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George Osbourne Planning Tax credit cuts: Fair?

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Well then, you know what to do:


Get married, stop working, and have lots of babies!


Wait, New Labour encouraged that a decade ago, and it was a financial disaster.


Does getting married make an iota of difference these days?

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Are your recruiting techniques suspect then?...Are they typically high turnover type jobs (like call centres etc)...
Not that we have been able to determine and no, the jobs we have problems with are high-end secretarial/admin ('not your usual legal secretarial job').


The few good ones we've found...only want bits of jobs (2 and a half days here, 2 days there, mornings only, that kind of stuff). That's no good to us or to our clients, we need and want full-timers :(

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Surely it would be very easy to find good staff if you paid very good wages? I'm not suggesting you don't, as I have no idea what your business is.


I can scan though CV's very quickly to find potentially excellent people. Why is it so time consuming?


It's not - well I dont find it is. It's the interviewing afterwards that takes the time.

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Well then, you know what to do:


Get married, stop working, and have lots of babies!


Wait, New Labour encouraged that a decade ago, and it was a financial disaster.


People have been having so many kids, that our population would be shrinking were it not for immigration.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tax credits are being cut to make sure pensioners keep all their benefits. I think increasing the minimum wage would make more sense as less people would need tax credits. No wonder Osbourne didn't want to tell anyone how he wanted to slash 12 billion from the welfare bill. Then they are on about introducing another tax cut. Labour needs to stand up to these posh bullies and stop agreeing with the austerity measures. Thats why SNP did so well, they had a clear message

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Genuine question - would there have been any need for working tax credits if housing costs hadn't become so out of kilter? Wouldn't it have been more cost effective to sort out the housing market 15 years ago instead of topping up people's earnings?


Maybe Chem1st can help me out with this question?

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Yea, but you can't easily fix problems from 15 years ago.


It's ridiculous in London right now, but then again would you think living in London and working the checkout at Sports Direct was a good idea financially??


People in London can't see past the M25, but will complain all day that they can't afford rent either.

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Are you happy that someone can claim up to £26k in benefits and not lift a finger - tax free, would need to earn £33k to get same


That's an absolute maximum cap. It's not a target or a 'normal' amount to claim.

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