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What should a British Muslim do?

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Since they weren't terrorists at Meadowhall, who cares, people are allowed to dress as they wish.


Of course people can dress as they wish but the above mode of dress illustrates the person is separating themselves from the normal way of UK life which is to keep the face uncovered. In a nutshell showing they do not wish to integrate.

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Of course people can dress as they wish but the above mode of dress illustrates the person is separating themselves from the normal way of UK life which is to keep the face uncovered. In a nutshell showing they do not wish to integrate.


I suppose teenagers with hoods pulled up and draw forwards are doing the same then.


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 10:17 ----------


Not true there are places you cannot go dressed as you wish.


Meadowhall isn't one of those places though.

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Are you allowed to walk into Meadowhall wearing a Burqa? (we all know the answer).


Meadowhall is not a place where you are banned from wearing what you like is it? (We all know the answer).


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 10:35 ----------


No, I think you are trying to provoke me. LOL


Provoke you into what?

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[quote name=Cyclone


Provoke you into what?[/quote]


Do you think the wearing of the burqa demonstrates a will to integrate into the ways of the UK ?

What do you think are the perceptions of those wearing the garment and of those viewing a person wearing the garment ?

Do you think we should have a multicultural or multiracial society ?

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I occasionally see women dressed like that near where I work. So what?


It is a symbol of someone following a more extreme version of Islam. It may be legal extremism but it is exactly the sort of thing Muslims need to let go of if they are to moderate and put greater distance between themselves and the illegal extremists. As things stand, 'moderate' Muslims feed the illegal extremist problem by positioning their young within easy reach of the extremists... and that makes them part of the problem.


We should be far less tolerant on extremism. I bet you'd have something to say about a skinhead with a swastika t-shirt... legal but the sort of legal extremism that society should reject and show minimum tolerance for.

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