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What should a British Muslim do?

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Having children take part in a ceremony that has them act out cannibalism, giving up something for a couple of months, talking to yourself while on your knees most days...


You can do this for pretty much any religion so I'm not certain I understand your point.


---------- Post added 15-06-2015 at 15:39 ----------



But the bible has not changed since it was written has it? It has had an addition to it that 'made' Christianity but the Old Testament is still there. All that has changed is that some people now interpret it different, or decide to simply ignore whole swathes of it. Much like many Muslims ignore huge swathes of the Quran.


The point is that killing someone doesn't make you an extremist, its their extreme beliefs that make them extremists and ultimately lead them to kill. There will be millions of extremists that haven't killed anyone.

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my bold =

Shouldn't that read " Including the crusades against the Muslims by the infidels. I think not!"


Hi Mayfa

You may not be aware that the (faithdfull)Christians at the time of the Crusades called Muslims Infidels (unfaithfull) just as certain Muslims now call Christians and all none Muslims Infidels. Infidel has the Latin stem fide which means faith or belief. My old school Motto was Forte ins Fide. Strength from Faith.

Perhaps it is the strength in faith that enables people to be so dogmatic and sacrifice these beautiful young people to their Ideology and enables the young people to sacrifice themselves. Most young people are idealists.

I left The Catholic faith behind a long time ago

Being wrapped in a pig skin would not prevent anyone from entering heaven if they have a gate pass to heaven so a pointless act really by the Russians.

Well that would depend on how much one belief can over ride the other wouldn't it.

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The Russians didn't rap them in pig skin to stop them entering heaven, and

what you believe is unimportant, its what the would be suicide bomber believes that is the important factor.


I agree look at my latest post above.

The same goes for what you believe.

The Russians don't believe that being wrapped in a pigskin will stop anyone entering Heaven, its what they believe the terrorists believe that informed what they did.


---------- Post added 15-06-2015 at 17:06 ----------


Wow this subject has warmed up! There must be a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands.

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Regardless of the semantics, which group should apologise for which people?


The British Muslims should apologise for British suicide bombers?

The French Muslims should apologise for French suicide bombers?


If you want to make religion the unifying factor, then you'll get swamped in creating universal responsibility anyway. All Muslims should apologise for the actions of all Muslims?


If there were something concrete to criticise then I'd be comfortable with that.

But I can't agree with such massive generalisations.


I don't see how people become collectively responsible for the behaviour of others who aren't actually following their teachings and instead are ignoring their teachings.


I've not suggested Muslims living in the West should be apologising for extremism because it falls short of what is needed. I'm saying straight that they need to stop the extremism or the wider community will reject and punish them collectively.


The fact that 'normal' Muslims are being radicalised in such disproportionate numbers (compared to other cultures) is clear evidence that what is being accepted as 'normal' is in truth far too close to extreme. The only real different between the Islamic normal and extreme is interpretation regarding the enforcement of the rules and appetite for enforcement. It is simply too easy for people to be lured from the normal camp into the extremist camp and it is up to the majority in the normal camp to move themselves further away to stop it from happening.

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More Terrorists from Dewsbury inc a suicide bomber in todays news.

As usual they are all good lads and lasses who would have been the least expected to go and join Isis.

And as usual the 90% muslim population of Savile Town [Dewsbury] knew nothing about their plans.

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More Terrorists from Dewsbury inc a suicide bomber in todays news.

As usual they are all good lads and lasses who would have been the least expected to go and join Isis.

And as usual the 90% muslim population of Savile Town [Dewsbury] knew nothing about their plans.


Well, if you were planning blowing yourself up you'd keep it tp yourself wouldn't you?

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Perhaps you could supply the answers and explain why you think they're relevant?


Not so recent. And never. I think. I cant remember a time. There were some animal nutters around a few years back who liked hurting, scaring or killing people. Cant remember an antiabortion nutter doing it though

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But the bible has not changed since it was written has it? It has had an addition to it that 'made' Christianity but the Old Testament is still there. All that has changed is that some people now interpret it different, or decide to simply ignore whole swathes of it. Much like many Muslims ignore huge swathes of the Quran.


The Bible as we have it today has gone through a number of editions, most notable the King James version that was published in 1611.


The Old testament is within the bible as a reference to the church before Jesus. The transition from Old to new testament is a transition from a jealous and vengeful God to one of Love and peace as preached by Jesus himself. Christians by their very name are the people who follow Christ's teachings and not those of the old testament or the Jewish Bible as it should be known. Remember Christianity didn't just spring up from nothing it grew from Judaism. Christ himself being a circumcised Jew.


Im not a christian by the way, I just attended very Christian schools.


You wont find the old testament taught from the pulpit in a Anglican Church or any of its derivations, unless its in reference to a passage in the new testament.


Think of the old testament as the Sigmund Freud of the Bible. Its not considered to be relevant, but is still considered to be part of the history that has now been surpassed.

Edited by Berberis
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