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What should a British Muslim do?

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I was watching this discussion on TV between a number of Europeans , .. some of them were Muslim Europeans …

To cut the story short, terror and suicide bombings killing innocents were mentioned … One of the guys present said: If I were a Muslim European I would feel it necessary to apologise …


My question: when we hear of someone of Islamic background or Islamic connections committing a terrible act, do you think it necessary an innocent Muslim ought to apologise for the pain and stress caused?


I hope we can have an informed and civil debate, thanks!


No, why should they. That makes no more sense than Catholics apologising for the IRA, modern Germans apologising for Nazi's, Christians in general apologising for pro-life terrorists... You're only responsible for yourself, not everyone who you happen to share a common delusion with.


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 18:42 ----------


There is plenty of British Muslim support for ISIS and hardly any Muslims will condemn the group without caveat. There's always a "but" involved, blaming western foreign policy or "decadent ways" or something for the existence of these scum. As far as burying them with bacon, anyone that disagrees with it is tantamountly supporting their cause and should be jailed and/or deported.


You're a pretty odd and twisted individual. How is insulting someone's religion appropriate because they were a terrorist in life?

Did we do something similar with the IRA that were killed? No, of course not.

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I was watching this discussion on TV between a number of Europeans , .. some of them were Muslim Europeans …

To cut the story short, terror and suicide bombings killing innocents were mentioned … One of the guys present said: If I were a Muslim European I would feel it necessary to apologise …


My question: when we hear of someone of Islamic background or Islamic connections committing a terrible act, do you think it necessary an innocent Muslim ought to apologise for the pain and stress caused?


I hope we can have an informed and civil debate, thanks!


They shouldn't feel the need to apolagise, what I don't understand though is how anyone can worship that which created the suicide bomber.


If someone create a virus that killed millions of people, would they be reviled or revered?

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The act itself was meant as an insult to Muslims because the Russians class the terrorists as Muslims.


I don't remember the Russians reporting anything other then what the Terrorists themselves had claimed in their demands.


The terrorists proclaimed to be Muslims and the Russians accepted that.


You also forget to answer my question. Do you think the people who attacked the Moscow opera were Muslims?


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 19:16 ----------


If it wasn't what was the point?


The gesture, I assume was aimed at terrorists who call themselves Muslims or think they are Muslims. Russia was cunning in their response. They used these peoples own beliefs against them. I believe, with an enemy that welcomes death so openly, this is the only effective means of countering their actions.


Now if these people were not Muslims in the eyes of the peaceful majority, there should be no who-har about them being buried in pig skin, as non-muslims it has no effect on their beliefs. Its no different to myself or any other non-muslim being buried this way.


We only have a problem when other Muslims who claim to be peaceful, consider this action by Russia to be disrespectful to Islam. However by doing so they are claiming these terrorists are in fact Muslims. which is counter to the public face of Islam we are presented each time a terrorist atrocity is undertaken in the name of Islam.

Edited by Berberis
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I don't remember the Russians reporting anything other then what the Terrorists themselves had claimed in their demands.


The terrorists proclaimed to be Muslims and the Russians accepted that.


You also forget to answer my question. Do you think the people who attacked the Moscow opera were Muslims?


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 19:16 ----------



The gesture, I assume was aimed at terrorists who call themselves Muslims or think they are Muslims. Russia was cunning in their response. They used these peoples own beliefs against them. I believe, with an enemy that welcomes death so openly, this is the only effective means of countering their actions.


Now if these people were not Muslims in the eyes of the peaceful majority, there should be no who-har about them being buried in pig skin, as non-muslims it has no effect on their beliefs. Its no different to myself or any other non-muslim being buried this way.


We only have a problem when other Muslims who claim to be peaceful, consider this action by Russia to be disrespectful to Islam. However by doing so they are claiming these terrorists are in fact Muslims. which is counter to the public face of Islam we are presented each time a terrorist atrocity is undertaken in the name of Islam.


