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How to handle illegal immigrants

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The last thing this country needs is more immigrants, fished out of the sea. They cannot contribute to our economy and will only be another drain on our coffers.

Sorry may be harsh, just send them back after a health check and refreshments .

I know we don't agree on somethings but your spot on here :thumbsup:
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2013/2014 UK population grew by 491,100



259,700 added from net migration


226,200 from natural growth


25% of all births in 2013 were to mothers born outside the UK



Births over same period 698,512 of which 174,628 was to mothers born outside the UK.


Leaving 51,572 which is the natural growth rate of the UK after removing growth associated with recent immigration.

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The last thing this country needs is more immigrants, fished out of the sea. They cannot contribute to our economy and will only be another drain on our coffers.

Sorry may be harsh, just send them back after a health check and refreshments .


On what grounds do you claim that they can't contribute to the economy?

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2013/2014 UK population grew by 491,100



259,700 added from net migration


226,200 from natural growth


25% of all births in 2013 were to mothers born outside the UK



Births over same period 698,512 of which 174,628 was to mothers born outside the UK.


Leaving 51,572 which is the natural growth rate of the UK after removing growth associated with recent immigration.


Which is far too small a number to fill all the vacancies and create an economy that can support the national pension-scheme.

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Which is far too small a number to fill all the vacancies and create an economy that can support the national pension-scheme.


The number of vacancies would be smaller if population growth was lower, and some companies would move to the countries with a larger pool of unemployed people.


The aging population is a problem but can't be solved by increasing the population, that just creates other problems.

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The population pyramid needs to be balance, and that does mean increasing the population, without spiking it as the baby boomers did.


Its not possible to increase it indefinitely and any increase just results in a larger problem for the future, which is OK and you don't care about future generations.

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Which is far too small a number to fill all the vacancies and create an economy that can support the national pension-scheme.


We are in a total catch-22 here really. We need a growing population to look after the elderly, but then the next generation also needs to grow again to support the previous one and we end up in a vicious circle. A large number of the world's problems both now and in the future are down to too many people trying to live in an area that can't support them. Studies show that the planet can only comfortably sustain 3b people and we are over 7b already and still growing. Rather than trying to increase our own population we should be looking to reduce it and come up with more creative ideas of how we deal with an aging population. We have taken some steps towards it by changing retirement ages but we need more than this.

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