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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Maybe....but from my hiding place I'd investigate the context and think, 'wow, I overreacted there!'


Neither Corbyn nor McConnell, in your article, hint that there is violent malice in those words.


It is a call from the group to remove what they consider Right Wingers from the Labour Party. Why you think that hints at violence says more about you than them.



Not exactly endearing though are they, and depending who takes them in their meaning, it could be rather disturbing for Chuka and could result in more than his right wing removed.

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The ones on the left aren't hard core racists driven by hate.


There is no equivalent on the left in this country, nothing remotely like it.


The most unsavoury organisations on the right are strongly connected to Brexit. That's an indisputable fact.


---------- Post added 19-06-2016 at 15:00 ----------



Sadly they won't see if that way.


If you happy to wait until Friday for a Brexit vote then you will see what their reaction will be. Just wait and see.


I don't care what their reaction is tbh. If they choose to see it as something it isn't because they are generally as thick as mince then that's their problem and nobody elses. They'll continue to get **** all votes in or out of the EU. The whole premise is a red herring, like saying a vote for Brexit is a vote for Galloways left wing demagogary or remain a vote for shifty islamist fundamentalism or the IRA's political wing.

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Not exactly endearing though are they, and depending who takes them in their meaning, it could be rather disturbing for Chuka and could result in more than his right wing removed.


Can't say I'd ever heard of them.


I wonder who Chuka, a mix raced man, is more afraid of: left wing Corbyn fanboys or the far right.


Probably neither to be honest. There are nutters everywhere. Life must go on.

Edited by Shef1985
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.......nothing much will change after next week when the media fest is over,and they move on to a new story,life will go on pretty much the same whatever the result......tweaks needed on either side! but don't get too alarmed and let your tribal instincts take over!..........we see enough of that in football in France at the moment!

I personally am of the opinion that neither side can claim the higher ground to the argument as to whether we should stay or go............some whose livelihood depends on the outcome will tell you different.Don't be corralled and bulldozed beyond your own powers of reasoning as to how you should vote as many are,thinking others/experts know it all!.............they know some, but far from all as history proves!

I am old enough to have gone through this type of merry-go-round a number of times and of course self interest is at the basis of it all from all sides with all vying/claiming for the moral high ground!

Think I'm more in this camp.................https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1119319014791542&set=p.1119319014791542&type=3

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I think that accusers should be named!...........if they accuse high profile figures of unsavory actions like Cliff Richard and Brendan Cox..........why should their reputation be protected when the accused may lose theirs until proven guilty?

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Intersting idea by Boris Johnson, who wants to give illegal immigrants an amnesty and allow them to stay in the country. How does this sit with the Brexit supporters?


I can only imagine the "amnesty". It will probably involve processing camps surrounded by barbed wire - just to keep the racists out of course.

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Why have my comments being deleted very democratic!!!


Ok Lets portray mr Brendan coxs as a saints then who has not made a penny from his charity work he does it all for free:hihi::hihi:


So people who work for charities shouldn't receive a wage?

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