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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

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So Labour is concerned that its supporters are moving over towards brexit because of immigration concerns (I think those supporters are wrong, but it is a free choice), despite warnings that this will impact on the economy.


So the Labour big gun, in the form of Corbyn (:D), is wheeled out, and promptly carries on pushing the failing argument.


Jeremy, your members are not listening to you. If you want them to listen, then address their concerns.


Unfortunately this referendum seems to have become all about immigration largely, I think, because the electorate has never been allowed to talk about it before. (Remember Gordon Brown's brush with 'that racist bigot' woman when she got a chance to ask him a perfectly reasonable question to his face.)


Immigration and Multiculturalism has been forced on people with no discussion. They were never asked if they wanted it, and they were threatened with 'racism' if they complained, even though it was greatly affecting their communities. They have been allowed no voice, and in a supposed democracy, they bitterly resent it.

Added to that we have the complicated threat of militant Islam and terrorism imported into our communities, and that frightens people. I'm sure the majority of Muslims are perfectly decent people, but the fact that they tend to separate themselves off into their own communities and have no wish to mix means that all the general population get to hear about is the extremist elements and practices, and, if you believe the media, the number of extremists is growing fast.


As Easter Sundae says, politicians should address the concerns of their people. Instead they label them as racist and worse. This should be an object lesson in what happens when the electorate are repeatedly ignored, when serious questions are asked but not answered. When politicians fob the electorate off with soundbites and misinformation. When the electorate is, frankly, disrespected.


Quite a few chickens are coming home to roost. What a pity that it is over such an important issue, and the result may be inappropriately skewed because of it.

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It's going to be a dull day if we wake up on 25th June and the vote is won by Remain. Just more of the same again.


Leave is definitely the more exciting option and would be a defining moment in European history.

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Dangling out of a 30th floor window is more exciting than standing safely inside looking at the view.


Doesn't mean people should do it.


I would sincerly hope that the majority voting public have better reasons than merely boredom for their respective choice. This vote is hugely important and whatever the outcome it could have a massive impact on a whole generation. It deserves more respect than just blindly following the hyped up agenda of some lowbrow tabloid or some sillly social media campaign page.


Its serious. People need to be educating themselves with the facts, counter arguments and statistics from BOTH sides and making an informed choice.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Unfortunately this referendum seems to have become all about immigration largely, I think, because the electorate has never been allowed to talk about it before. (Remember Gordon Brown's brush with 'that racist bigot.'


I'm sorry, but that is not what he said and you do him an injustice by claiming so.


Who can honestly say they haven't called someone a name behind their back especially when they have just semi-harangued you? It was a private, unguarded comment.


'These Eastern Europeans, where are they all flocking from?'


Errrrrr, well Gillian, the clue is in the question isn't it?



Regarding the rest of your post, have a read of the article below. As I have pointed out in another thread, it is not taboo to talk about immigration. It's been a hot topic in the press for years and years and discussed many many times on Question Time and other political shows. Nice people like Mr Thatcherite Farage might tell you that you will be called a racist for daring to mention it, it but it's not true.



Edited by Shef1985
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If we Brexit there will be an emergency budget of 30 billion worth of cuts.....Yawn, more scare stories. Does not quite gel with daves comments that we can do really well outside the European. Cannot work out which is the biggest liar.

Come on carney your turn for more doom and gloom and then the IMF needs its shot.

Apocolypse a week on Sunday don,t forget.

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If we Brexit there will be an emergency budget of 30 billion worth of cuts.....Yawn, more scare stories. Does not quite gel with daves comments that we can do really well outside the European. Cannot work out which is the biggest liar.

Come on carney your turn for more doom and gloom and then the IMF needs its shot.

Apocolypse a week on Sunday don,t forget.


Not withstanding Cameron's comments that we'd do okay outside the EU, we've already had the EU themselves saying how much we benefit from being in the EU.


A couple of years back, to celebrate 20 years of the Single Market, the European Commission published a review to big themselves up and tell us how much they added to EU GDP. It's on page 13 here. What’s the answer? 2.13% of GDP. Not 6% of GDP as the doomsayers are claiming now.


Remember this itself is the European Commission's own PR. The numbers are based on 2008, not 2012 (the actual 20th anniversary) because that would make the numbers look bad. Also that's their claim for the EU average, but the UK trade with other EU members is much less than average.


So, if you must listen to what these people say, listen to what they were saying before the in/out campaign not now that they think they might lose.

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Good to see that the Remain campaign are finally acknowledging that the EU needs to do something about immigration. After all, the UK isn't the only country in the EU that has an anti-immigrant sentiment at the moment.


Also that the EU isn't stopping us from restricting migrants' access to benefits after all.

Too little too late (...and not that many Remainers haven't consistently acknowledged, from a long time, that the EU needs to pull its finger out about its immigration policies, especially since last year, me included; unsurprisingly all drowned by the 'furreiners, furreiners' rethoric peddled by Vote Leave).


And nothing Vote Leave won't spin round with yet more dog whistles.


Dunkirk stunt by Farage? I knew the man had no shame, but that really is plumbing uncharted depths of political imbecility populism. Goebbels would be proud, or (lest I be Godwin-carded) Putin, just take you pick.


Personally, I consider it an insult to the British electorate's intelligence. But then, is there a perverse irony in that many of the Brexiters will lap it up instead? You decide.

Edited by L00b
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I'm sorry, but that is not what he said and you do him an injustice by claiming so.


Who can honestly say they haven't called someone a name behind their back especially when they have just semi-harangued you? It was a private, unguarded comment.


'These Eastern Europeans, where are they all flocking from?'


Errrrrr, well Gillian, the clue is in the question isn't it?



Regarding the rest of your post, have a read of the article below. As I have pointed out in another thread, it is not taboo to talk about immigration. It's been a hot topic in the press for years and years and discussed many many times on Question Time and other political shows. Nice people like Mr Thatcherite Farage might tell you that you will be called a racist for daring to mention it, it but it's not true.




The BBC caught up with Gillian recently


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You want the EU to make one final concession, ending free movement of people to the UK? That seems most unlikely because neither Labour nor the Tories have ever asked for it. You think they will now? Despite it being one of the founding principles? We'd get one major exemption that no other country does, and that includes the Swiss and the Norwegians that aren't even in the EU?? Very likely that is!


But man up Zamo, its clear from all your other posts its immigrants from Muslim countries you don't want. Which our Government could stop right now.


I agree it is most unlikely because the EU does not really believe Brexit will result in the global doomsday scenario they are trying to sell us... if they did then they'd give up free movement of people (asked for by our government or not) to stop it happening wouldn't they? Is it not true that the EU could function perfectly well as a trading bloc without the free movement of people? Why impose this on people who don't want it?


I don't want any mass immigration whether it is from Europe or the Muslim world. I have no problem 'manning up' to say that mass immigration from the Muslim brings with it the additional problem of Islamic extremism and that makes it even more undesirable. Yes, the government should be better controlling immigration from outside the EU but that is a separate debate... it certainly isn't a reason for keeping our open borders with the EU.

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