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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Here's another bug in your ear hoping you make the right decision...then I gotta go...


"Ford employs over 12,000 UK workers with many more jobs linked through supply chains.

Ford, like Hitachi, Toyota, Nissan and Siemens overwhelmingly back remain."

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I think a few small Businesses are backing leave. I think Wetherspoons are backing leave. Probably because we will drown our sorrows in the pub when we lose our jobs. :hihi:


Remain's preferred experts are predicting a geometric average of 1.7% growth pa if we stay in and 1.5-1.65% growth pa if we leave.

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I can understand why some Europeans living in the UK feel upset about the referendum. Maybe feeling that it is a personal attack on them.

But it really isn't. It is far more an expression of disgust at our own political classes - it's more of a private fight.


In general politicians are not much liked in the UK. And after the MP's expenses scandal and the scandal of having MP's who continue to live in London after being parachuted into a safe northern seat, amongst other things, we have been provided with plenty of reasons for that dislike.


So the referendum is an opportunity to stick two heartfelt fingers up to our MP's, who happen to overwhelmingly support Remain, and a lot of people who feel forgotten, ignored or demonised by their own politicians are going to seize most gleefully on that opportunity - by voting to leave.

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This bothers me too. Is the government (or any other) going to divert any of the savings into things we would like to see, or will it all be wasted/spent on pet projects,expenses etc/disappear?


How can we, the ordinary people, know how it's spent. Whoever is in charge will make sure we only hear what they want us to hear...


Considering the government are basically begging us to vote remain, if we leave then they know their voice stands for nothing and British people will have proven that enough is enough. It would be a very foolish government that then decided to deceive it's voters.


In the stuffy cocoon called Westminster, where the privileged have hung out, they seem to forget the world has moved on, the public can now find facts out for themselves, we are more savvy than they give us credit for.


I honestly do think it's the start of a new beginning should brexit win.

I'm really excited about what this country of ours can do. We are so so fortunate in many respects. Nothing to do with politics or material wealth...but where we sit globally. I really do think Britian could become the envy of the world, the only thing missing is that we need to believe in ourselves.


C'mon Britain let's show the world we can stand on our own two feet and nobody will succeed in trying to intimidate us!

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I just cannot believe what I'm hearing now on LBC Farage & Heseltine, Heseltine on answering a caller about housing, says people who aren't housed are isolated cases, his arrogance beggars belief, what planet is that man on...............

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Considering the government are basically begging us to vote remain, if we leave then they know their voice stands for nothing and British people will have proven that enough is enough. It would be a very foolish government that then decided to deceive it's voters.


In the stuffy cocoon called Westminster, where the privileged have hung out, they seem to forget the world has moved on, the public can now find facts out for themselves, we are more savvy than they give us credit for.


I honestly do think it's the start of a new beginning should brexit win.

I'm really excited about what this country of ours can do. We are so so fortunate in many respects. Nothing to do with politics or material wealth...but where we sit globally. I really do think Britian could become the envy of the world, the only thing missing is that we need to believe in ourselves.


C'mon Britain let's show the world we can stand on our own two feet and nobody will succeed in trying to intimidate us!


Yay! Let's show those baboons they are wrong by destroying our future! Hoorah!!! (Queue Labour/Tory/Labour/Tory cycle as previous but now with workers in even more desparate circumstances).


I just cannot believe what I'm hearing now on LBC Farage & Heseltine, Heseltine on answering a caller about housing, says people who aren't housed are isolated cases, his arrogance beggars belief, what planet is that man on...............


What I can't believe is that I replied to one of your posts in particular and you are completely ignoring it. I will assume that is by accident rather than design.

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What I can't believe is that I replied to one of your posts in particular and you are completely ignoring it. I will assume that is by accident rather than design.



Sorry TJ, I will check back when I've listened to this debate.

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When you get such as Branson taking up full spreads in newspapers as well as on social websites ,then Cameron who's family have stashed away millions in over seas funds and is married to one of the richest women in England telling the masses that they are better of in, it is as plain as the nose on your face that what they mean is that they will be better of in .

Vote out.

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We have a free press, minimal government secrecy and various other means of holding the state to account. I expect you and I will strongly disagree in many cases as to how it will be spent. As will our fellow countrymen. Let the majority will be done.


Mmm... not sure I agree with much of that.


The only way we have of holding the government to account at the moment is ticking a box once every 5 years, based on promises that are frequently not kept, and having a government in power with less than a third of that vote.


As for free press, minimal secrecy etc. let's not forget the lengts that were gone to to try and hush up the MPs Expenses scandal, which had to be exposed by an American journalist, and wouldn't be exposed at all these days post Leveson and with other loopholes now successfully plugged.

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