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What should a British Muslim do?

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I consider culture to be made up of many things and we as British citizens are free to partake in as many or as little of them as we wish. You will be surprised how many you do partake in.








Work Culture

Family rearing etc.



Of the above list, the further away from the UK you are born and brought up, the less likely you will share any of these cultural similarities. This is what sets us apart, and why immigration from the EU comes with far less objections compared to further afield. People from the EU generally share a large amount of what we consider to be part of the British Culture while other aspects such as language can be learnt.


The part I've emboldened is self evidently false. If you need to ask why, go and look at an atlas.


If an immigrant family comes to the UK but fail to embrace a number of the above criteria, their time in the UK will be less enjoyable


How are you able to judge how enjoyable the lives are of people you haven't met and don't know? Remarkable.


and overtime and with the prospect of children being brought up in the UK but not part of the UK, this breeds resentment on both sides and quickly results in situations similar to what we have to date, with second generation immigrants opening supporting extreme opinions and viewpoints that grate against the sensibilities of the wider population.


A tiny fraction of second generation immigrants.


Unfortunately, it does seem the Muslims community is more guilty of this compared to their groups, such as Hindus, Jews etc.


Where's the evidence for this claim?


Why, I'm unsure, but the perpetuity to view none Muslims as lesser beings by some has certainly generated a lot of what we see today.


Can you explain this please? I can't figure out what you mean.


Look at the latest child abuse grooming news stories. Almost all of these men were from Muslim/Asian background. They saw these girls not as children but as lesser beings compared to themselves. The BBC did their best not to report this fact when reporting on the cases. Why?


Which fact? That they were Asian? That was widely reported.

Thinking of the victims of sexual abuse as lesser beings is true of all sexual offenders and absolutely not unique to Asian offenders.


People who come to the UK and wish to be part of our great nation needs to shed their cultural baggage and embrace the British way of doing things.


This last part is utter garbage, assuming that by 'cultural baggage' you mean their chosen style of dress, food, music, religion and language.


If you mean should we tolerate certain practices which have sometimes been seen as acceptable in some cultures, such as FGM or forced marriage, then the answer should a firm no, in which case education and a rigorous application of the law should apply.


I suspect however that what you really want is to tell other people what to eat, how to dress, what music to listen to and what to believe.

If that's what you think <i both pity you and loathe you.

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Well I know of plenty of muslims who have yet to kill any non-believers. The Old Testament was also the word of God, which is confirmed by Jesus at least twice in the New Testament. So it's exactly the same as the Quaran. Which part of this are you just not getting? The Old Testament tells people to kill non-believers and in the New Testament Jesus even confirms the Old Testament is the word of God and must be followed.


‘The Scripture cannot be broken’ (John 10:35).

‘the commandment of God’ (Matthew 15:3)

‘Word of God’ (Mark 7:13).


How many people world wide, today believe the old testament to be the word of God and how many are doing what it tells them to do, is the group of people getting smaller or larger? How many people would protest if someone drew are cartoon of Jesus or defaced the bible? I would guess very few so not much to worry about. Islam is different, its number is growing, the violence is escalating, they kill and protest if someone draws cartoons of Mohammad, they get angry and violent if someone defaces the Quran.


Can you see the difference, which part of this are you just not getting?


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 19:32 ----------


I would agree the majority of what you have put. Any group of people who go to another country to live for a long period of time and would be considered a semi-permanent resident should make an effort to assimilate at least partially. But this isn't just an Islam problem. Keeping things within the UK, there are areas of Jews in London with their own 'police' force, schools that speak in Hebrew in the majority of lessons. Overseas you have Brits in Spain who refuse the learn the language or engage on barely any Spanish culture. All of these examples are awful yet for some reason the Muslims seem to get the brunt of it. Why?


Probably because the Islamic population is expanding rapidly, 75% increase in just ten years and at its current rate of expansion could reach 26 million by 2050, Jews on the other hand are a small number and the population isn't expanding nor are they killing people in just about every country they live in, there was a topic on here not so long ago discussing them and their crazy ideas.

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Are you even aware of the percentages involved when you bring up these views - you will normally find it is and always has been a very small % that transgress.


The percentages are enough to still pose threat, cost us billions to police and cause the freedoms of others to be reduced. Religious freedom does not exist when others pay a price for other people's religious beliefs and choices.



Or have you studied the minds of individuals and why some may have chosen to go down this road of embracing extremism.

I have seen plenty of documentries that site foreign policy as the causal link and if you spoke to young Muslims, many are angry at the ongoing slaughter of innocents in Iraq/Afghanistan et al.


I argued against the Iraq invasion and believe it has fuelled extremism instead of countering it. But people like me, of British culture, who hate our foreign policy don't turn against our country and its people. British Muslims feel differently and that is always going to be a problem if the want the rest of us to tolerate them.



Besides, if you actually believed the book of Muslims was the problem, then why isn't every Muslim going about joining extremist groups- fact also is that many do use the Qu'ran to help stop violence when its message is properly understood.


