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What should a British Muslim do?

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From New York! :P
With the most cosmopolitan population in the world, why not? I'll take a New York opinion over anybody else's in the world. Edited by buck
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But the bible has not changed since it was written has it? It has had an addition to it that 'made' Christianity but the Old Testament is still there. All that has changed is that some people now interpret it different, or decide to simply ignore whole swathes of it. Much like many Muslims ignore huge swathes of the Quran.


In contrast, every word in the Quran was dictated to Mohammed by Allah (God) and so is infallible and so is taught in Mosques across the world day in day out.


Here are some direct quotes from the Quran as taught.


And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

i.e. Fight and kill those not of Islam but if they convert let them go.

Ref: http://quran.com/9/5


And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

i.e. Fight until there are no more none believers until all are Muslims.

ref: http://quran.com/8/39

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In contrast, every word in the Quran was dictated to Mohammed by Allah (God) and so is infallible and so is taught in Mosques across the world day in day out.


Here are some direct quotes from the Quran as taught.


That's the problem, to be a Muslim you must obey the Quran, no picking and choosing which bit to obey or disobey, so are millions of people that claim to be Muslims only saying they are because they don't like the consequences of saying they are not, or are they all lying about what they truly believe, which is permissible and encouraged in the Quran.

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With the most cosmopolitan population in the world, why not? I'll take a New York opinion over anybody else's in the world.


I think you might have earned a whooosh for that! ;)


Mr RocketMan was suggesting (in jest) that the survey was carried out in New York - so not really surprising that "Jews are viewed most positively by Americans" considering the high proportion that live there.


It's no longer amusing when you have to explain a joke, is it? :P

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That's the problem, to be a Muslim you must obey the Quran, no picking and choosing which bit to obey or disobey, so are millions of people that claim to be Muslims only saying they are because they don't like the consequences of saying they are not, or are they all lying about what they truly believe, which is permissible and encouraged in the Quran.


Is that the same for every religion? I know plenty of Christians who use their religion sparingly.

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A friend of mine grew up in Iran. He moved here as a refugee some ten years ago and he has the following to say about this (paraphrased due to some naughty words...):


The problem with these kids is that they did not grow up in a sharia-state, without understanding what that really is, they decided that it is worth fighting for. They are stupid.

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Is that the same for every religion? I know plenty of Christians who use their religion sparingly.


No I don't think it is.


Quran: The Word of God


The Quran is the holy book which Muslims recite and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their lives. Its verses have remained intact since their original revelation by God in the 7th century. This brochure explains the divine origin of the Quran by elaborating upon its preservation, authenticity and miracles. It also discusses the Quranic message which has universal appeal and is relevant for all times.


One of those privileges which in fact is the greatest of them, is the revelation of the Qur’an. The Qur’an is the one and only holy book in which its originality could be accounted for. We should be proud of this as the ‘holy’ books of other religions had been contaminated by the human hands. All their ‘holy’ books have gone through changes in the forms of additions or subtractions in them.



If it is the word of God and relevant for all time then it must all be relevant for all time, there is no message in it from God explaining that parts of it become irrelevant and should be ignored.

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I've not suggested Muslims living in the West should be apologising for extremism because it falls short of what is needed. I'm saying straight that they need to stop the extremism or the wider community will reject and punish them collectively.


Wow, they don't need to apologise. They are (in your mind) somehow responsible for actually stopping the behaviour of other people. That's some pretty special thinking you've done.


---------- Post added 16-06-2015 at 07:23 ----------


I'm sorry but I don't understand the question.


I'm sorry, I can't make it any simpler.


---------- Post added 16-06-2015 at 07:25 ----------


How can there be such thing when the foundation of Islam is the Quran which is considered infallible but calls for the killing and subjugation of none Muslims.


You appear to be ignoring reality, presumably on purpose. The vast majority of Muslims are moderate, the Immans teach that they should live in peace and they condemn the behaviour of the extremists. What is says in the Quaran doesn't alter that.

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That's the problem, to be a Muslim you must obey the Quran, no picking and choosing which bit to obey or disobey, so are millions of people that claim to be Muslims only saying they are because they don't like the consequences of saying they are not, or are they all lying about what they truly believe, which is permissible and encouraged in the Quran.


You mangle reality is really extraordinary way.

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I'm sorry, I can't make it any simpler.


I found it too simple, it contained very little information hence I had no idea what you was asking.




---------- Post added 16-06-2015 at 07:30 ----------


Wow, they don't need to apologise. They are (in your mind) somehow responsible for actually stopping the behaviour of other people. That's some pretty special thinking you've done.


Is it not the wider Islamic community that forces their children to read and learn from the Quran and those same people that claim it to be the word of God and relevant for all time. And then people wonder why some end up supporting the goals of ISIS.

Edited by loraward
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