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What should a British Muslim do?

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This entire thread is nothing more than bad Britain-First-EDL toss. That every Muslim is a danger and a threat and has to continually absolve themselves of a collective guilt and blame to appease the dim thinking. Stick it. It's rubbish.


I'm afraid that collective blame is not something that is up for debate. It may be rubbish, it may be the thinking of the dim, you might want people to stick it but it's the reality and your disapproval can't stop it.


Besides, I'm really struggle to understand why you think it is wrong to place a collective responsibility on Muslims? There is a grossly disproportionate problem with extremism within the Muslim community and that means there must be a link to the nurturing they administer. They need to think about what they are teaching their kids because they are clearly sending them down a path where it is too easy for them to stray into extremism.

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But it's still in the bible and it's still in the Quaran. Some Christians ignore these verses from the bible and some muslims ignore them from the Quaran. Some Christians use these verses to murder and kill innocent people. Some muslims use these verses to murder and kill innocent people. Some people kill innocent people without needing any verses to justify it.


Muslims believe the Quran to be the word of God so its very unlikely that they would ignore parts of it, unless they just pretend to be Muslims because of the possible consequences of telling their family and community that they don't believe.

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If it was a man (i.e. if I could tell that it was a man from discernible size, gait, posture etc. ...a pretty tall 'if' indeed), I'd be somewhat concerned about why that man is wearing that female garment, since I am led to believe that this a female-only garment in that culture.

They might be transvestites. Islamic transvestites.

I'm really struggle to understand why you think it is wrong to place a collective responsibility on Muslims?

Because I'm an individualist. People don't share blame just by sharing religion. That type of thinking may be a little "extreme" - but I cherish it. :)

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And I'd speak out against anyone being forced to wear specific clothing. And that includes forcing someone out of, or into a burqa. So long as women want to wear it, they should be (and are) free to do so.


I'd agree. Forcing women not to wear it is as bad as forcing women to wear it. However, organisations should be able to discriminate against people who want to wear an unusual attire which they feel would have a negative effect on them.. Such as schools and banks...

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Besides, I'm really struggle to understand why you think it is wrong to place a collective responsibility on Muslims? There is a grossly disproportionate problem with extremism within the Muslim community and that means there must be a link to the nurturing they administer. They need to think about what they are teaching their kids because they are clearly sending them down a path where it is too easy for them to stray into extremism.


Are you even aware of the percentages involved when you bring up these views - you will normally find it is and always has been a very small % that transgress.


Or have you studied the minds of individuals and why some may have chosen to go down this road of embracing extremism.

I have seen plenty of documentries that site foreign policy as the causal link and if you spoke to young Muslims, many are angry at the ongoing slaughter of innocents in Iraq/Afghanistan et al.


Besides, if you actually believed the book of Muslims was the problem, then why isn't every Muslim going about joining extremist groups- fact also is that many do use the Qu'ran to help stop violence when its message is properly understood.


Lastly, your way of thinking would mean that all white people should now apologise (you included) for the murders of these innocent black Christians in Canada (funny how no one open a new thread on this- oh, guess it isn't newsworthy when not a 'Muslim').




Here's something else you and others can read to educate yourself.


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Muslims believe the Quran to be the word of God so its very unlikely that they would ignore parts of it, unless they just pretend to be Muslims because of the possible consequences of telling their family and community that they don't believe.


Well I know of plenty of muslims who have yet to kill any non-believers. The Old Testament was also the word of God, which is confirmed by Jesus at least twice in the New Testament. So it's exactly the same as the Quaran. Which part of this are you just not getting? The Old Testament tells people to kill non-believers and in the New Testament Jesus even confirms the Old Testament is the word of God and must be followed.


‘The Scripture cannot be broken’ (John 10:35).

‘the commandment of God’ (Matthew 15:3)

‘Word of God’ (Mark 7:13).

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They might be transvestites. Islamic transvestites.
In the UK?


...I suppose it'd come handy as a wingsuit if the same 'assisted' base jump events that are regularly organised by ISIS in Syria and Iraq these days started to be organised in the UK as well.



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True. The old Testament should really be referred to as the Jewish Bible, but like I said, the teachings that promote homophobia or violence should be removed/banned.


My Bold: Here you are showing your callowness towards the Jewish community as the "funny hat" wearing people are, in most cases, practising Hasidic Judaism and are not in the majority of the Jewish faith. Also, wearing a funny hat does not mean these people do not take part in the British culture.


it really depends on what bits of British culture you want people to take part in.


A bacon sandwich for breakfast.

Sunday roast with Yorkshire pudding

Attend church on Sunday

Go for "an indian" on a Friday night

Open your market stall on a Saturday morning


A list of activities which may seem to be a part of British culture. Some people will happily do any or all of the above. Some will not do some of them for religious reasons, and others not do a different list (although some overlapping) for different religious reasons, and some not doing some for reasons which have nothing to do with religion or to do with where the person or his/her ancestors came from.


What activities does someone have to do to satisfy the "take part in British culture" test?

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