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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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So you don't mind if it gets wasted over here,just as long as Johnny Foreigner doesn't get it?


Who says it will be "wasted over here"??


Why is the notion of Britain keeping hold of our own money hard to grasp?


What is done with it is entirely down to the discretion and priorities of the government of the day.

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Very happy with the result.


Will probably cost me more money on materials and possibly have an effect on how much money people spend on their homes, but its a chance I'm willing to take.


Blair, Brown promised to lower immigration numbers and didn't.


Cameron promised he would lower immigration numbers and has had 6 years to do so, he hasn't and i believe people have had enough.


If people are looking for someone to blame, its there, Cameron should have sorted immigration (as promised) a long time ago, he should have made it more of a priority, then maybe we would still be in the EU today.


i have nothing against immigration and encourage people to come to the UK as i believe its a bloody good place to live, but we should only take people who can have a positive input on the economy.


2 types of immigrants.


A. those that come here to integrate, work hard, speak decent english and put into the economy and better themselves.


B. those that cannot speak any english, have no desire to learn the language, have no intention to work, integrate or put anything into the economy.


i welcome everyone in the A section, everyday of the week, but not B, not anymore, we have had enough now.


Our own quality of life will start to suffer.


Finally feel like the people of the North, the working class have finally had enough, its where mass immigration has had the biggest effect, people in affluent areas dont see what happens to areas like page hall, eastwood, firth park.


Also felt that calling people racist for voting leave was the final scoop from the bottom of the barrel.

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in my opinion Scotland voted to remain because they are better of in the eu, and because of the size of Scotland, they would never be accepted in the eu on there own.

Malta is part of the EU. I've never been to Scotland but I have been to Malta and I'd be surprised if Scotland was smaller. Malta represents just 0.1% of the population of the EU.

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Malta is part of the EU. I've never been to Scotland but I have been to Malta and I'd be surprised if Scotland was smaller. Malta represents just 0.1% of the population of the EU.


Luxembourg only has a population of 500k (10% that of Scotland)..it was one of the founding countries...

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Let's be honest here, they promised £350 million a week!


Let's be honest here...


  • Cameron said that he would not resign if there was a vote for Leave... that was a lie.
  • Cameron said that he'd trigger article 50 immediate... that was a lie.
  • Osborne said there'd be an emergency budget to cut spending and raise taxes... anyone think that is really going to happen?
  • Cameron said we risked causing armed conflict in Europe... anyone think that is going to happen (maybe caused by the mass migration but not Brexit)?


It is a bit rich of the Stayers to be moaning about lies and exaggerations... the Stay campaign has no moral high ground from which to lecture.

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Let's be honest here...


  • Cameron said that he would not resign if there was a vote for Leave... that was a lie.
  • Cameron said that he'd trigger article 50 immediate... that was a lie.
  • Osborne said there'd be an emergency budget to cut spending and raise taxes... anyone think that is really going to happen?
  • Cameron said we risked causing armed conflict in Europe... anyone think that is going to happen (maybe caused by the mass migration but not Brexit)?


It is a bit rich of the Stayers to be moaning about lies and exaggerations... the Stay campaign has no moral high ground from which to lecture.


You could have added his statement that Turkey was unlikely to join the EU for a 1000 years. The Turkish ambassador to the UK is on record as saying that Cameron was one of the EU's most ardent champions of Turkey's accession.


A flaw in Cameron's abilities as a politician in my view was his tendency to hyperbole and exaggeration. The only job he ever had outside politics was a brief period as a Public Relations man, which might explain this.

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