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George Osbourne Planning Tax credit cuts: Fair?

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The Conservatives conspicuously didn't tell us their plans for cuts, badmouthed the other parties endlessly, and have already broken promises they made in their manifesto.


Yeah, great party... honourable, they ain't.


Sure. And none of the socialist parties did any of that stuff.

This is exactly what I was expecting from a Conservative government. Did you read the manifesto?

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Sure. And none of the socialist parties did any of that stuff.

This is exactly what I was expecting from a Conservative government. Did you read the manifesto?


The Tories are cutting tax credits for working families despite election promise not to. Moving pictures do not lie, unlike David Cameron.



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The Tories are cutting tax credits for working families despite election promise not to. Moving pictures do not lie, unlike David Cameron.




He never said that at all.


He was asked if it was going to be cut. Said no. He has not cut it - it still exists and the amounts are exactly the same.


He was asked if its amount was going to fall. Said no and it hasn't fallen. The amount is exactly the same.


What has happened is that its been (quite rightly) capped to the first two children. Universal Child benefit for EVERY child is still there with no plans of being withdrawn. The tax credits were an additional top up. Why should serial breeders keep getting a handout because THEY CHOOSE to have another child. Other working people with no such entitlement to tax credits are paying for that.


What is the "broken" promise??


Labour Mouthpiece Chuka Umunna also seems to be very confused by this every time he is in front of a camera. Maybe he should listen and read a little more.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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He never said that at all.


He was asked if it was going to be cut. Said no. He has not cut it - it still exists and the amounts are exactly the same.



I filled in a BBC online form after the emergency budget this July, it said that I would be £1,579.20 worse off in 2016, due to lower tax credits.


Am I missing something?



Edited by El Cid
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I filled in a BBC online form after the emergency budget this July, it said that I would be £1,579.20 worse off in 2016, due to lower tax credits.


Am I missing something?




Without seeing the breakdown of how the BBC online toy calculates such a figure, I cannot say. Reading the small print there are a lot of things that it does not fully calculate and many assumptions which may or may not be accurate. Its just an online guess really. Hardly conclusive proof.


But in answer to your question, Yes. You are missing something. Why should there be some automatic entitlement for the state to top up your income just because YOU choose to have children.


As a full time worker with no dependants and no entitlement to any of these working/child/family tax credits I am now £80.00 a year better off according to the same survey.


Am I missing something?

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He never said that at all.


He was asked if it was going to be cut. Said no. He has not cut it - it still exists and the amounts are exactly the same.


He was asked if its amount was going to fall. Said no and it hasn't fallen. The amount is exactly the same.


What has happened is that its been (quite rightly) capped to the first two children. Universal Child benefit for EVERY child is still there with no plans of being withdrawn. The tax credits were an additional top up. Why should serial breeders keep getting a handout because THEY CHOOSE to have another child. Other working people with no such entitlement to tax credits are paying for that.


What is the "broken" promise??


Labour Mouthpiece Chuka Umunna also seems to be very confused by this every time he is in front of a camera. Maybe he should listen and read a little more.


Conservatives talk with forked tongues...


I listened to Osborne's budget speech, and was pleasantly surprised as it sounded well thought out and quite reasonable. I didn't agree with it all or even understand it all, but the impression that came across was that it wasn't nearly as bad as expected. - That, coming from me, is quite a compliment.


I should have known better of course.... Once the sums were done, by the experts, the real cost was revealed, and it clobbered the very worst off in society... Heavily... Again.

Well of course it did. Another promise broken to 'hard working families' who can least afford it. Exactly what you've come to expect.


Osborne must have known this of course, but managed to cover it up beautifully. Smoke and mirrors....


These are masters of deceit.


They couldn't care less about ordinary people, and in the same week they have the audacity to take a 10% pay rise.

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Conservatives talk with forked tongues...


I listened to Osborne's budget speech, and was pleasantly surprised as it sounded well thought out and quite reasonable. I didn't agree with it all or even understand it all, but the impression that came across was that it wasn't nearly as bad as expected. - That, coming from me, is quite a compliment.


I should have known better of course.... Once the sums were done, by the experts, the real cost was revealed, and it clobbered the very worst off in society... Heavily... Again.

Well of course it did. Another promise broken to 'hard working families' who can least afford it. Exactly what you've come to expect.


Osborne must have known this of course, but managed to cover it up beautifully. Smoke and mirrors....


These are masters of deceit.


They couldn't care less about ordinary people, and in the same week they have the audacity to take a 10% pay rise.


People need to get off the mother's teat of Tax Credits. The rest of the working population are paying for others to receive a totally unnecessary top up just because they choose to have children, choose to work part time, have a so called low income.


I have said before, people survived perfect well without them before 2003. A time, by the way, when minimum wage was only £4.50 an hour and the tax personal allowance was only £4615.


So, Boo Hoo. People are gonna lose out on tax credits.


BUT, what do we have now. A minimum wage for the majority of adult employees which is currently £6.50 and shortly due to go up to £6.70 and then £7.20. AND we have also now had a tax allowance raised to £11,000.


That means that your average minimum wage worker in the next 12 months will be earning 60% more than before tax credits existed and have the benefit of a tax threshold increase of 138%. They still think they have a right to a top up???


My heart bleeds for them.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Guest sibon


As a full time worker with no dependants and no entitlement to any of these working/child/family tax credits I am now £80.00 a year better off according to the same survey.


Am I missing something?


You might be missing the fact that you will be reliant upon the children of others to keep our economy moving, provide a workforce, supply essential services and fund your retirement.


You might be:rolleyes:

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You might be missing the fact that you will be reliant upon the children of others to keep our economy moving, provide a workforce, supply essential services and fund your retirement.


You might be:rolleyes:


We were reliant on children of others before 2003. Child benefit is still there. Child tax credits (capped at the first two) is still there.


Don't try to make out that CTC is some kind of life essential that the future generation must survive on.

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