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George Osbourne Planning Tax credit cuts: Fair?

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It is becoming difficult to find good staff. I have no problem keeping them, but sifting through the bad to get to the good is very time consuming.


Surely it would be very easy to find good staff if you paid very good wages? I'm not suggesting you don't, as I have no idea what your business is.


I can scan though CV's very quickly to find potentially excellent people. Why is it so time consuming?

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Yes. Loads of them will have voted Tory and UKIP. Aspirational. Loaded with debt. A lot of them think they are middle Englanders, on tax credits.


Chumps in for a shock


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 07:07 ----------



I totally understand and agree with what you say. I have no idea how people are going to be coaxed into working more. There will be a lot of squealing no doubt but cuts are cuts and people who voted for them can't moan when they were told what was on the way. Maybe people are delusional. Many be they didn't equate tax credits cuts with benefits cuts.



Indeed. Some folks are delusional. They imagine that had Labour won the election they would have found a box on money under the bed and there would be no need for cuts.

Some are so delusional they imagine that huge numbers of the electorate had no idea what they were doing when they cast their votes, and somehow they are a visionary and the only one in the country that can see reality.

The actual reality is that on Labour's watch they trashed the UK economy and now the government is making cuts in spending to pay the debt. The electorate know that, which is why they voted in England pretty much as they did in 2010. Those in Scotland voted to chuck Labour out there too.


Have you seen the latest opinion polls for Scotland? You'll love 'em.. Delusional Scots I suppose.

Edited by Bigthumb
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No, it isn't. The living wage is set annually by The Living Wage Foundation, part of Citizens UK.




You really shouldn't rely on Wikipedia or if you do at least do a bit more research.


The living wage is set based on the Minimum Income Standard which is set and defined by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Other places do calculations using that such as Loughborough University. The living wage for London is set by the Greater London Authority - a government department controlled by the Major of London.


The living wage foundation is an accreditor who give out certificates to companies who conform to the living wage calculations.


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 11:14 ----------


Yes. Loads of them will have voted Tory and UKIP. Aspirational. Loaded with debt. A lot of them think they are middle Englanders, on tax credits.


Chumps in for a shock


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 07:07 ----------



I totally understand and agree with what you say. I have no idea how people are going to be coaxed into working more. There will be a lot of squealing no doubt but cuts are cuts and people who voted for them can't moan when they were told what was on the way. Maybe people are delusional. Many be they didn't equate tax credits cuts with benefits cuts.


The only good thing to come out of the Tory government so far. Anything that hurts the tax cheating middle classes gets 2 thumbs up from me. However, I'm sure they will simply find another scheme to invest in whilst those who were in genuine need of the tax credits thanks to the NMW being too low will suffer. Again.


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 11:18 ----------


Indeed. Some folks are delusional. They imagine that had Labour won the election they would have found a box on money under the bed and there would be no need for cuts.


You mean like they manage to 'find' to do quantitive easing? Or to bail out the banks? Funny how our governments seem to be able to suddenly find money when it suits them.


I've asked a similar question before of the more economically minded on here, but a slightly different question...our debt. Who do we owe it to? The ECB? The World Bank? What currency is it charged in? Because ultimately if it's a debt that is charged in pounds sterling, then what is stopping us simply printing more money to the value of the debt and then paying it off? It'd potentially cause bad inflation, but that would be short term and we'd clear all our debt at pretty much zero cost. If it was this simple I'm sure we would have done it so I clearly missing something!

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I thought it was a global crash? And nothing to do with the UK or the UK government??


It was. I was referring to our legal system and our overly deferential attitudes to those with a lot of money, as compared to that of the US.

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It was. I was referring to our legal system and our overly deferential attitudes to those with a lot of money, as compared to that of the US.


Even if it 'was' a global crash...Being one of the worlds top financial centres, doesn't it apply to the uk?...The bankers here were just as bad as anywhere else in the world, if not worse!!

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You really shouldn't rely on Wikipedia or if you do at least do a bit more research.


The living wage is set based on the Minimum Income Standard which is set and defined by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Other places do calculations using that such as Loughborough University. The living wage for London is set by the Greater London Authority - a government department controlled by the Major of London.


The living wage foundation is an accreditor who give out certificates to companies who conform to the living wage calculations.


I'm well aware on how to do research; last time I looked, the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University isn't a Government department, nor is the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


The only government department involved is the GLA, which calculates the London living wage, not the national living wage, so I'll admit that fits in with your claim of


'Don't forget the living wage is actually set by a government department'


.. but doesn't fit in with the rest of what you say:


'who in a totally ironic manner pay their own staff less than that, so government employees also have to claim tax credits...nice one.'


The GLA pays the Living Wage.




Thanks for berating my lack of research though.

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Surely it would be very easy to find good staff if you paid very good wages? I'm not suggesting you don't, as I have no idea what your business is.
We pay very good wages. Our apprentice, who 'should' be on a fraction of NMW (according to gov.uk, that is), is on better than NMW and getting close to living wage.


We struggle to find and keep good staff. They're like the proverbial 'pearl in every other 100 oyster' or something.


Plenty of posts of mine about that over the past 12 months. Situation's not changed.


Then again, we do ask them to work. A lot (within std 9-5 office hours, that said).

I can scan though CV's very quickly to find potentially excellent people. Why is it so time consuming?
What roles are you recruiting for?
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We pay very good wages. Our apprentice, who 'should' be on a fraction of NMW (according to gov.uk, that is), is on better than NMW and getting close to living wage.


We struggle to find and keep good staff. They're like the proverbial 'pearl in every other 100 oyster' or something.


Plenty of posts of mine about that over the past 12 months. Situation's not changed.


Then again, we do ask them to work. A lot (within std 9-5 office hours, that said).

What roles are you recruiting for?


Are your recruiting techniques suspect then?...No, honestly I'm not casting Nasturtiums...I suppose a lot depends upon what sort of jobs they are....Are they typically high turnover type jobs (like call centres etc)...


I'm not recruiting at all at the moment, but if I were it would be skilled engineering type roles....

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There will be a lot of squealing no doubt but cuts are cuts and people who voted for them can't moan when they were told what was on the way. Maybe people are delusional. Many be they didn't equate tax credits cuts with benefits cuts.


Debt is increasing, and there have been cuts to the top tax rates; in that scenario I dont see anyone thinking the Tories would make ordinary folk poorer.

Maybe the electorate are daft, but with the Tories only getting 24% voting for them, will tricky bills get through Parliament and the Lords.

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