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What should a British Muslim do?

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Are you saying there is a different way to interpret verses such as: "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them"


How do you know what is printed in the Quran?



Also its "You're" not "Your".[/u]


Read it again.

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RE the bit I've emboldened. You've combined two separate issues. The problem is with THOSE who do follow the promotion of violence to non-believers. Find those, and deal with those, and not the Muslims who do not

believe in violence to non believers.


Its hard to understand that someone can revere a man, and follow the teachings of a book that promotes intolerance and violence towards non believers, without supporting the ultimate aims of the man and book.

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Its hard to understand that someone can revere a man, and follow the teachings of a book that promotes intolerance and violence towards non believers, without supporting the ultimate aims of the man and book.


Yet for you to come to that conclusion by reading it, you wish it banned so as not to allow others to come to their own conclusions?

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It isn't. The bill was specifically amended so that it didn't make the Quaran and the Bible illegal. This is quite well demonstrated by the fact that you can go and buy them on the high street and nobody is being prosecuted for their production. Once again you're arguing against the obvious reality of things.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 15:40 ----------


Oh, and apologist is used as a pejorative term in order to try to silence arguments made against your bigoted views.


I didn't say the Quran and the Bible were illegal, I said they shouldn't be exempt from the same rules everyone else as to follow.

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No, the way you look at it is you've made an inference based on your reading of the Qur'an through bigotry. The irony of your suggestion is lost on you..whether the inference is correct or not.


You can't read the Quran through bigotry, bigotry is the intolerance of people because of the opinions they hold.


If I am misunderstanding the Quran then it is Gods fault for creating me the way I am, which means it is also Gods fault that ISIS and millions of Muslims interpret it in the same why that I interpret it. Why would anyone worship a God that is responsible for the atrocities carried out by its worshipers.

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Yet for you to come to that conclusion by reading it, you wish it banned so as not to allow others to come to their own conclusions?


I only want what is fair, its not legal to distribute literature that promote intolerance and violence unless it happens to be religious literature and they get away with promoting the killing of all non believers.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 17:24 ----------


But murder is unlawful. Doesn't the Koran say so, too?


Murder is but killing someone isn't murder if its permissible.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 17:27 ----------


No-one should. But punishment for wrongdoing connotes freedom of choice.


Freedom of choice needs to be the same for all, if believers can legally promote intolerance and violence towards none believers, then none believers should have the legal right to reciprocate.

Edited by loraward
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You can't read the Quran through bigotry, bigotry is the intolerance of people because of the opinions they hold.


If I am misunderstanding the Quran then it is Gods fault for creating me the way I am, which means it is also Gods fault that ISIS and millions of Muslims interpret it in the same why that I interpret it. Why would anyone worship a God that is responsible for the atrocities carried out by its worshipers.


:hihi::hihi: So, in order for you to express these hyperbole'ic word gymnastics you want something banned in order for you not to?


Why would anyone worship a God that is responsible for the atrocities carried out by it's worshipers.


For someone who doesn't believe in God you now seem to think it's Gods fault for creating you the way you are, so easy really.

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