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How to handle illegal immigrants

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How is this for a solution?


The mining industry is collapsing in on itself at the moment, and it looks like Australia is heading for a bit of an economic slump. There are still people coming into the country and buying houses, of which there are not enough, and pushing real estate prices sky high.

Bit of a strange situation, I know.

If the people being laid off can be re trained in immigration, then there will be more people to process asylum seekers. This means there could potentially be more skilled laborers who can build more housing, schools, shops, thereby increasing employment, and lowering housing prices.


I'm not into economics, know much about politics or even know how to employ rational thought...... But I am a dreamer. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

As France continue to display their historical inability to counter invasions we find that there are still hundreds of mindless brits trying to travel through Calais and then complaining about being delayed as hordes of illegal immigrants, refugees and other undesireables along with french ferry workers inadvertently combine their activities to inconvenience the traveler to the UK.


Close down any services that rely on access to calais and offer the french authorities to send in the SAS or some other troops to assist them in the arrest deportation and repatriation of this unwanted mass that is causing all the problems. Leaving the french clear to concentrate on dealing with the industrial dispute which they will probably fail to do as it may benefit us.



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