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What should a British Muslim do?

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No they shouldnt have to apologise.

However, i would like to see 'moderate, law abiding' Muslims speak out more against radical Islamists.


Many Muslims do speak out against individual attacks of terrorism and barbarism....Perhaps the media have a responsibility to report that those who commit such attacks are a tiny minority, but there again that should be self evident to all.

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I was watching this discussion on TV between a number of Europeans , .. some of them were Muslim Europeans …

To cut the story short, terror and suicide bombings killing innocents were mentioned … One of the guys present said: If I were a Muslim European I would feel it necessary to apologise …


My question: when we hear of someone of Islamic background or Islamic connections committing a terrible act, do you think it necessary an innocent Muslim ought to apologise for the pain and stress caused?


I hope we can have an informed and civil debate, thanks!


No......people didnt expect the Irish to apologise for what the IRA/Unionist did.


However, i do think that the muslim community should be more vocal. They seem to go very quiet on some major issues and incidents.


They say something when they think it will affect their community or an incident might cause backlash to their religion. Otherwise they are pretty quiet.

Edited by TheRocketMan
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Jews are viewed most positively by Americans among the major religious groups, according to a survey released Wednesday.


The Pew survey asked participants to rate their attitude toward different religious groups on a “feeling thermometer” on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the “warmest, most positive” rating. The 3,217 respondents rated Jews, Catholics and Evangelical Christians scores of 63, 62, and 61, respectively.


On the other end of the spectrum, Muslims were rated least favorably, with a score of 40.


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Many Muslims do speak out against individual attacks of terrorism and barbarism....Perhaps the media have a responsibility to report that those who commit such attacks are a tiny minority, but there again that should be self evident to all.


I think we all know that the Muslims who carry out acts of terrorism and barbarism are a very tiny minority.

However there doesnt seem to me (for whatever reason) a large majority of Muslims condeming such acts.

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Jews are viewed most positively by Americans among the major religious groups, according to a survey released Wednesday.


The Pew survey asked participants to rate their attitude toward different religious groups on a “feeling thermometer” on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the “warmest, most positive” rating. The 3,217 respondents rated Jews, Catholics and Evangelical Christians scores of 63, 62, and 61, respectively.


On the other end of the spectrum, Muslims were rated least favorably, with a score of 40.



What a load of twaddle!


Jews are viewed most positively by Americans...
and this is based on a survey of 3,217 repondents, out of a population of 320 million(ish) - or 0.001% of the population by my reckoning! :roll:
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We are reminded that muslims who commit atrocities in the name of Islam are not true muslims, but when Russia for example used the beliefs of Muslim terrorists against them (Im not sure if this is true, but there was some outcry about it) by burying the bodies of the dead terrorists who attacked the Moscow Opera a few years ago in pig skins. There was opposition to it from parts of the Muslim community.


You mean rather similarly to white christians about the beheading of journalists by ISIS?

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Let's not confuse terrorists with journalists here...


It's a no less spiteful thing to do. They're dead, stick em in a hole and forget about them. To do what the Russian authorities did was crappy, tasteless and inflammatory not to mention pointless. I'm not a Muslim and I'm mildly outraged.

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You mean rather similarly to white christians about the beheading of journalists by ISIS?


I have no idea what you are getting at. Can you please explain.


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 15:11 ----------


It's a no less spiteful thing to do. They're dead, stick em in a hole and forget about them. To do what the Russian authorities did was crappy, tasteless and inflammatory not to mention pointless. I'm not a Muslim and I'm mildly outraged.


If it were pointless, then how can it be inflammatory at the same time? We are told over and over that these people are not true muslims, so why is it wrong to as the Russians (allegedly) did?

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