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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Well as you linked it to me you are just continuing to prove your utter stupidity to anyone who was in doubt.


I linked it to you because you saw the need to list the Axis Powers and I responded pointing out the clear flaw in that chain of logic.


It's easy to call someone stupid online isn't it? Like coming across as a childish ignorant right wing lunatic which you also manage with consummate ease.


Are you Smithy's wife???

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I could say the same to you Loob, going down the personal route and implying cowardice when you had no idea what MY family sacrificed in WW2.
I didn't imply that, you chose to understand it as such and to take it personally.


For the record, I've always fully understood and condoned Churchill's decision to withdraw that led to Dunkirk. And his later decision to attack Mers El Kebir. Desperate times, desperate measures.


My comment was in reply to foxy lady's statement that 'friends' were not to be found in Europe at the time. Which I found a bit rich, given the circumstances of the time.


I'll not be so crass as to ask whether, if you life depended on it, when your best mate lies bleeding on the ground at your feet, you would cut your losses and run, or stand your ground by him. It's an intimately personal question, and which, objectively, doesn't really scale well at the scale of nation states. No-one can ever be blamed for choosing one or the other. But I'm sure you get my meaning.

Edited by L00b
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Understood but you maybe could have chosen your wording better.


There was nothing wrong with his wording, you just throw your toys out of the pram whenever anyone suggests that eperhaps the British in ww2 weren't the golden heroes that you seem to fantasise about.


This isn't the first thread you have got all uppity in such a manner.


The Brits weren't heroic and no one cares what your family did.

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There was nothing wrong with his wording, you just throw your toys out of the pram whenever anyone suggests that eperhaps the British in ww2 weren't the golden heroes that you seem to fantasise about.


This isn't the first thread you have got all uppity in such a manner.


The Brits weren't heroic and no one cares what your family did.


Spam I take it?

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"Ran away" implies a disorderly running away to save ones own skin whilst not taking in to account the well being of others.

Withdrawal implies a orderly withdrawal.

Retreat implies a withdrawal whilst under pressure.


I suggest running man that you just trot on, read my mind and my thoughts about you.

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Enough war.


Will we have the old light bulbs back post-Brexit?


We can. You remainians can't have the old ones back or keep the new ones. Candles all round for you spineless Juncker loving bounders! :P

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