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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Address the anomaly for once.

If remaining benefits fascism why do all far right groups , leaders and political parties want the UK to leave?


It's s straight question.


I just did. I'll try again.


Many moderate people not naturally draw to fascism want to leave too and can be driven to support fascist parties if more moderate parties fail to address their concerns.

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It's perfectly simple and has been explained multiple times.


Step 1. People worry about excessive immigration.

Step 2. Mainstream political parties ignore these worries

Step 3. People look for more radical parties to address the problem.


Ergo, ignoring peoples' concerns about immigration strengthens the more radical and often rather distasteful parties.


If we vote to remain, or vote to leave and fail to address the immigration issue sensibly, the more radical political parties will only get stronger.


Spot on .

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I just did. I'll try again.


Many moderate people not naturally draw to fascism want to leave too and can be driven to support fascist parties if more moderate parties fail to address their concerns.


The leave camp can't even be honest with themselves of the fact all far right parties want leave.


It begs the question what the voting British will be left with post brexit.

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I just did. I'll try again.


Many moderate people not naturally draw to fascism want to leave too and can be driven to support fascist parties if more moderate parties fail to address their concerns.


I have voted BNP in the past for that reason.

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It would be nice to be able to do so.

But we're making a decision as the UK's relationship with the EU for a matter of decades, where as policy is not set anything like that far in advance.

Uncertain inferences about the future trajectory of the EU are inevitable.


---------- Post added 22-06-2016 at 10:00 ----------



19000 tonnes of what?

CO2 gasses so much for the clean air policy that they impose on us.

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I have voted BNP in the past for that reason.


As have others.

It's probably good that UKIP rose to give people with the concerns I describe somewhere to go other than the BNP.


---------- Post added 22-06-2016 at 12:35 ----------


The leave camp can't even be honest with themselves of the fact all far right parties want leave.


It begs the question what the voting British will be left with post brexit.


That only makes sense to you.


As far as I can tell, the far left want to leave too.

This is what enforced moderatism does to politics. People rebel in both directions.

Edited by unbeliever
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Strangely the same can be found in a dutch newspaper,



Along with an EU plan to bring 60 million immigrants into the EU.


"13. Recalls that are needed by 2050, according to the Commission forecasts an estimated 60 million migrant workers, which entails the need to allow channels for legal migration;



I realise you haven't got the ability to differentiate between a newspaper and someone's personal blog, but I suggest you learn.

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Strangely the same can be found in a dutch newspaper,



Along with an EU plan to bring 60 million immigrants into the EU.


"13. Recalls that are needed by 2050, according to the Commission forecasts an estimated 60 million migrant workers, which entails the need to allow channels for legal migration;


A good sauce that is retep should do the trick:hihi:

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One thing I can't get my head around is that the Leave campaign is managing to convince people like you, whilst equally appealing to the anti-migration mob.


Can you explain this poster? I genuinely don't understand how you can reconcile voting with people who are clearly swayed by propaganda like this.


I didn't like it, and I can't explain it, (except that Nigel Farage was involved.)

But neither can I understand the remain poster of the see-saw with the thuggish skin head and the Indian Lady, put out by the Remain campaign, (sorry I can't do a link, but I think you'll know the one.) So they cancel each other out for unpleasant propoganda and I ignore them both.


Both sides have had a tendency to go for the easiest, lowest common denominator, which I think shows a lack of respect for the electorate, and insults their intelligence.


This debate is about so much more than immigration. I've looked at it from all angles, watched and read loads of media coverage and tried to verify much of what I've seen and heard with facts, and on balance I'm with the Out campaign (and yes, it is a bit scarey, but I think it's the right decision, and we'll come through it stronger and better. Britain does seem to thrive when the chips are down and we have to pull together.We're determined little buggers)


The EU in its present form is failing, and much worse is to come within the union. If Greece had been allowed to leave, and go back to the drachma, then with support; (real support that genuine friends give each other, not the boot-in blackmail and interest heavy loans the EU have offered,) they might have been well on the way to recovery by now.


The EU thrives on bureaucracy, in fact seems to be its raison d'etre, yet it seems to have failed to tackle some of the major issues of our time. It just churns out more and more petty rules and regulations. Running things by committee is known to be a slow, ponderous procedure. With 28 countries to please, language barriers, cultural differences etc everything moves with grinding slowness, which in a world which is increasing in speed every day is simply not good enough.


We have always been a maverick country with enormous potential which is stymied by EU regulation. I have every confidence we will not only survive but thrive and prosper outside the Union, and far from being alone, we will be opening ourselves up to the rest of the world.

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