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What should a British Muslim do?

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My bold=

You only and others of your ilk only seem to concentrate on the Muslim peadophiles being the Muslim hater that you are, what about these non Muslim peadophiles = http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3050628/Paedophile-gang-groomed-families-rape-abuse-babies.html. :rolleyes:


This thread is about Muslims and the extremism problem they perpetuate by practicing Islam 'as is'. It asks what Muslims should do so naturally it focuses on Muslims.


I responded to a point by Plain Talker that the discrimination directed at Muslims in the past does not mean we should even things up by not making legitimate criticism now. I gave examples of how such political correctness is damaging. Do you not think it is right to raise these issues?


Yes there are paedophiles in all cultures and communities because Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. However, the problems of religious extremism, grooming, FGM, honour violence etc are not caused by nature but by nurture. They are beliefs and attitudes that are taught and chosen and therefore we can legitimately criticise those doing the teachings and the choosing. I don't think for one minute that Muslims have any more paedophiles than any other religious or cultural group... but they do have a cultural problem relating to attitudes towards women. That is something we have every right to complain about and to demand change. Same goes for Islamic extremism.


Any chance you could answer my 'serious question' in my previous post?

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Two articles linked from today's National Secular Society:


The ‘Trojan horse’ school fighting the Islamic State propaganda machine




Muslim parents must challenge mosques which fail to condemn extremism, says Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood




There must be numerous reassuring examples where people in the Muslim community accept that they themselves have more influence and responsibility for eradicating the extremist cancer within it. It seems somewhat delusional to find that basic truth abhorrent.

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