national ability to self determination.

I did a quiz on one of the newspaper websites the other day and the result was that I was a nationalist and did not consider myself a European, seemed an accurate result to me.

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If we have sovereignty then we have control of our own borders so can hopefully stop these people coming in. The referendum is being fought on two issues, the economy and immigration.

I think as the 5th largest economy we will be ok but we can only control immigration by coming out of the eu and taking control of our borders,not being ordered by the Eu to let more and more in. Yes will openly admit the only eu migrants I have come across are the Roma as mentioned plus seeing them as I drive past so they have influenced my decision and made me more adamant.

Ever since I became politically aware I have resented the eu and that resentment has increased as the eu has eroded our national ability to self determination.

I did a quiz on one of the newspaper websites the other day and the result was that I was a nationalist and did not consider myself a European, seemed an accurate result to me.


Thankfully the UK is not one massive Northern General Car Park so others will vote as they see fit for better reasons than beggars.


Have you got a link to the quiz?

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If we have sovereignty then we have control of our own borders so can hopefully stop these people coming in. The referendum is being fought on two issues, the economy and immigration.

I think as the 5th largest economy we will be ok but we can only control immigration by coming out of the eu and taking control of our borders,not being ordered by the Eu to let more and more in. Yes will openly admit the only eu migrants I have come across are the Roma as mentioned plus seeing them as I drive past so they have influenced my decision and made me more adamant.

Ever since I became politically aware I have resented the eu and that resentment has increased as the eu has eroded our national ability to self determination.

I did a quiz on one of the newspaper websites the other day and the result was that I was a nationalist and did not consider myself a European, seemed an accurate result to me.


A couple points you could clarify if that's OK. What if we leave the EU and we have to keep the free movement of people to get trade deals (as many expect we'd have to do). What then? You could still end up mugged by a roma or some other foreigner, or someone else who has lost their job because the economy has tanked?


What have you seen from our elected officials over the last 40 years to suggest they wont keep screwing us over, they have a clue about the average joe, and they will climb out of the pocket of big business? Have I missed something? We have got, and had for a while a political elite full of ex-bankers and professional politicians who fail this country year on year. Why do think that leaving the EU will get them to up their game or do think they really want to but have been hamstrung by the EU?


BTW, if you want to vote leave because of the roma issue, go for it -its as good a reason as any but be aware leaving might not solve it.

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Not the brightest with computers so do not how to do the link thing,, thought it was on telegraph site but could not swear to it.

Tinfoil people keep going on about free movement and I keep asking the same question, if we give free movement do we have to give them benefits,if not then they will not come.

I have already said few posts back, UKIP are best of crap bunch, tories are tories, labour are champagne socialists led by a hypocrite that I would,nt waste ink voting for. Liberals are busted for a few years at least. So come the next election will see what each party are saying

If we are out of the eu at least I am getting screwed by people that were elected in this country not by unelected eurocrats.

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Not the brightest with computers so do not how to do the link thing,, thought it was on telegraph site but could not swear to it.

Tinfoil people keep going on about free movement and I keep asking the same question, if we give free movement do we have to give them benefits,if not then they will not come.

I have already said few posts back, UKIP are best of crap bunch, tories are tories, labour are champagne socialists led by a hypocrite that I would,nt waste ink voting for. Liberals are busted for a few years at least. So come the next election will see what each party are saying

If we are out of the eu at least I am getting screwed by people that were elected in this country not by unelected eurocrats.


Ok no worries. I found something that might be similar on Sky. Apparently I'm cosmopolitan. Yes, I am a lady's cocktail :(

Edited by Shef1985
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Now he is either very stupid and doesn't know the difference between net and gross, or he wouldn't answer because in doing so he would have to admit that the £350 million isn't a lie and it was in fact him that was lying.
I'm not seeing any lying here, just a fair reciprocation of the Leave's underhand dogwhistle politics by the Remain side.


Karma's a bitch, innit? :twisted::hihi:

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I'm not seeing any lying here, just a fair reciprocation of the Leave's underhand dogwhistle politics by the Remain side.


Karma's a bitch, innit? :twisted::hihi:




Q: Is £350m/week the correct gross figure?

A: No.....


That's a lie isn't it. You can't answer that question "no" truthfully.

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