The extremism does not have o infect all Muslims for it to be an unacceptable problem. It is sufficient that it is a particular problem withing the Muslim community and for the consequences to be such that other people will eventually lose patience if it doesn't stop. Muslims need to stop it.



Lastly, your way of thinking would mean that all white people should now apologise (you included) for the murders of these innocent black Christians in Canada (funny how no one open a new thread on this- oh, guess it isn't newsworthy when not a 'Muslim').




Here's something else you and others can read to educate yourself.



You can only blame people for things within their control. Race isn't within a persons control but the things they believe and the practices they follow are e.g. Religion and culture. People can't choose their race but their do make religious and cultural choices and those choices can be judged. If British Muslims choose to raise their kids within a culture that significantly increases the chances of them embracing extremism then obviously people are going to judge them and ask them to deal with the problem.


If the loon who killed those people in church was a member of a religion or group with extremist views than feel free to blame them for legal extremism straying into illegal extremism. It you take people to the brink of madness the. You should share some of the blame if they cross the line.

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How many people world wide, today believe the old testament to be the word of God and how many are doing what it tells them to do, is the group of people getting smaller or larger? How many people would protest if someone drew are cartoon of Jesus or defaced the bible? I would guess very few so not much to worry about. Islam is different, its number is growing, the violence is escalating, they kill and protest if someone draws cartoons of Mohammad, they get angry and violent if someone defaces the Quran.


Can you see the difference, which part of this are you just not getting?


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 19:32 ----------



Probably because the Islamic population is expanding rapidly, 75% increase in just ten years and at its current rate of expansion could reach 26 million by 2050, Jews on the other hand are a small number and the population isn't expanding nor are they killing people in just about every country they live in, there was a topic on here not so long ago discussing them and their crazy ideas.


So you're prepared to tolerate 'hate speech' from one section of culture but not another. Are you now saying that it isn't the written word that offends you and needs banning, but those that read and act on it? That being the case and the amount of those that 'follow Islam' our streets should by your reckoning be flowing with blood...and a taxi or a meat Bhuna would be out of the question.

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So you're prepared to tolerate 'hate speech' from one section of culture but not another.
I don't think I have said anything about tolerating or being intolerant of anything.




Are you now saying that it isn't the written word that offends you and needs banning, but those that read and act on it?

In which post have I said that I am offended?



That being the case and the amount of those that 'follow Islam' our streets should by your reckoning be flowing with blood...and a taxi or a meat Bhuna would be out of the question.


Trying to kill or convert all the non believers would only be sensible when you have a majority population and stand a chance of succeeding.

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i see the appolgists are out again according to the sheffield star tonight? a sheffield councillor Nikki Bond has said she made a "mistake" when suggesting that there would be spike in antisocial behaviour around the religious festival of Rammadan!!! especially in the nether edge area after the current bad behaviour or certain youth groups both on the street and in cars.

i wonder where the pressure came from to appologise for this " mistake"?? why appologise when you are bang on!


She should have waited until after then she could have said I told you so... or apologised.... she bottle it. What will happen now if she is right?

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I don't think I have said anything about tolerating or being intolerant of anything.


So you're tolerant of the teachings of Islam and wouldn't wish a book to be banned?


In which post have I said that I am offended?


In which post have you expressed delight at Muslims, or in fact any non indigenous.


Trying to kill or convert all the non believers would only be sensible when you have a majority population and stand a chance of succeeding.


So killing is now dependent on numbers? Why is Turkey's streets not running with the blood of Christians? :hihi: I really don't know where you get your stuff from Mr but it's really weird.

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So you're tolerant of the teachings of Islam and wouldn't wish a book to be banned?




In which post have you expressed delight at Muslims, or in fact any non indigenous.




So killing is now dependent on numbers? Why is Turkey's streets not running with the blood of Christians? :hihi: I really don't know where you get your stuff from Mr but it's really weird.

Not so long ago Turkey committed genocide against Christians although they tend to ignore the fact.

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is it just me or whenever there is a thread about middle east/muslim topic, i get islamic advertising on my feed?? "AlRyan Bank pay rent not interest with our islamic mortgages" for one and nother is "revive the sunnah, second wife.com" no wonder threads like this get pulled...dont upset the advertiser or the hand that feeds???:suspect::suspect:

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So you're tolerant of the teachings of Islam and wouldn't wish a book to be banned?


They can teach what they like, providing I am free to express my opinions on what they teach. But whilst ever they are free to promote intolerance violence and the killing of non believers, non believers should be free to reciprocate.




In which post have you expressed delight at Muslims, or in fact any non indigenous.
In which post have I expressed delight at the indigenous population, but I am delighted that Muslims are fighting for what they believe in.



So killing is now dependent on numbers? Why is Turkey's streets not running with the blood of Christians? :hihi: I really don't know where you get your stuff from Mr but it's really weird.


From the Quran, that's the book ISIS use to justify their actions, they are simply doing as God commands. Why do you think that that Turkey's streets should be running with the blood of Christians not that there are that many in Turkey anyway.

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