Didn't the same thing happen with Bin Laden’s burial, Muslims were saying he wasn't Muslim but then complained that his burial was a humiliating disregard for the standard Muslim burial practice.

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There is plenty of British Muslim support for ISIS and hardly any Muslims will condemn the group without caveat. There's always a "but" involved, blaming western foreign policy or "decadent ways" or something for the existence of these scum. As far as burying them with bacon, anyone that disagrees with it is tantamountly supporting their cause and should be jailed and/or deported.


Are you on crack?


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 21:59 ----------


I expect an apology from the British posters in this thread.




I'm sorry. Despite all the opportunities given to him he just didn't act like a true a Brit. He should have been falling out of a nightclub in magaluf at his age not blowing up innocent civilians. As a community we're all disappointed.

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I wish they would classify the nasty Muslims as 'Terrorist' or 'Jihadist' so regular Muslims could just go about their day.


Yes it is quite interesting that when a non-Muslim commits a crime, it is rarely mentioned that he/she is of a particular faith...

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I was brought up as a Roman Catholic should I have to apologise for all the atrocities the Catholic Church and its servants have perpetrated over the centuries, Including the Crusades against the Muslim infidels. I think not!

When any section of a society is singled out for criticism it is natural for the section to be reluctant to speak. When events as horrific as the events organised by ISIS are happening it must be difficult to come to terms with, as a fellow of the section that claims to be responsible for such heinous crimes. Naturally families do not want their relatives to be thought of as such horrible willing perpetrators of carnage, they do not want to believe it themselves. We all close our eyes to things we do not want to believe, but we do so at our peril.

What I would like to know is where are these teens getting the money to be able to travel to foreign lands. They are not just getting on the bus into town are they. Someone is channelling funds to these kids as well as the dogma that being a Martyr gets you a place in heaven regardless of whatever else you have done.

I guess the Russians were making it impossible for the terrorists to enter heaven as they were enclosed in something unclean and Harram(forbidden). This sends a message to any other potential terrorist that they will not be able to enter heaven as a Martyr as they could expect the same to happen to their body and the unclean cannot enter heaven. This is why people all over the world wash their dead. Naturally Muslims would be horrified.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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I was brought up as a Roman Catholic should I have to apologise for all the atrocities the Catholic Church and its servants have perpetrated over the centuries, Including the Crusades against the Muslim infidels. I think not!

When any section of a society is singled out for criticism it is natural for the section to be reluctant to speak. When events as horrific as the events organised by ISIS are happening it must be difficult to come to terms with, as a fellow of the section that claims to be responsible for such heinous crimes. Naturally families do not want their relatives to be thought of as such horrible willing perpetrators of carnage, they do not want to believe it themselves. We all close our eyes to things we do not want to believe, but we do so at our peril.

What I would like to know is where are these teens getting the money to be able to travel to foreign lands. They are not just getting on the bus into town are they. Someone is channelling funds to these kids as well as the dogma that being a Martyr gets you a place in heaven regardless of whatever else you have done.

I guess the Russians were making it impossible for the terrorists to enter heaven as they were enclosed in something unclean and Harram(forbidden). This sends a message to any other potential terrorist that they will not be able to enter heaven as a Martyr as they could expect the same to happen to their body and the unclean cannot enter heaven. This is why people all over the world wash their dead. Naturally Muslims would be horrified.


my bold =

Shouldn't that read " Including the crusades against the Muslims by the infidels. I think not!"


Being wrapped in a pig skin would not prevent anyone from entering heaven if they have a gate pass to heaven so a pointless act really by the Russians.

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my bold =

Shouldn't that read " Including the crusades against the Muslims by the infidels. I think not!"


Being wrapped in a pig skin would not prevent anyone from entering heaven if they have a gate pass to heaven so a pointless act really by the Russians.


The Russians didn't rap them in pig skin to stop them entering heaven, and

what you believe is unimportant, its what the would be suicide bomber believes that is the important factor.

Edited by loraward
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