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What should a British Muslim do?

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my bold=

Nail on the head, it's about understanding that at the time the Quraan was revealed Muslims and people of other religions were at war.

This is the reason there are passages stating kill the unbelievers and it should be read in the right context.

The passages will never be deleted but it's down to the individual reading it to realise that it doesn't apply in this era.


Which revelation form God instructs Muslims to dismiss the parts they think are irrelevant?

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Which revelation form God instructs Muslims to dismiss the parts they think are irrelevant?


God gave us a brain to realise the context in which the passages in the Qur'an were written.

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Get back under your rock! :rolleyes:


Your God created me and must have known that I would say what I say, if God didn't want me to say it, God wouldn't have created me.


---------- Post added 16-06-2015 at 22:33 ----------


God gave us a brain to realise the context in which the passages in the Qur'an were written.


Then what is the point of the Quran, if God intended you to make your own choices by using the brain it gave you, it wouldn't have dictated the Quran which instructs you on how to live your life.

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God gave us a brain to realise the context in which the passages in the Qur'an were written.


Then should we consider those who take the passages in the Qur'an - all of them, or at least those that promote violence above those that promote love - to extremes, to be mentally incapable of taking them in the context they were written?

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Jimmy Savile was a Yorkshireman. Do you think that all "people of Yorkshire background" should go around apologizing for his crimes?


Anders Behring Breivik was white. Do you think all white people should apologies for his crimes?


Adolph Hitler was a man. Do you think all men should go around apologizing for his crimes?


Clearly, no one but a cretinous idiot would expect any of the examples listed above to actually be followed through.


So, why treat religious affiliation differently from race, gender or place of birth?

yes to all your questions
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I was watching this discussion on TV between a number of Europeans , .. some of them were Muslim Europeans …

To cut the story short, terror and suicide bombings killing innocents were mentioned … One of the guys present said: If I were a Muslim European I would feel it necessary to apologise …


My question: when we hear of someone of Islamic background or Islamic connections committing a terrible act, do you think it necessary an innocent Muslim ought to apologise for the pain and stress caused?


I hope we can have an informed and civil debate, thanks!


I'd like to see the Muslim community make a more concerted effort to integrate into British culture. They could do a lot more to help us understand what's going on.


We need to celebrate what we have in common as human beings, rather than what separates us. It doesn't help that they live in closed communities, and the women stay in the home rather than mix with other British women.


That might go some way towards allaying fears that all Muslims somehow 'agree' with what the terrorists are doing.

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I'd like to see the Muslim community make a more concerted effort to integrate into British culture. They could do a lot more to help us understand what's going on.


We need to celebrate what we have in common as human beings, rather than what separates us. It doesn't help that they live in closed communities, and the women stay in the home rather than mix with other British women.


That might go some way towards allaying fears that all Muslims somehow 'agree' with what the terrorists are doing.


Our two cultures are virtually incompatible. Actually Islam is virtually incompatible with Islam.

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I don't think British Muslims have to do anything. The terrorists DON'T speak for a significant number of Muslims in the UK, or anywhere else.


Nobody expected the Irish Catholics to 'speak out' when the IRA were bombing UK cities.

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I don't think British Muslims have to do anything. The terrorists DON'T speak for a significant number of Muslims in the UK, or anywhere else.


Nobody expected the Irish Catholics to 'speak out' when the IRA were bombing UK cities.


The Irish Republicans were not on a crusade. They wanted independence from UK. They weren't bombing in the cause of Christianity.

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