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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I know :-)


Always worth seeing that clip again.


Not really. Dreary little man with no control over his country. If he got a grip on the drug cartels that really run his 3rd world hell hole we might care.

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There's no argument to lose,we were talking about chickens and you got on to exporting those jobs to Latvia,then you said that foreign lamb was cheaper.Therefore,there's no point in any sensible government post brexit,replacing EU farming subsidies lost,with the money saved from not giving to EU funds if we can import it cheaper than producing it........more money for the NHS and infrastructure then,and let the farmers go the same way as the steel industry.

As for the steel,I thought it was the Chinese dumping it,not the EU.


Perhaps try debating when you are sober. UK cars are made with mostly UK steel. EU cars with mostly EU steel. We do not import much steel from China anyhow. But making more cars in the UK would provide jobs for UK workers making cars, UK workers making parts, UK workers making steel. Therefore more jobs in the steel industry NOT less. Highly paid jobs. Not the crappy jobs picking sprouts in Lincolnshire.

The UK steel industry went down the tubes because the UK market was flooded with foreign cars made with foreign steel. You probably drive one yourself. You probably eat imported chicken too.

I have no problem with UK farmers producing food for our markets, but not if that requires hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans working here at below minimum wage. That appears to be something you condone and your reason for wanting to remain in the EU.


We can't get out fast enough.

Edited by foxy lady
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Which is fine, but as long as I don't know what the shortfall is, what it is to do with, which budget it applies to etc. etc. I can't answer, I can't argue about it and you shouldn't bring it up. This is exactly what leads to uninformed discussion, it is pointless.


It's common knowledge the EU can demand money off the wealthiest member states. We are liable for bills coming up because most countries have overspent. We are also paying 2 billion for the 5 countries assencion to the EU, Albania etc

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As we edge closer to this landmark event, which it clearly is....defining our landmark.


I'm getting increasingly nervous. I fear the vast population will wilt at the polling station....and like sheep, will do as they are told.


I only ask, that if we lose we change the name from...


Great Britain to britain


A pathetically weak and utterly spineless nation that sold out it's sovereignty and it's soul.


How utterly terrifying !!

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There's no argument to lose,we were talking about chickens and you got on to exporting those jobs to Latvia,then you said that foreign lamb was cheaper.Therefore,there's no point in any sensible government post brexit,replacing EU farming subsidies lost,with the money saved from not giving to EU funds if we can import it cheaper than producing it........more money for the NHS and infrastructure then,and let the farmers go the same way as the steel industry.

As for the steel,I thought it was the Chinese dumping it,not the EU.




A lot of people just haven't grasped that post-Brexit the likes of Gove and Johnson would turn the UK into a neoliberal free trade theme park.


If it can be imported for less than it costs to produce it here it won't be getting produced here. Free trade all the way with no protection.


I think for all the rhetoric we will maintain free trade with the EU if we leave. The deals with China etc... are going to be tougher.


S. Korea and China recently agreed a deal. It took 3 years to negotiate. It will take 20 years to implement:




A key point here is that we can't start with free trade as our default position. If we do then we will be destroyed. We won't be able to compete. We would have to adopt all current levels of protection, then negotiate to remove (or increase) the protections bit by bit with all non-EU partner countries.


It'll take decades.

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I only ask, that if we lose we change the name from...


Great Britain to britain


A pathetically weak and utterly spineless nation that sold out it's sovereignty and it's soul.


hear hear!


Let's put the 'Great' back into Great Britain by re-invading the Jocks, the Taffys and the O'irish this morning.


After lunch we'll bomb Ze Germanese!


We'll have cucumber sandwiches for afternoon tea and then we'll re-invade Le French to give moral support to our patriotic footie hooligans!


By tomorrow we'll have re-established the British Empire, and by the weekend a quarter of the globe will be coloured pink!


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