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Help me locate Albert Rhodes

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Could anyone help? I'm trying to locate an old friend Mr Albert Rhodes was from Sheffield. We did our National Service together in 4th Regt Royal Horse Artillery in 1960-62. He married Jean in about 1961. Used to live in Ferrars Road. Was a Bricklayer and his parents used to keep a grocery shop in Sheffield 9. Please let me know if you know his whereabouts, I would love to get in touch. thanks Doug.

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Hi Allen.Thanks for replying so promptly.Ilost contact when they moved from Ferrars Road .That is indeed sad news.Ihave been trying for years to find a way and when i do its too late.When you share a room with someone for almost two years a really close bond is formed.Inever lost that bond and thought about Bert so often.Once again thanks for responding.If you have a photo you could e.mail me on douganddiana@talktalk.net.

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