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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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When are people going to f..king wake up and realise it's all mass manipulation. Media, politicians, huge corporations.


Last night on the EU BBC debate... what a load of ******** when Boris did the "independence" shout, as if to get the country going.


You read the newspapers and there's a change ever day.


Tell me what will it get Boris, Grove, farage if we voted exit? It's purely for self motives and self gain.


They playing people for fools.

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It's perfectly simple and has been explained multiple times.


Step 1. People worry about excessive immigration.

Step 2. Mainstream political parties ignore these worries

Step 3. People look for more radical parties to address the problem.


Ergo, ignoring peoples' concerns about immigration strengthens the more radical and often rather distasteful parties.


If we vote to remain, or vote to leave and fail to address the immigration issue sensibly, the more radical political parties will only get stronger.


Well said.


If nothing else, maybe this debacle will scare the politicians enough to make them buck up and listen to the concerns of the electorate.

One of the most telling things about this debate is how shocked politicians and the Establishment were to discover what people are really thinking.


They need to get out more, and try talking to people outside the M25 occasionally.

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That is because you believe (ironic) that the EMU is doing damage to the people of Europe, the truth doesn't bear that out at all.


Really? Youth unemployment stats from Greece, Italy, Spain etc would seem to contradict this? Did you know the suicide rate in Greece rose by 35% in two years?

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Really? Youth unemployment stats from Greece, Italy, Spain etc would seem to contradict this? Did you know the suicide rate in Greece rose by 35% in two years?


It would be even worse if we didn't have an EU... in my opinion.

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The EU could just as easily drag us into danger, rather than keep us out of it.


We have not been hearing of late about the parlous state of some of the countries in the EU; the riots, the suicides, the public unrest, and the inability of the politicians to do anything about it.


We haven't been hearing about it because the TV news in this country favours Remain.


---------- Post added 22-06-2016 at 13:07 ----------


Amazing how prescient this book is.


Everybody should read it


Especially about New Speak.

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It would be even worse if we didn't have an EU... in my opinion.


If we didn't have an EU, these countries would not have been subjected to EMU.

If they didn't have to use the Euro, these countries would have many additional options to deal with their financial problems.


As it stands interest rates and money supply are controlled centrally for the whole Eurozone and each nation has lost the power to set these correctly for its economic circumstances.

The architects of EMU were well aware of this issue, hence the convergence criteria for adopting the Euro. The idea was essential to arrange that everybody's economy circumstances would be the same as Germany's. Problem is that the nations didn't really converge before adopting the Euro and have drifted further out of sync since.


Despite this, the integration project must continue. All together now "Ever closer union". No matter what it costs apparently.

Edited by unbeliever
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I'm voting remain. Spent half my working life in Europe and all of it working with dozens of EU nationals. The EU has been good for me and many of my friends.


The idea that remainers are 'sheeple' is moronic. 'Traitors' is beyond parody. I feel no urge to 'take our country back' because we never lost it. Invoking the war and mentioning what your relatives died for won't work either; we all lost relatives, it's just daft and a wee bit desperate sounding.

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