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George Osbourne Planning Tax credit cuts: Fair?

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On point number 2, I hate to admit it but I think it was an act of genius on their part..


I did think that myself. You put forward a proposal to make welfare cuts. It's in the manifesto. You vote it through in the Ccommons. But then those nasty guys in the Lords stop you in your tracks.


You've tried to do all you promised but the cuts have to be delayed and watered down. The backlash is stopped in its tracks because there is nothing to lash out about.


So all is well until someone points out that the government didn't achieve the promissed cuts. The government point out it was stopped from doing so by an unelected chamber. What's not to like?

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The conservatives have been happy enough with how the Lords work in the past...

Just happens to be this time that they're not getting the free ride they'd like, and suddenly it's "unconstitutional" for the Lords to do exactly what they are supposed to do.


And how many finance bills did the Lord block when Labour were in power?

And without knowing the figures the Tories probably had a majority in the Lords.

And if they had I would also have been against that.

They are unelected you know. Failed politicians, I still can't believe Lord two bogs, cronies and a load of blokes in fancy dress who's only qualification is that they believe we are all descended from Adam and Eve, unbelievable.

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And how many finance bills did the Lord block when Labour were in power?

And without knowing the figures the Tories probably had a majority in the Lords.

And if they had I would also have been against that.

They are unelected you know. Failed politicians, I still can't believe Lord two bogs, cronies and a load of blokes in fancy dress who's only qualification is that they believe we are all descended from Adam and Eve, unbelievable.


You forgot Blunkett

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The true socialist Lord Blunkett, lives at Chatsworth now doesn't he?

Connecting with the working classes.


Aren't you conveniently forgetting about a tradition going back hundreds of years where the second chamber was dominated by Tory-supporting male hereditary peers who had of course done nothing of merit to get there? Peerages that could not be inherited by female children of the peers either.


At least Blunkett has served in government. I don't like the guy much but he does have experience of helping run the country.


I'm not sure Tory supporters really understand what they are arguing for right now. They seem confused.

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Aren't you conveniently forgetting about a tradition going back hundreds of years where the second chamber was dominated by Tory-supporting male hereditary peers who had of course done nothing of merit to get there? Peerages that could not be inherited by female children of the peers either.


At least Blunkett has served in government. I don't like the guy much but he does have experience of helping run the country.


I'm not sure Tory supporters really understand what they are arguing for right now. They seem confused.

Can't argue with the first bit. I don't think any of them should be there, I believe in elected government.

I'm having a go at such as David Blunkett and co because the Lords is against everything they believe in.

By the way I'm not a Tory supporter I voted UKIP.

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A company isn't a person.



That's entirely wrong.

A company can be a person.

Your using 'human' and 'person' interchangeably but they're distinctly different things.

I know what you mean but by not being correct on the terms and their differences it prolongs the 'agony'

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That's entirely wrong.

A company can be a person.

Your using 'human' and 'person' interchangeably but they're distinctly different things.

I know what you mean but by not being correct on the terms and their differences it prolongs the 'agony'


Ive pointed it out to him but he just replies with something infantile. Its a consistent pattern that other people have pointed out.

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Ive seen that list of the lords who voted in favour,didnt Karen Brady once say "all single mums were a buisness" so how can she vote for lowering their income?

Its disgracefull that all these multi millionaires can vote to put families into hardship when a 1% increase in their tax bill would enable the less well off to have a better quality of life.

Lets not forget its the CHILDREN that suffer in these families.


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