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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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We have to vote in unfortunately.

Non of the points / facts from the leave side in the recent debates stood up to scrutiny.


We won't have £350 million extra per week to spend on the NHS and Boris wouldnt spend it on the NHS even if true. (we wont even have £0)


We will lose jobs, business such as hitatch & glaxosmithkline has said, foreign investment dictates we will lose investment.


Many economists are saying recession if brexit. That would be disaster for the UK.


Voting out won't control migration. What we should be doing is focusing on building more houses.


France & Germany will punish us if we leave. We will be back of the queue in trade deals. The period of transition could well ruin the economy.


Although I am not totally convinced we are 100% shielded from future bail outs, I am fairly sure we can cope. And we are out of the euro zone thankfully.


I'm confident the tories will shred workers rights post-brexit. Boris has already made a statement to this effect.



Believe me I looked at all sides and I want to leave in an ideal world as I recognize the EU is broken but it's not feasible.

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Basically in a nutshell:

1. The EU parliament is a toothless rubber-stamping exercise for laws made by the commission

2. The troika is so powerful it can override sovereign decisions made by small nations trapped in eurozone

3. If looking after workers rights is so important (we are told it is) then why do so many EU countries have high levels of both adult and youth unemployment

4. EU laws make it difficult for countries to support their national strategic industries, mandating privatisation

5. EU law and policy heavily favours the interests of big business, while making conditions tough for smaller businesses and mandating austerity.


I sympathise with a lot of it to be honest.


I'm sure they have all already been mentioned on here and by the out champaign, we have talked a lot about, 1, 3, 4, and 5.


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 07:29 ----------


We have to vote in unfortunately. I was adamant on leaving however Non of the points / facts from the leave side in the recent debates stood up to scrutiny. Many were outright lies.


We won't have £350 million extra per week to spend on the NHS and Boris wouldnt spend it on the NHS even if true. (we wont even have £0)


No one said there would be £350 million extra per week to spend on the NHS and its only an opinion that we won't anything to spend on it.


We will lose jobs, business such as hitatch & glaxosmithkline has said, foreign investment reliant on access to a single market dictates we will lose investment.

Again not facts just opinion.


Many economists are saying recession if brexit. That would be disaster for the UK. More expensive housing. More expensive products.


The same economists that failed to predict the last recession which wasn't a disaster and according to those economist this one won't be as bad or as long, assuming it even happens.



Voting out won't control migration. What we should be doing is focusing on building more houses.


Voting out will give the government to power to control immigration, where would you like all these new houses to be built, on farm land, floodplains, woodland areas, moorland.



France & Germany will punish us if we leave. We will be back of the queue in trade deals. The period of transition could well ruin the economy.

Another opinion which is very unlikely because they stand to lose more than us.


I'm confident the tories will shred workers rights post-brexit. Boris has already made a statement to this effect. This will be a huge step backwards for women too.


I am confidant that if they did they would lose the next election and Labour would give them back to you, that's why they won't shred workers rights.



If we are going to reform the EU, we need a seat at the table, not looking in from the outside.
We had a seat at the table and Cameron proved it can't be reformed even when we threaten to leave, once we have said we want to stay we have even less power to get reforms.


On the same score we will be having legislation passed down to us, but we will not have a vote, should we brexit.


The EU won't have the power to force any new legislation onto us after we leave.


Believe me I looked at all sides and I want to leave in an ideal world as I recognize the EU is broken but it's not feasible.


You are basing your opinion to stay on some wrong conclusions, but that is your choice, no one should believe anyone else because no one knows what will happen if we stay or leave.

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The same economists that failed to predict the last recession which wasn't a disaster and according to those economist this one won't be as bad or as long, assuming it even happens.


I have heard this many times but actually many economists did - there were dire warnings at the time that the banks were lending too much and above their equity levels but this were printed in the back pages of the papers and not really taken much heed to because we were having it good.


BUT, lets just assume that what you say is correct for a moment. These people are professionals. So, if I was a professional footballer (those who know me will know this is stretching it a bit but eh) who normally scores more times than Scotty T in Magaluff, but then in the Cup Final I miss a penalty. By your argument you are saying that just because I missed the last penalty it means that in the next Cup Final I am going to miss that one as well? Yes there's a chance that I would miss it but invariably I score more than I miss. Would you put your money on score or miss?

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There are risks in leaving, but I believe its more risky staying in.

Turkey in the EU is a very worrying thought.

