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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Mr Charlie don,t despair. I believe we are going to do it, the only people for remain that I know are on this thread. My son was one but being young he forgot to register and he went to uni lol.

Everybody I know, relation, neighbours, colleagues are voting out. I could be wrong obviously but I,ve got twenty quid on out.:)

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Mr Charlie don,t despair. I believe we are going to do it, the only people for remain that I know are on this thread. My son was one but being young he forgot to register and he went to uni lol.

Everybody I know, relation, neighbours, colleagues are voting out. I could be wrong obviously but I,ve got twenty quid on out.:)


Just because they don't shout, doesn't mean they don't vote. They sit, they listen and they put the X in the box. Just because you shout the loudest doesn't mean that you are right.

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Just because they don't shout, doesn't mean they don't vote. They sit, they listen and they put the X in the box. Just because you shout the loudest doesn't mean that you are right.


don't say that, let him think he still has a chance ;)

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Perhaps try debating when you are sober. UK cars are made with mostly UK steel. EU cars with mostly EU steel. We do not import much steel from China anyhow. But making more cars in the UK would provide jobs for UK workers making cars, UK workers making parts, UK workers making steel. Therefore more jobs in the steel industry NOT less. Highly paid jobs. Not the crappy jobs picking sprouts in Lincolnshire.

The UK steel industry went down the tubes because the UK market was flooded with foreign cars made with foreign steel. You probably drive one yourself. You probably eat imported chicken too.

I have no problem with UK farmers producing food for our markets, but not if that requires hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans working here at below minimum wage. That appears to be something you condone and your reason for wanting to remain in the EU.


We can't get out fast enough.


I've already posted that I am looking forward to the UK unemployed taking up the slack from Latvians in the chicken processing factories so that they can earn enough to get on the housing ladder,so how is that condonng hundreds of thousands of them working here?

I am on record as wanting an out vote,simply to help put an end to British Business,in the form of Mike Ashley,lining his pockets on the back of exploited,cheap foreign labour....if a brexit stops even one instance of that,then I am all for it.

I am also in favour of brexit so that it will bring about the beginning of the end to the scapegoating and demonisation of migrant workers,and leave the UK government with one less body to blame,in the shape of the EU,when they want an easy way out of blaming something that they alone are responsible for.......for those reasons,brexit can't come quick enough,and away with the lot of the whingers.

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Mr Charlie don,t despair. I believe we are going to do it, the only people for remain that I know are on this thread. My son was one but being young he forgot to register and he went to uni lol.

Everybody I know, relation, neighbours, colleagues are voting out. I could be wrong obviously but I,ve got twenty quid on out.:)


Yeah, isn't it hilarious that your own son won't get to have his say in a decision that will shape the future of the country where he's just become an adult.

I can barely stop laughing.

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As we edge closer to this landmark event, which it clearly is....defining our landmark.


I'm getting increasingly nervous. I fear the vast population will wilt at the polling station....and like sheep, will do as they are told.


I only ask, that if we lose we change the name from...


Great Britain to britain


A pathetically weak and utterly spineless nation that sold out it's sovereignty and it's soul.


How utterly terrifying !!


Remain to win 55%.


---------- Post added 17-06-2016 at 11:25 ----------


Mr Charlie don,t despair. I believe we are going to do it, the only people for remain that I know are on this thread. My son was one but being young he forgot to register and he went to uni lol.

Everybody I know, relation, neighbours, colleagues are voting out. I could be wrong obviously but I,ve got twenty quid on out.:)


The polls say it's close. Remain are favourites because when it comes to putting a cross in that box. Voters will realise we are staring into a black economic abyss, less jobs and less money for their family.

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Tom I have never thought the polls were as near as they seemed because remainers are very scarce on the street. Brexit now 48 to 43 according to ft poll of polls.

Cyclone as you pointed out my son is an adult 23 years of age if he cannot be bothered to ensure his vote why should I hold his hand. I may have been able to help but he only told me on Wednesday.

Since the polls started swinging to out there has been a distinct change in the feel of this thread. The outers definitely do not seem as confident any more.

Roll on Thursday I am hoping we vote out but a lot of people could bottle at the last moment but I definitely will not.

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Since the polls started swinging to out there has been a distinct change in the feel of this thread. The outers definitely do not seem as confident any more.

Roll on Thursday I am hoping we vote out but a lot of people could bottle at the last moment but I definitely will not.


If my country votes remain, I will never be patriotic again...ever!

I really cannot comprehend the British people who are happy to give up their own sovereignty. My god, wars have been fought, millions have died and for what...so that their future generations can roll over and cower!!


It makes my blood boil to think back to the grit this nation once had and to see it today consumed by greed and personal materialistic wealth.


It really knocks it home just how pathetic this country is.

As for the future should the remainers prevail....I see no point in ever voting again. What does it achieve? We simply elect the puppets to dance in Westminster to the tune Europe decides to play!


Unbelievable, that a nation is so willing to give up so easily without a fight!

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I really cannot comprehend the British people who are happy to give up their own sovereignty. My god, wars have been fought, millions have died and for what...so that their future generations can roll over and cower!!


I see it the other way. Wars have been fought, millions have died and for what - so Europe is a nation of peace and unity.

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