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What should a British Muslim do?

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It will go some way to making our society fair and it will also lets everyone know that the promotion of intolerance, hatred and violence is something the society won't tolerate. When one group of people is allowed to promote hatred, intolerance and violence and everyone else is punished for such actions, it breads resentment.


Do you personally tolerate the Bible and the Quran ?

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Maybe moderate Muslims like me should start turning against Non Muslims due to the extreme behaviour of a few of them?


No, as I said before, tit for tat violence does nobody any favours. You had already suggested you would turn to violence anyway, hence me pointing out how others are tempted to be violence towards Muslims, because of such tit for tat violence.


Do you realise how stupid you post makes you sound?


It doesn't make me 'sound' stupid, as it is written. It doesn't make me out to be stupid as it makes sense.


Anyone who judges a whole people on the actions of a few needs their head examining and that goes for any Muslims that think the same too.


Indeed. But, people are doing this, and the tit for tat violence is getting out of control.


Looking back to your previous post...


Any reprisals against such Muslims will make moderates like me retaliate back so don't be thinking that Muslims will just bend over and take it. You have mentioned this a few times so I think your the type that actually wants reprisals against Muslims but I've got news for you, it ain't going to happen because everyone doesn't think like you. :rolleyes:


Ironically, you threatened to be violent, based upon the actions of a few people.


Do you realise how your posts read, and the impression of you it gives to others?


You threaten violence towards Non-Muslims, and when somebody points out others might be tempted to be violent towards Muslims because of Muslims being violent towards others, you again suggest violence.



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No, as I said before, tit for tat violence does nobody any favours. You had already suggested you would turn to violence anyway, hence me pointing out how others are tempted to be violence towards Muslims, because of such tit for tat violence.




It doesn't make me 'sound' stupid, as it is written. It doesn't make me out to be stupid as it makes sense.




Indeed. But, people are doing this, and the tit for tat violence is getting out of control.


Looking back to your previous post...




Ironically, you threatened to be violent, based upon the actions of a few people.


Do you realise how your posts read, and the impression of you it gives to others?


You threaten violence towards Non-Muslims, and when somebody points out others might be tempted to be violent towards Muslims because of Muslims being violent towards others, you again suggest violence.




I haven't threatened violence towards any non Muslims, I have said that if anyone try's punishing me over the actions of extremists ie by beating me up then I will retaliate and not just take it.


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 22:47 ----------


Don't forget Armenia.


Let's bring the crusades into it if you want! :cool:


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 22:48 ----------


Haters gonna hate :D



I'm centre right, laissez-faire, social conservative OK.

Moslim, Muslim, Moslem, Muslem. Muhammed, Mohamed, Mahmood, Mohammoud.

Potato tomato.



Is there another democracy? I'd love to hear of one.


Shall we kill Israel then?


Centre right heading to the far right!

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It's like the Protestant/Catholic bloodbath that Liz and Mary Tudor were complicit in but that was a few hundred years ago. Differing views on religion and tribal differences are keeping half a continent in turmoil and the fallout is killing thousands of innocent people a week. I don't see a solution in my lifetime.

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As I see it, regardless of the vast majority of UK based Muslims being peaceful people just wanting to get on with their lives, there are still enough who are demonstrating that they have a very different outlook on life to cause some concern.


However, these people cannot be singled out and identified until they act. Up until then, they look just like any other Muslim. However, the fact that they do look like any other Muslim, and that Muslims are, to a great extent identifiable by the way they dress and where they live and congregate, they are all lumped together.


Acts by a few will breed distrust of the whole, further alienating Muslims in society, and further highlighting differences between Muslims and the (non-Muslim) majority. The more young Muslims feel alienated by the society in which they live, then the more likely it is that some will be attracted by the offer of a true Muslim based society somewhere else.


Further alienation of young British Musims will play into the hands of IS, as will anything that drives a wedge between British Muslims and the rest of the British people. IS don't want British Muslims to be a part of British society, they want them to be persecuted and so show Britain to be an evil country.


Some very good points. Can you blame the white British for thinking 'if you're not with us, you're against us...' They are very frightened.


What should British Muslims do? - They have to show they are with us in actions, not words. They have to be as loud and high profile in defending their peaceful Islamic way of life, as the fundamentalists are aggressive.


They have to be out there combating fundamentalism in all its forms and more importantly, be seen to be doing it.


They should be the first to report acts of fundamentalist hate crime in the Mosques and the schools. And follow through by seeing to it that real reforms follow. They must take personal responsibility to maintain the peace.


We are a peaceful and tolerant nation. That tolerance has been seriously abused, and our way of life threatened. We all have the right to feel safe in our own country.

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I was watching this discussion on TV between a number of Europeans , .. some of them were Muslim Europeans …

To cut the story short, terror and suicide bombings killing innocents were mentioned … One of the guys present said: If I were a Muslim European I would feel it necessary to apologise …


My question: when we hear of someone of Islamic background or Islamic connections committing a terrible act, do you think it necessary an innocent Muslim ought to apologise for the pain and stress caused?


I hope we can have an informed and civil debate, thanks!

What would help is for Muslims living in Great Britain to call a mass rally in London so as to inform us all that their allegiance is first and formost to our Country and that this takes precedence over any religious belief what so ever.


They should make that clear that this Country ,its history and its culture always come first ,The meeting should have all the prominent preachers , Mulla's and Muslim M.P.'s shouting that message from the roof tops.

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Some very good points. Can you blame the white British for thinking 'if you're not with us, you're against us...' They are very frightened.


What should British Muslims do? - They have to show they are with us in actions, not words. They have to be as loud and high profile in defending their peaceful Islamic way of life, as the fundamentalists are aggressive.


They have to be out there combating fundamentalism in all its forms and more importantly, be seen to be doing it.


They should be the first to report acts of fundamentalist hate crime in the Mosques and the schools. And follow through by seeing to it that real reforms follow. They must take personal responsibility to maintain the peace.


We are a peaceful and tolerant nation. That tolerance has been seriously abused, and our way of life threatened. We all have the right to feel safe in our own country.


You don't think that behaving exactly like everyone else who lives here, getting on with their lives peacefully, condemning the extremists, you don't think that that's enough...

Which is ironic, because apart from this you'd be complaining when they DON'T behave like everyone else. In this case, like everyone else isn't good enough.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 07:24 ----------


There is nothing I can do to prevent their existence.


So why aren't you at a rally in London, demonstrating to show how you don't agree with them?

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What would help is for Muslims living in Great Britain to call a mass rally in London so as to inform us all that their allegiance is first and formost to our Country and that this takes precedence over any religious belief what so ever.


They should make that clear that this Country ,its history and its culture always come first ,The meeting should have all the prominent preachers , Mulla's and Muslim M.P.'s shouting that message from the roof tops.


I'm a Catholic; should I have done this while the IRA were in business?

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