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How to handle illegal immigrants

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Expand on that if you will please.



Immigration from outside the EU happens but there is a financial contribution test. Business men, investors, skilled workers get visas.


Thanks for the explanation. Now please consider the following in your elaboration: how do you "get rid"?


Such an easy opt-out. Are you proposing dumping them back in France? Flying them back to country X so they can start the journey again? Invest in their home-countries to ensure stability and a future for these people?


Having grown up in a town with an asylum seeker camp (town of 5000, 600 asylum seekers at the peak, mainly ex-Yugoslavs and AFrican boat refugees) I learned why they came across. Sending them back will only make them want to come across again. I don't believe it has been in the news here (not a lot anyway) but recently a man washed up on the beach in the Netherlands, turns out it was a Syrian refugee trying to swim the Channel.


He didn't make it, how many will make it? How many make the crossing illegally? Are we stop and searching all incoming sail-boats in Cornwall these days?


The problem exists, "getting rid" is a naive answer.


The OP question was 'what' and we need to agree that before working out the 'how'. As you point out there are challenges and not least is our reputation as a soft touch benefit generous nation... a reputation earned. We need to both remove the illegal immigrants whilst also removing the motivation for wanting to come here.

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But getting rid will in the long term stop people trying to swim the channel. Once they know that risking their life to get here is a pointless exercise they will stop trying, whilst ever there is a benefit to trying they will keep trying and dying.


They won't stop trying. You don't think someone risks a high chance of death because they've heard that the benefits system might be generous?

Actually you probably do believe that. :roll:

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We have a practical, moral and ethical obligation as a 1st world country to take a portion of refugees fleeing wars, persecution and natural disaster.

Your 'practical' objections that would result in tens of thousands of deaths make me despair, but fortunately only for you and for people like you. The country as it stands will do it's part, as it's required to under international law.




In case you have missed the title of the thread it refers to Illegal immigrants.

But to use your repeated logic that some will be refugees how do you intend removing those that are here illegally and where to ?

You fail to answer the points I have made regarding the vast majority of these immigrants being young, fit men. Wouldn't it be better if these men stayed to look after, and in some cases defend, their families and improve their own countries rather than leave the old, sick and frail behind to fend for themselves ?

If some are economic migrants they should be requesting entry to this country by the proper means if not they are illegal immigrants.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 09:46 ----------


They won't stop trying. You don't think someone risks a high chance of death because they've heard that the benefits system might be generous?

Actually you probably do believe that. :roll:


Why aren't they going to the rich Middle East countries ?

Edited by harvey19
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We have a practical, moral and ethical obligation as a 1st world country to take a portion of refugees fleeing wars, persecution and natural disaster.

Your 'practical' objections that would result in tens of thousands of deaths make me despair, but fortunately only for you and for people like you. The country as it stands will do it's part, as it's required to under international law.


By taking them you encourage more to try which results in more death.


I find your word games tedious. You can't challenge intolerance by tolerating it, it isn't bigotry to challenge you and your ilk with your right wing idolatry.
So you challenge what you perceive to be intolerance by being intolerant.


You are a bigot because you are intolerant of me because of my opinions.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 10:56 ----------


They won't stop trying. You don't think someone risks a high chance of death because they've heard that the benefits system might be generous?

Actually you probably do believe that. :roll:


Not at all, they try because some succeed and create a better life for themselves and that massage get around.

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No, I challenge what is intolerance, by pointing it out, arguing against it and showing how it's axioms are false and logic faulty.

You don't know what bigotry is clearly, despite demonstrating it on a regular basis.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 11:00 ----------


Why aren't they going to the rich Middle East countries ?


You demonstrate a massive failure of insight, imagination and knowledge.

Huge numbers ARE going to other middle eastern countries.

You think a few thousand refugees are too much for the UK to handle, whilst Turkey sees millions crossing the borders.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 11:01 ----------


In case you have missed the title of the thread it refers to Illegal immigrants.


And in case you missed my earlier post, it deliberately confused economic migrants and refugees with illegal immigrants.

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No, I challenge what is intolerance, by pointing it out, arguing against it and showing how it's axioms are false and logic faulty.

You don't know what bigotry is clearly, despite demonstrating it on a regular basis.


But that's all I do, challenge your intolerance of people, by pointing it out, arguing against it and showing how it's axioms are false and logically faulty.


You don't know what bigotry is clearly, despite demonstrating it on a regular basis.


Bigotry is you being intolerant of people for holding views and opinions that you can't tolerate. I share some of your opinions and find some quite bizarre, but I don't share your intolerance of people, I accept that everyone is different and everyone is entitled to hold whatever opinions they like.

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No, I challenge what is intolerance, by pointing it out, arguing against it and showing how it's axioms are false and logic faulty.

You don't know what bigotry is clearly, despite demonstrating it on a regular basis.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 11:00 ----------



You demonstrate a massive failure of insight, imagination and knowledge.

Huge numbers ARE going to other middle eastern countries.

You think a few thousand refugees are too much for the UK to handle, whilst Turkey sees millions crossing the borders.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 11:01 ----------



And in case you missed my earlier post, it deliberately confused economic migrants and refugees with illegal immigrants.


You select parts of my post to reply to and ignore other relevant points. Why is this ?

Please answer my earlier questions .

Another question for you is how do you differentiate between an illegal immigrant and refugee, where do you find the evidence ?

When I mentioned rich Middle East countries I was referring to such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia for example.

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I selected the part I wanted to reply to.


Which questions do you believe I haven't answered? I'll have a go at answering if you point them out and they're at all relevant.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 13:08 ----------



Bigotry is you being intolerant of people for holding views and opinions that you can't tolerate. I share some of your opinions and find some quite bizarre, but I don't share your intolerance of people, I accept that everyone is different and everyone is entitled to hold whatever opinions they like.


That's possibly the funniest thing I've read all day. And you probably even believe it. :hihi:


I think you're entitled to your opinions BTW, but that doesn't alter that they're often wrong, misguided, offensive, misogynistic and right wing.

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That's possibly the funniest thing I've read all day. And you probably even believe it. :hihi:


I think you're entitled to your opinions BTW, but that doesn't alter that they're often wrong, misguided, offensive, misogynistic and right wing.


I know that I am entitled to them, and you are as entitled to be as abusive as you like towards me for holding them, but that doesn't stop you from being the bigot.

You are wrong on all counts by the way, but don't let stop you showing your bigotry by being abusive towards me for hold opinions you don't understand and can't tolerate.

Edited by loraward
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I haven't ever abused you, but you carry on.

You still don't understand what a bigot is though. Or more likely you do, and your smokescreen is to accuse others of being the bigot for arguing against your bigotry.

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