Recent polls are showing a rise in Leave ! Mainly due to peoples concerns over immigration.


Other countries are suffering much more than the UK with immigration, we are getting the able ones that are determined.

I think there are too many, for housing, health care and jobs; but non of the outers, Gove n Boris are not giving us any promises on the total immigration numbers.

They could just repeat Camerons below 100,000, but that would be too easy.

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I have heard this many times but actually many economists did - there were dire warnings at the time that the banks were lending too much and above their equity levels but this were printed in the back pages of the papers and not really taken much heed to because we were having it good.


BUT, lets just assume that what you say is correct for a moment. These people are professionals. So, if I was a professional footballer (those who know me will know this is stretching it a bit but eh) who normally scores more times than Scotty T in Magaluff, but then in the Cup Final I miss a penalty. By your argument you are saying that just because I missed the last penalty it means that in the next Cup Final I am going to miss that one as well? Yes there's a chance that I would miss it but invariably I score more than I miss. Would you put your money on score or miss?


Which economists?


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 08:51 ----------


Other countries are suffering much more than the UK with immigration, we are getting the able ones that are determined.

I think there are too many, for housing, health care and jobs; but non of the outers, Gove n Boris are not giving us any promises on the total immigration numbers.

They could just repeat Camerons below 100,000, but that would be too easy.


Or they could take Labour's stance and not mention immigration at all in their pro 'Remain' leaflet?


No wonder UKIP got nearly 4 million votes in last years election if the party of the working man buries its head in the sand.


As you say, under the current system the country is suffering from over crowded roads and schools, people unable to find a GP, a shortage of affordable housing to name a few areas.


The current system is not working, its time to try a different approach.

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I have heard this many times but actually many economists did - there were dire warnings at the time that the banks were lending too much and above their equity levels but this were printed in the back pages of the papers and not really taken much heed to because we were having it good.


I agree that some did as well as many members of the public, that's the good thing about opinion, someone will always be right.



BUT, lets just assume that what you say is correct for a moment. These people are professionals. So, if I was a professional footballer (those who know me will know this is stretching it a bit but eh) who normally scores more times than Scotty T in Magaluff, but then in the Cup Final I miss a penalty. By your argument you are saying that just because I missed the last penalty it means that in the next Cup Final I am going to miss that one as well? Yes there's a chance that I would miss it but invariably I score more than I miss. Would you put your money on score or miss?


When economists predict the future and have different predictions of what will happen some of them will be right but some will also be wrong. Which of the predictions will be right is just a guess.


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 09:03 ----------


Other countries are suffering much more than the UK with immigration, we are getting the able ones that are determined.

I think there are too many, for housing, health care and jobs; but non of the outers, Gove n Boris are not giving us any promises on the total immigration numbers.

They could just repeat Camerons below 100,000, but that would be too easy.


They have said they want to meet the governments election targets, getting net immigration back down to 10's of thousands, whether they will if they win is anyone's guess but if they don't we the electorate can kick them out.

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They have said they want to meet the governments election targets, getting net immigration back down to 10's of thousands, whether they will if they win is anyone's guess but if they don't we the electorate can kick them out.


The current system is not working, its time to try a different approach.


Boris and Michael Gove are part of the Government that set the 100,000 target/promise; when they take over from Cameron, that will not be a 'different approach'.

Edited by El Cid
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I'm sure they have all already been mentioned on here and by the out champaign, we have talked a lot about, 1, 3, 4, and 5.


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 07:29 ----------



No one said there would be £350 million extra per week to spend on the NHS and its only an opinion that we won't anything to spend on it.


Again not facts just opinion.




The same economists that failed to predict the last recession which wasn't a disaster and according to those economist this one won't be as bad or as long, assuming it even happens.





Voting out will give the government to power to control immigration, where would you like all these new houses to be built, on farm land, floodplains, woodland areas, moorland.




Another opinion which is very unlikely because they stand to lose more than us.




I am confidant that if they did they would lose the next election and Labour would give them back to you, that's why they won't shred workers rights.



We had a seat at the table and Cameron proved it can't be reformed even when we threaten to leave, once we have said we want to stay we have even less power to get reforms.




The EU won't have the power to force any new legislation onto us after we leave.




You are basing your opinion to stay on some wrong conclusions, but that is your choice, no one should believe anyone else because no one knows what will happen if we stay or leave.


All fact checked. You are making the wrong decision.

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