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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I see it the other way. Wars have been fought, millions have died and for what - so Europe is a nation of peace and unity.


Millions did not die resisting German hegemony by force just to have it imposed by guile and cowardly complicity by some of our politicians.

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If my country votes remain, I will never be patriotic again...ever!

I really cannot comprehend the British people who are happy to give up their own sovereignty. My god, wars have been fought, millions have died and for what...so that their future generations can roll over and cower!!


In that case, maybe you should listen to someone who actually fought in the war:-








They fought for a united and peaceful europe, you're dishonoring their sacrifice.

Edited by Magilla
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People intending to vote to leave the EU, are almost twice as likely to not believe in man-made climate change, they are just skeptics in general; according to the Guardian.


Given the guardian gave up being serious newspaper years ago amd is now just a north London champagne 'socialist' propaganda rag with no more intergrity than the Mail - I wouldn't worry too much what they think if I were you.

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If my country votes remain, I will never be patriotic again...ever!

I really cannot comprehend the British people who are happy to give up their own sovereignty. My god, wars have been fought, millions have died and for what...so that their future generations can roll over and cower!!


It makes my blood boil to think back to the grit this nation once had and to see it today consumed by greed and personal materialistic wealth.


It really knocks it home just how pathetic this country is.

As for the future should the remainers prevail....I see no point in ever voting again. What does it achieve? We simply elect the puppets to dance in Westminster to the tune Europe decides to play!


Unbelievable, that a nation is so willing to give up so easily without a fight!


It's not a case of rolling over and accepting control from "them", it is joining with others to help us all. The UK becomes part of the control, not an inanimate subject.


A bit like joining a Co-op.

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Given the guardian gave up being serious newspaper years ago amd is now just a north London champagne 'socialist' propaganda rag with no more intergrity than the Mail - I wouldn't worry too much what they think if I were you.


Q.E.D... lol, you couldn't make it up!

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People intending to vote to leave the EU, are almost twice as likely to not believe in man-made climate change, they are just skeptics in general; according to the Guardian.


And that sums up perfectly why I don't read the Guardian.

What a load of Bullsmurf!


So the fact that some of us really want to keep our own identity gives the Guardian the right to make such judgements.


Bloody hell, never realised their readers were so gullible.

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People intending to vote to leave the EU, are almost twice as likely to not believe in man-made climate change, they are just skeptics in general; according to the Guardian.


A lot of us are people who are highly sceptical of attempts to organise humanity by grand design rather than working pragmatically with human nature and trusting that to make things better. We believe this because history teaches us that it is so.

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And that sums up perfectly why I don't read the Guardian.

What a load of Bullsmurf!


So the fact that some of us really want to keep our own identity gives the Guardian the right to make such judgements.


Bloody hell, never realised their readers were so gullible.


You don't have to take the Guardians' word for it, look for yourself! Veterans who actually fought are overwhelmingly in favour of remaining. Claiming they fought so we could go backwards is just an insult to them and common sense.

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