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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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If you were in the bond market and you thought the UK was going to struggle over the next 10 years, seeing polls indicating Brexit was at least an even chance, I would have thought you'd worry.


All the expert analysis so frequently cited by the remain side when it suits them is pointing to the idea that we're risking nothing more than slightly reduced growth.


The bond market isn't scared and neither am I.


It's likely that concerns about Brexit are not fully priced in yet. The next gilt sale on July 5th might not be too pretty.

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Are they? Or are they being spun to make reduced medium-term growth sound like a nasty recession by careful phrasing? The UK treasury report is certainly written like that.




Small price to pay for the self-government that even most of the remain voters crave, but are scared to support.


If the turn out is 65% I'll be surprised. The truth is vast numbers of people don't care either way!

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Are they? Or are they being spun to make reduced medium-term growth sound like a nasty recession by careful phrasing? The UK treasury report is certainly written like that.


Small price to pay for the self-government that even most of the remain voters crave, but are scared to support.


Lower growth means what it means. Less economic growth. Less opportunities. Less jobs. More companies struggling and failing. Less revenue for HM Treasury. Reduced capability for the state to service its debt.


Yes some people would see it as a price worth paying but they are probably people who are not particularly at risk from Brexit, or at least currently don't feel they are at personal risk.

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After all the pushing do you think the turn out will be as low as 65% they reckon low turn out favours brexit. are you worried Shef?


Yes I do think only about 2/3 voters will actually bother.


50-55% is dodgy territory for Remain. I'm not worried. It is my profound belief that in the event of Brexit those that wanted to Remain will end up with the better deal. Brexit will hurt the poorest most, just like being in does now. It's not fair but that's life mate. After the referendum the Government needs to start listening more to those people. My concern is after a Brexit they will be forgotten about until big business sorts out its affairs. So what was the point for them? A small margin for remain is a good chance for the Government to make change, a Brexit sees them at the bottom of the pile.

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Yes I do think only about 2/3 voters will actually bother.


50-55% is dodgy territory for Remain. I'm not worried. It is my profound belief that in the event of Brexit those that wanted to Remain will end up with the better deal. Brexit will hurt the poorest most, just like being in does now. It's not fair but that's life mate. After the referendum the Government needs to start listening more to those people. My concern is after a Brexit they will be forgotten about until big business sorts out its affairs. So what was the point for them? A small margin for remain is a good chance for the Government to make change, a Brexit sees them at the bottom of the pile.


There's a lot of truth in that.


Brexit promises a mandate for the right wing Brexiters, and that involves dismantling of worker protection and benefits, removal of wage controls etc... People won't know what has hit them.


It's just like the £12bn benefits reduction promised by the Tories before the 2015 election. Lots of people voted for it not realising they were actually the intended target.

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The simple , alarming fact ,and the reason we should vote leave is we pay pay billions of pounds to be a member of a farce that forces free movement of people on us.


Stay in this circus and we cant stop free movement ,and every tom dick and harry with an EU passport turning up in Blighty . Vote leave ,and we can put a stop to this madness.


Right now we have NO control over our OWN borders where EU citizens are concerned , and we are paying billions to have no control .


I agree; but we almost do the same for people outside of the EU. So why would things change, if we leave?

UKIP will not be running the show, it will be the Tories.

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i bang on about democracy so I want a high turnout so the result is fair and honestly represents the population. The higher the turnout the more legitimate the result,


Make no mistake I want Remain to win. I think it's better for everyone. I think the result will closely match the Scottish referendum result.


Local and European elections have thirty odd turnout, generals about sixty five. Can't see this one being higher. The Scottish was about eighty I think.


You are spot on. The wisdom of the crowd is best. 100% turnout will never happen though.


Glastonbury is the same day, that's 135,000 likely remainers lost right there!

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