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Trooping of the Colour-Queens official birthday.

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Well you seem to think you do judging from your last post, and from how far off the mark you are you can't be that smart.


Any dyed in the wool lefty socialist thinks as you do. Yes I think I do know you after all


Long live the Queen !

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Any God fearing Yankee thinks that way too.


You can be a monumental arse at points.


You forget matey that I was born and raised in Sheffield. I know all about the whining sniveling far lefty Socialist attitude to anyone who was better off financially.. I like the Yankee one better.

"I may not be as rich as that guy now but one day I will be" Sitting on one's arse moaning about "class inequality" these days only points to that person being a loser. Not an admirable trait


There's nothing wrong in being anti-monarchist either. I've read plenty of intelligent posts on the SF over the idea of having a Republican form of government. It's the hatred and vitriol directed at an old woman who served her country nobly for so long including service in a woman's auxiliary unit during WW2. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't have the common citizen's right to verbally retaliate either nor even voice an opinion on most if not all subjects.


If truth was known I don't think the Queen felt very happy at having to assume the throne as a very young woman upon the early death of her father but she saw it as her duty to the country. You know what a sense of duty is I take it ? Or maybe you're just another one of the runt litter who thinks such things are completely out of date.


Given the choice of living life in a nice comfortable home in a pleasant leafy suburb and having all the freedoms that the rest of us take for granted as opposed to living in Victorian piles of stone and being scrutinized by everyone like some laboratory specimen under a microscope would present a very clear and obvious choice to me at least


I dare say the Queen decided long ago that staying on to the end instead of handing over the throne to a son like Charles was the best way to go in trying to preserve the monarchy but even Charles in his own way is a victim of being born a royal. Any kid with a father like Prince Phillip deserves my heartfelt sympathy any day


P.S I like pomp and ceremony. Most none Britons love it also. Nobody does it like the British do. Long live the Queen and thank you for your service

Edited by Harleyman
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So much respect..

next plane for north korea departing soon feel free to jump on it if dont want to be here.

Not sure NK would take him.


---------- Post added 15-06-2015 at 15:53 ----------


Something we have and sadly he doesn't.
We have to make do with the Superbowl, what a pity, or Independence Day Barbies, or Macy's Thankgiving Day Parade in NYC. As it happens, I got to see the Trooping of the Colour from a balcony overlooking the parade ground back in 1968 a week before we embarked for Canada, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a gift from a Nation grateful to me for my service to her Majesty while a member of the Royal Navy. Thank You Maam, you are still a great lady and well worth whatever it costs. Edited by buck
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including service in a woman's auxiliary unit during WW2.


Please don't fall for the right wing propaganda. Women were asked/expected to volunteer for some form of service from 1941. Princess Elizabeth joined a few months before the end of the war in 1945, and she never slept in barracks like the rest of the girls, but went home every night to luxury. The famous footage shown of her working on a van, made sure that every girl around her during that time was fully vetted and of the 'right sort', before she could join them in that class.


It's no different to the royal propaganda we've seen about William and Harry, packing food for the starving or Tsunami victims. They do their bit for the camera for their own publicity. Please don't be so naive as to think we all fall for such propaganda. They have a role in life, GET WELL PAID for it and have the best of everything, including having someone run their bath and put toothpaste on their toothbrush, it's pathetic! I don't begrudge The Queen, but the lesser Royals we could do without. Prince Harry and Princess Margaret and Prince Andrew seemed to have a hell of a time, with none of the responsibilities.

Edited by poppet2
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< To alleviate the suffering>


I dare say the Queen decided long ago that staying on to the end instead of handing over the throne to a son like Charles was the best way to go in trying to preserve the monarchy but even Charles in his own way is a victim of being born a royal. Any kid with a father like Prince Phillip deserves my heartfelt sympathy any day


P.S I like pomp and ceremony. Most none Britons love it also. Nobody does it like the British do. Long live the Queen and thank you for your service



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I wish Prince Phil had been your daddy. Off to boarding school in the Aussie outback. Knocked some sense into your knuckle head :hihi:


You probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about whiich wouldn't surprise me a bit :D


---------- Post added 15-06-2015 at 21:30 ----------


Prince Charles 'a Victim'?!!!


He is his own worse enemy, especially after the interference from his spider letters


If you had had a grandma like the Queen Mother and a dad like Prince Phillip you would have been a bit shy of a full deck of cards yourself.

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