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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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There is a key issue with this argument. We implement the laws as imposed by Brussels. Other counties simply ignore them or legislate and then don't enforce.


Remain blame us for following the rules. I would counter than when you are in a club where most of the other members ignore the rules the solution is not to become a cheat like them but to leave the club as unsuitable.

Nothing like a bit of broad-brushing to paint your world black and white, Quik.


Just vote Leave already and be done with it.

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In or out of the EU the UK will still have to abide by the ECHR as do other non EU European countries. It's a red herring
It is that, and has been explained lengthways and sideways many a time in here already. But none so deaf/blind/etc.
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This cliche about only UK abiding by the rules. Other EU countries don't see it that way, ever since Milk Snatcher the UK has gotten away with murder. We've been fed a lie by the Media not least Boris when he was a Brussels based Daily Torygraph journo

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There's still plenty of competition. In fact the EU ensures it by requiring projects to be accessible EU wide. So British companies can, as of right, quote for schemes in the rest of Europe. Outside the EU, those British companies would not have that right. It might not be as obvious and emotive as discussions regarding people arriving here, but these opportunities in the rest of Europe are real.


The EU is creating a Europe wide level playing field of opportunity that encourages mediocrity. Innovation means doing things differently and the EU's relentless drive to standardise and regulate everything is an innovation killer because the regulators are always miles behind the vanguard. It is big government on an epic scale, it is not healthy and it gives businesses in the less regulated parts of the world an opportunity to catch up and overtake. It is a flawed long term strategy.

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A little tip to help the undecided.


If it really comes down to a coin toss, do this. Decide what each side should represent. Then toss the coin.


Here is the important bit. If at that very moment you realise what the result is and wished it to be the opposite, vote that way instead because sub consciously that was what you already decided without knowing.

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A little tip to help the undecided.


If it really comes down to a coin toss, do this. Decide what each side should represent. Then toss the coin.


Here is the important bit. If at that very moment you realise what the result is and wished it to be the opposite, vote that way instead because sub consciously that was what you already decided without knowing.


or alternatively, vote honestly on what your instinct says, rather than this nonsense debate from either side of the campaigners.

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I want to live in whatever political theme park the British electorate choose... not the European electorate.


Be careful thinking that the EU will provide eternal protection from the far right. Many European countries are lurching towards the far right and if the current migration crisis continues then things are going to get worse. If the EU finds itself overrun by the far right some time in the future then will you be a Little Englander, isolationist for wanting no part of it or just someone wanting our country making it's own decisions? :


That's been my thinking too.


The EU could just as easily drag us into danger, rather than keep us out of it.


We have not been hearing of late about the parlous state of some of the countries in the EU; the riots, the suicides, the public unrest, and the inability of the politicians to do anything about it. This leaves them open to far right movements and politicians, (remember Hitler came to power in circumstances such as this.) There is a distinct possibility that that these countries will disintegrate, and drag others down with them.


Do we really want to be involved in that?

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The EU is creating a Europe wide level playing field of opportunity that encourages mediocrity. Innovation means doing things differently and the EU's relentless drive to standardise and regulate everything is an innovation killer because the regulators are always miles behind the vanguard.
You are mistaken, Zamo.


Happy stats-fest here and here.


Take it from an innovation professional (please): these two, between them, are as reliable an indicator of innovation as you're ever going to find.


EU countries, between 2006 and 2015, filed 815,710 European patent applications. More than the US by nearly 200,000. More than Japan, China and Korea put together by 85,000.

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