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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I missed who is being referred to here. But Farage made a right fool of himself in his reply to an ITV presenter when he was asked what he thought about Bob Geldof yelling him down on fishing and calling him a fraud. He basically said it was disgusting 'these are multi-millionaires telling the working classes what to do!'


Conveniently reinforcing the fact he is a fraud. This is a man taking home a full MEP's wage for not showing up to any but one of the fishery committee meetings Bob Geldof was talking about.


Endearing hypocrite with a smile, the most awful sort of politician in my opinion.


I thought Farage was spot on.


Geldoff was as embassassing as that Wierdo Eddie Izzard was on QT a fortnight ago. They sight of those two and their mad rants is enough to make anyone vote to leave.

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I thought Farage was spot on.


Geldoff was as embassassing as that Wierdo Eddie Izzard was on QT a fortnight ago. They sight of those two and their mad rants is enough to make anyone vote to leave.

Spot on about what? None of the points that Geldof made were actually about the working classes, they were about Farage skiving all his duties, that he is paid for handsomely, by your tax money, and was lying about the state of the fishing industry.


Not that it makes any difference to you, you'd vote leave even if you knew it would lead to an economic crash for sure.

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Basic point: as nobody- on either side- can accurately know the future, it's surely better to discount either's predictions (whether bright or gloomy) and instead focus on known knowns. Examples:

- sovereignty

- international relations

- commonalty of interests or otherwise

- etc.

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Basic point: as nobody- on either side- can accurately know the future, it's surely better to discount either's predictions (whether bright or gloomy) and instead focus on known knowns. Examples:

- sovereignty

- international relations

- commonalty of interests or otherwise

- etc.


It is, but Jeffrey, do you prefer control of immigration outside of the single market, or no control of immigration inside the single market?


Also, you might have to stand for the Tories next time. :thumbsup:;)

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Spot on about what? None of the points that Geldof made were actually about the working classes, they were about Farage skiving all his duties, that he is paid for handsomely, by your tax money, and was lying about the state of the fishing industry.


Not that it makes any difference to you, you'd vote leave even if you knew it would lead to an economic crash for sure.


Id rather takes our chances over the economy than continue to have free movement of EU citizens forced on us by Brussels.

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Id rather takes our chances over the economy than continue to have free movement of EU citizens forced on us by Brussels.


I am sure the people who will lose their jobs and houses so that you can have your immigration lowered are agreeing with you, surely that is why so many working class folk have been persuaded by this argument and this argument alone.

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Nobody loses a house simply because interest rates rise (and there's no certitude that they will rise, either).

In fact, a fall in house prices (one of the doom-mongers' forecasts) might be a good idea.


Nope they lose their houses usually as a result of 2 or more things happening ... interest rate rise and job loss maybe..

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Nobody loses a house simply because interest rates rise (and there's no certitude that they will rise, either).

In fact, a fall in house prices (one of the doom-mongers' forecasts) might be a good idea.


How so? Lots of people in negative equity making it impossible to sell if they want to?

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