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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Watched the video,that's 3 minutes of my life I will not get back. Done the quiz I never said I was perfect, everybody has bias and bigotry, even you mobile.

I get your point about the British benefit scum, there are plenty of jobs out there and nobody should get benefits unless they are disabled in some way or there is no job for them to do. Somewhere along the line they or their family or even ancestors will have paid into the system, the European immigrants just come here and take straight away with NOBODY having ever paid into the system. It would soon stop if we could claim it back from their home govts like we are suppose to with healthcare.

Where is it written that I, my wife and my 3 sons, none of which are entitled to housing or any type of benefit, that all work and pay taxes owe a living to the scum of Europe when we have enough people in this country going without.

Yes I know blame govt cuts/austerity but if the eu migrants were,nt here taking from the system there would be more to go round and less cuts/austerity.

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Read the edited version.


They don't need the West as markets to the extent that they did 10 or even 5 years ago.


Their national economy is now sufficiently developed for self-sustained growth.


Since you were concerned about British working poors yesterday, I would suggest -respectfully- that you take a passing look at social inequality in China, then put it in the context of their population numbers. Your GDP per head statistic might then be appreciated with a bit more circumspection, when contrasted by the respective population numbers of the UK, the Us and the €zone :|

Never would.


I just know that they're now getting ahead of the Western technological advancement curve. I would even if only anecdotally, since technological advancement is my daily bread, and I've seen how Chinese patent application filing stats have evolved over the past few years.

They're a benevolent dictatorship firing on all capitalist cylinders.


They've gone through the exact same socio-economic stages that the US did in the 30s/40s and that Japan did in the 70s/80s, in a matter of years.


The 1st world sleepwalked into it all for short-term profits. As usual.


None of that means that we can't grow too.

Progress is progress.

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Watched the video,that's 3 minutes of my life I will not get back. Done the quiz I never said I was perfect, everybody has bias and bigotry, even you mobile.

I get your point about the British benefit scum, there are plenty of jobs out there and nobody should get benefits unless they are disabled in some way or there is no job for them to do. Somewhere along the line they or their family or even ancestors will have paid into the system, the European immigrants just come here and take straight away with NOBODY having ever paid into the system. It would soon stop if we could claim it back from their home govts like we are suppose to with healthcare.

Where is it written that I, my wife and my 3 sons, none of which are entitled to housing or any type of benefit, that all work and pay taxes owe a living to the scum of Europe when we have enough people in this country going without.

Yes I know blame govt cuts/austerity but if the eu migrants were,nt here taking from the system there would be more to go round and less cuts/austerity.


If Migrants took out of the system more than they put in, I would agree with you. But just 2.2% of EU migrants claim any sort of welfare benefit, significantly lower than British Citizens.


When in-work benefits are taken into account then it increases to around 10% - which is inline with British citizens. The Government tried to do away with many in-work benefits recently, particularly working tax credits, but had to U-turn.


I was at meeting the other day of 68 HR professionals (including some payroll professionals) which had a ballot (a bit for fun) as to remain to leave. It was 68-0 for remain.

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I was at meeting the other day of 68 HR professionals (including some payroll professionals) which had a ballot (a bit for fun) as to remain to leave. It was 68-0 for remain.


Thats an even bigger reason to vote leave!

Let me guess, public sector? They have to have hand in honey jar somehow. :hihi:

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None of that means that we can't grow too.

Progress is progress.

How's the waving hand? Not too tired I hope? ;)


You may be a scientist, and know that I have the utmost affection and respect for STEM grads (I work with and train STEM PhDs every day, and interact with STEM types as researchers/inventors every day...in or out of the EU, STEM grads are what the UK needs most direly, and there's way not enough of them)...but you don't seem to have much of an economical or geopolitical insight, I'm sorry to say.


Hey-ho, carry on :|

Edited by L00b
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Now as I said I am a nationalist eurosceptic but when Dave went to do his negotiation I was open to,persuasion but he got bugger all as far as I am concerned. Now mama merkel could have won me over with just two points

1. No benefits for 4 years.

2. No entry without a job.


But she thought we were taking the ***** and that we would never leave so she offered squat. Now Europe us panicking because the result is going to be close, I still think and hope we will leave, so they are bringing out all the doom and gloom stories.


Oh Panz, you are prone to a bit of loopy logic aren't you? You refer to 'mama merkel' as being the head of Europe. She is a democratically elected chancellor of one country in the EU. She will not be in power indefinitely.


For you, the heads of Europe are Merkel when it suits one argument and Juncker when it suits the other.


I think you are managing to scaremonger yourself buddy :)

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Shef junker is the unelected head of the eu but we all know the power behind the throne is Germany whos current head is merkel. Like I said could have swayed me with two easy points if she had wanted, well now I think she is about to reap the whirlwind.

Mobile got to admit never had much time for " hr managers", they tend to be people in offices with clean hands on far more money than they deserve. We have already established that businesses want cheap imported labour so them voting 68 to 0 does not bother me in the slightest ,now if the shop floor workers had voted that I may have been bothered.

Although benefits are a part of my problem it's not all of it,it's also the strain on the nhs,local gps,housing etc. Yeah I know govts fault due to cuts and austerity etc

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Shef junker is the unelected head of the eu but we all know the power behind the throne is Germany whos current head is merkel.



Firstly, Juncker was elected. Yes David Cameron didn't want him, nor did Hungary, but he was elected. You are ex-Labour right? Did you have any vote on Cameron becoming leader of the Tories?


Secondly, Germany. Does the UK have fewer votes on EU matters than Germany? Take a look:



Edited by Shef1985
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got to admit never had much time for " hr managers", they tend to be people in offices with clean hands on far more money than they deserve.


:) Love it. I'll remember that next time I am up until midnight putting a case together to defend one of your shop workers.

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