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What should a British Muslim do?

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Was the I.R.A. waging war and terrorism in the four corners of the World as the various factions of Islamic terrorists are now doing?


No, but they killed plenty here. Is it about numbers then?


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 07:59 ----------


What would help is for Muslims living in Great Britain to call a mass rally in London so as to inform us all that their allegiance is first and formost to our Country and that this takes precedence over any religious belief what so ever.


They should make that clear that this Country ,its history and its culture always come first ,The meeting should have all the prominent preachers , Mulla's and Muslim M.P.'s shouting that message from the roof tops.


Did you go out and protest against the War on Terror that's killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan?


No? Double standards?

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as i remember it the IRA didnt have have global domination in mind at any cost?? in fact you could compare Islam to Hitler in some respects:roll:


I'm not sure why their aims are important. They were Catholics, and they were terrorists and they were killing people.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 08:08 ----------


This thread is just a long list of bigotry and excuses why Muslims are a special case and should have to do something different to other groups.

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So why aren't you at a rally in London, demonstrating to show how you don't agree with them?


I wasn't aware that there was a rally in London demonstrating about the existence of the Bible and Quran, but even if there was I wouldn't go.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 08:46 ----------


This thread is just a long list of bigotry and excuses why Muslims are a special case and should have to do something different to other groups.


I was thinking the same, why are they allowed to distribute a book that promotes violence and intolerance and calls for the killing and of non believers?


Some people see the threat they pose, their population is increasing significantly faster than any other group in the UK, and my guess would be that lots of people don't want their children and grand children to end up living in an Islamic state. Of all the Islamic countries that exist today which one would you be happy living in?

Edited by loraward
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I wasn't aware that there was a rally in London demonstrating about the existence of the Bible and Quran, but even if there was I wouldn't go.[


Why aren't you organising one right now? Your passive acceptance of these books means you're practically promoting them yourself.

Or at least that's the sort of logic you're applying to Muslims.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 08:54 ----------



I was thinking the same, why are they allowed to distribute a book that promotes violence and intolerance and calls for the killing and of non believers?


Well, banning books has always worked well in the past hasn't it.

Presumably you find the Bible to be just as offensive and would like to see that banned as well?

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Why aren't you organising one right now? Your passive acceptance of these books means you're practically promoting them yourself.

Or at least that's the sort of logic you're applying to Muslims.


Well, banning books has always worked well in the past hasn't it.

Presumably you find the Bible to be just as offensive and would like to see that banned as well?


What logic do you think I have applied to Muslims, I haven't said they should do anything, the Bible isn't believed to be the word of God so its contents can be taken with a pinch of salt. On the other hand the Quran is believed to be the word and God and it instructs its followers to build an Islamic state and kill no believers.

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I haven't threatened violence towards any non Muslims, I have said that if anyone try's punishing me over the actions of extremists ie by beating me up then I will retaliate and not just take it.


You confirm what I say will happen if the Muslim extremism problem is not addressed. Eventually an act of indiscriminate violence by Muslim extremists will trigger indiscriminate acts of violence against Muslims and 'normal' Muslims like yourself will fight back. Tit-for-tat reprisals will see conflict snowball, which is what the extremists want to happen because people take sides and their side becomes stronger.


The way to prevent this is not for non-Muslims to keep on 'just taking it'. That is simply unrealistic. The only way to prevent it is to starve the extremists of new recruits so the threat they pose starts to wither and the growing division between Muslim and non-Muslim is reversed.


The uncomfortable truth is that extremists are finding it far too easy to recruit from the Muslim community who share not only their religion but also symathise with many of the complaints and aims e.g. prevent insult to the prophet, stopping Western interference and wars in the Muslim world etc. Far too many British Muslims cross the line from moderate Islam into extremist Islam and that is simply because the two camps are too close together.


I see the usual cries of racism and bigotry are now appearing. The fact is that even if a swastika tattooed skinhead wearing a BNP t-shirt was making the complaint about the extremism coming from within the Muslim community, it would still be a legitimate complaint. British Muslims provide their young with a cultural and religious foundation that is dangerously close to an extreme precipice. Like it or not, they have a responsibility to both their young and the wider British community to position themselves much further away from the extremism so fewer fall into it.

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It's awful. How could anyone willingly follow a religion whose text for life tells them to kill non-believers. Bloody musl...oh...Christians:


"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." -- Dt.13:6-10"


Christians used these verses to argue they were justified in the crusades. Most Christians have since moved on and accepted that these verses are not valid any longer and they are not followed. However, its still in the bible and any 'true' Christian who believe the Old Testament is the word of God should be out there killing non-believers.


Most Muslims believe exactly the same about the verses in the Quaran telling them to go and kill non-believers and don't follow it. Some however, are using these verses to legitimise violence.


Same story 100 thousand years apart.

Edited by sgtkate
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