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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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It is about a week until the referendum and it is a fair opportunity to review the campaigns. I have to say - the Remain campaign has been atrocious from the first moment. I can't deny any of the 'fear-mongering' claims by the Brexit campaign, the Remain campaign seems almost entirely predicated on the assumption that economic predictions are enough to convince people to stay in.


I have hardly heard any campaigners actually correcting the countless fallacies that are floating around about the EU in the UK. I don't know whether this is due to sheer ignorance or due to a more sinister reason: our politicians know full well they have lied about the EU too much in the past and those lies could come back and haunt them if they now start telling the truth.


Whatever it is - it is annoying the life out of me. What worries me most is that people will have swung to the Brexit camp simply because they can stab straight through the fluff coming out of the remain camp, rather than actually judging this decision on its merit.


This isn't to say that the Brexit camp isn't lying through its teeth, but they have the advantage of consistency.


You missed when I tracked down the evidence you asked for of the CBI etc recommending the ERM and the Euro.

Still I suppose they've got to get something right eventually?

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Shef in Nov 2014 I stashed 83k in a " high" interest account which matures in Nov this year and for locking it away for 2 years I got the grand total of 2% interest and that's whilst we have been in the glorious eu.

That same account is now paying 1.6% to lock away for 2 years again whilst we are still in the glorious eu.

So my money is making bugger all whilst we are in the glorious eu. As far as holidays I went to the US a few years ago and got 2 dollars to the pound, I have been several time since with the rate 1.45 to 1.59 ish, I just vector it into my holiday costs. I holiday in Europe,going to greec in September and lanzarote in March so again I will just vector it in to the holiday costs. It may be that other non eu destinations become cheaper due to exchange rates and I may try them who knows.

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Shef in Nov 2014 I stashed 83k in a " high" interest account which matures in Nov this year and for locking it away for 2 years I got the grand total of 2% interest and that's whilst we have been in the glorious eu.

That same account is now paying 1.6% to lock away for 2 years again whilst we are still in the glorious eu.

So my money is making bugger all whilst we are in the glorious eu. As far as holidays I went to the US a few years ago and got 2 dollars to the pound, I have been several time since with the rate 1.45 to 1.59 ish, I just vector it into my holiday costs. I holiday in Europe,going to greec in September and lanzarote in March so again I will just vector it in to the holiday costs. It may be that other non eu destinations become cheaper due to exchange rates and I may try them who knows.


Ahh, so the interest rate is nothing to with the global financial crisis then?


---------- Post added 15-06-2016 at 14:57 ----------


You missed when I tracked down the evidence you asked for of the CBI etc recommending the ERM and the Euro.

Still I suppose they've got to get something right eventually?


Pray tell....are the CBI still staffed by the exact same people as they were 17 years ago or more? Lord Turner for example, who ignored small businesses when it came to the euro?

Edited by Shef1985
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Pray tell....are the CBI still staffed by the exact same people as they were 17 years ago or more? Lord Turner for example, who ignored small businesses when it came to the euro?


No idea. Doubt it.

I'm discrediting an appeal to authority.

I expect it was largely different staff at the CBI who called the ERM spectacularly wrong and then did the same on the Euro.


Who's more credible. A set of individuals who were involved in both and called both right, or an institution which did the reverse?

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No idea. Doubt it.

I'm discrediting an appeal to authority.

I expect it was largely different staff at the CBI who called the ERM spectacularly wrong and then did the same on the Euro.


Who's more credible. A set of individuals who were involved in both and called both right, or an institution which did the reverse?


Fine, discredit the CBI, even though the man in charge is not Lord Turner anymore.

80% of their members want remain, only 5% back Brexit, but yeah discount them.


Your arguments for discrediting everyone else are....?

Edited by Shef1985
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Fine, discredit the CBI, even though the man in charge is not Lord Turner anymore.

80% of their members want remain, only 5% back Brexit, but yeah discount them.


Your arguments for discrediting everyone else are....?


Much the same.


You're (I think) a Conservative in general.

Did you believe the IMF when they told the Chancellor in 2010 that spending cuts were a terrible idea and would trigger a double-dip in the recession?

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Much the same.


You're (I think) a Conservative in general.

Did you believe the IMF when they told the Chancellor in 2010 that spending cuts were a terrible idea and would trigger a double-dip in the recession?


2010? That passed me by. Can you send me a link please? Did they specify it was a terrible idea or did they use figures and statistics to give a warning?


I'm not a Tory btw.

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OH my god the remain side of the tories have completely lost the plot. Osborne is now threatening an emergency budget if we don't vote remain.


He's even threatening to cut the ringfenced NHS budget.


Has he gone completely and utterly mad? :confused:




Good, shows they are getting desperate so must be losing, what next? The defence secretary threatening to use Trident submarines to nuke our own cities if we vote leave.

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