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What should a British Muslim do?

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Load of codswallop! Why haven't I killed any non Muslims in my 42 years of life and I am a Muslim?

People like you think Loraward(smithy) is bang on as you are a Muslim hater yourself.

Quoting verses from the Quran out of context does not prove anything apart from highlighting who the Muslim haters are. :rolleyes:


Why would anyone hate a follower of the religion of peace? What possible reason could they have for that?

Think carefully and fully.


I'm not a moslim hater.


I do not like the religion though - it seems to breed intolerance and hatred. It seems to engender violence, aggression, misogyny and racism in its followers.


I don't think our culture (yes we do still have one) is virtually incompatible with Islam and its culture in the same way that ****e seems to be incompatible with Sunny.


It may be that I have missed something about Islam, but it doesn't seem very nice to me. I do understand why violent unpleasant thugs would follow it, but I don't understand why a decent person would.

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I don't know how they manage it, because I'm not a Muslim and I don't know what, if any, inner conflicts they may be suffering. However, by the simple fact that the vast majority of non-believers haven't already been slaughtered gives a good indication of whether or not there really is a problem.


Unless they haven't been slaughtered because they don't have a capability or numbers to do it yet, the fact that it is written down in a book they revere is enough to justify being intolerant of them as a group.

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Mafya's contributions to this thread have been very disappointing (partly because of her previous clear thinking). Quibbling over the small print, picking on the analysis of the Quran, and her latest bullish contribution.


What about the main question?


Some will say she is an apologist for everything Muslim. My religion right or wrong.


So, never mind about if you do this it "will make moderates like me retaliate back". You may not need to retaliate if you are proactive.


What about the main question? What should a British Muslim do?


For a start mafya is a man, as for the main question what should a British Muslim do? Well IMO British Muslims don't need to apologise for the actions of extremists but they should report anyone planning to carry out acts of extremism if they become aware of such an attack been planned.

Extremists don't go around telling everybody what they are planning to do and judging by some posts it seems many think Muslims are all in it together which is wrong.

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Which is the only non-moslim country in the middle east?

Which country have many many moslims vowed to destroy?

Which is the only true democracy in the Middle East?


Same answer for all three.


How do Jews get along with Moslims?

Are they compatible?

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And the Christian haters as has been highlighted by the capture , rape and enslaving of young girls in recent days as well as the beheading of men .


And the only crime is that they are christian,


I don't agree in anyway what so ever with the people who are killing Christians for being Christians.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 20:55 ----------


Moderate people from many different groups are beginning to turn against Muslims due to the extreme behaviour of a few of them.


Moderate Muslims ought to be keeping their fellow Muslims with extremist tendencies in check, before they end up bringing trouble to all Muslims.


There is a lot of tit for tat violence, and it does nobody any favours.


Maybe moderate Muslims like me should start turning against Non Muslims due to the extreme behaviour of a few of them?

Do you realise how stupid you post makes you sound?

Anyone who judges a whole people on the actions of a few needs their head examining and that goes for any Muslims that think the same too.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 20:58 ----------


Which is the only non-moslim country in the middle east?

Which country have many many moslims vowed to destroy?

Which is the only true democracy in the Middle East?


Same answer for all three.


How do Jews get along with Moslims?

Are they compatible?


It's not Moslims its Muslims but you already know that and are just following the right wing trait of spelling it incorrectly.

I have a few Jewish friends and we get along fine, I don't agree with your only democracy in the Middle East bit as they are illegally occupying Palestine.

Israel is hated due to its treatment and land grabbing of Palestine.

Edited by mafya
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I don't agree in anyway what so ever with the people who are killing Christians for being Christians.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 20:55 ----------



Maybe moderate Muslims like me should start turning against Non Muslims due to the extreme behaviour of a few of them?

Do you realise how stupid you post makes you sound?

Anyone who judges a whole people on the actions of a few needs their head examining and that goes for any Muslims that think the same too.


I judge the followers of Islam based on the actions of the man and the words in the book that they revere, there as to be something wrong in someones head if they think Mohammad is the best example of humanity and lead their life according to the words of intolerance and violence that are found in a book written over a thousand years ago. Having said that I think a significant number of Muslims?? worldwide would renounce the religion if not for the threats of violence against them for doing so.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 21:10 ----------



It's not Moslims its Muslims but you already know that and are just following the right wing trait of spelling it incorrectly.

I have a few Jewish friends and we get along fine, I don't agree with your only democracy in the Middle East bit as they are illegally occupying Palestine.

Israel is hated due to its treatment and land grabbing of Palestine.


Would you describe the members of ISIS as Muslim or Moslem.

Edited by loraward
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It's not Moslims its Muslims but you already know that and are just following the right wing trait of spelling it incorrectly.

I have a few Jewish friends and we get along fine, I don't agree with your only democracy in the Middle East bit as they are illegally occupying Palestine.

Israel is hated due to its treatment and land grabbing of Palestine.


Haters gonna hate :D



I'm centre right, laissez-faire, social conservative OK.

Moslim, Muslim, Moslem, Muslem. Muhammed, Mohamed, Mahmood, Mohammoud.

Potato tomato.



Is there another democracy? I'd love to hear of one.


Shall we kill Israel then?

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Obviously our government think that or they wouldn't have laws against it.

Kill all non believers isn't open to interpretation, and is no different to printing a poster with the words kill all Jews, kill all blacks, kill all Christians, kill all homosexuals. The rules that rightly stop the publication and distribution of whiten material that incites hatred, intolerance and violence should also apply to religious text.




I'm not asking the government, I'm asking you as an individual who advocates banning a book. What purpose would it have other than to make it illegal? because banning it won't magically make it disappear. There are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions who can recite it from memory, would you recommend a lobotomy?


In the past witches were burned because disease and pestilence was attributed to them. Exposing religions crimes and dogma can only be achieved through scientific knowledge and education..burning books isn't knowledge or educational...quite the opposite.

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Which is the only non-moslim country in the middle east?

Which country have many many moslims vowed to destroy?

Which is the only true democracy in the Middle East?


Same answer for all three.


How do Jews get along with Moslims?

Are they compatible?

Don't forget Armenia.

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I'm not asking the government, I'm asking you as an individual who advocates banning a book. What purpose would it have other than to make it illegal? because banning it won't magically make it disappear. There are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions who can recite it from memory, would you recommend a lobotomy?


In the past witches were burned because disease and pestilence was attributed to them. Exposing religions crimes and dogma can only be achieved through scientific knowledge and education..burning books isn't knowledge or educational...quite the opposite.


It will go some way to making our society fair and it will also lets everyone know that the promotion of intolerance, hatred and violence is something the society won't tolerate. When one group of people is allowed to promote hatred, intolerance and violence and everyone else is punished for such actions, it breads resentment.

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