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Decision awaits on £175m investment plan for Upper Don Valley

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And while I'm at it, things always look very rosy at the planning stage so they get through. Later on when the things are actually being built all the things that were promised tend to get conveniently forgotten - look at what happened on Wadsley Park Village. Who's to say that Menta won't pull the same sort of tricks?

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That is all well and good, but I ask again in what way is this a sustainable community?


Okay well with the environmental improvements combined with mixed housing and employment I would say that the sustainability is self evident.


The housing project is not (from what I have seen) like other new builds, a mass of boxes put onto tiny plots of land. They have designed a community atmosphere with play areas, community spaces and facilities. Links to other local communities in Middlewood and further up the hill to foxhill will bring the whole area together. As metalman so rightly pointed out the fact that there are community facilities already in place such as childcare and young peoples activities, this will ensure that the project will not just be legoland housing with nothing else to give. It will provide a community to live in not just a house to sleep in.


Homes/social spaces/employment & community infrastructure. If it all clicks in place I would say that labelling the project sustainable was not so ambitious.

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Yep, and when the money gets a bit tight those play areas, community spaces and facilities will be the first to get the chop. Call me cynical, but I'll bet you any amount.


The Upper Don Valley’s regeneration is part of a council and Yorkshire Forward-led initiative.


Beeley Wood plans are to be funded by a combination of public and private funding


Unlike Bloor and the shoebox scenario and derelict play area. Its not all private money so that shouldn't happen. :)

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Remember this? Written by Malvina Reynolds and sung by Pete Seeger?


Little boxes on the hillside,

Little boxes made of ticky tacky

Little boxes on the hillside,

Little boxes all the same,


There's a green one and a pink one

And a blue one and a yellow one

And they're all made out of ticky tacky

And they all look just the same.


And the people in the houses

All went to the university

Where they were put in boxes

And they came out all the same

And there's doctors and lawyers

And business executives

And they're all made out of ticky tacky

And they all look just the same.


And they all play on the golf course

And drink their martinis dry

And they all have pretty children

And the children go to school,

And the children go to summer camp

And then to the university

Where they are put in boxes

And they come out all the same.


And the boys go into business

And marry and raise a family

In boxes made of ticky tacky

And they all look just the same,


There's a green one and a pink one

And a blue one and a yellow one

And they're all made out of ticky tacky

And they all look just the same.

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Back again to bang on about this.. :) Humour me.


I believe a consultation document has now been sent to every home on Wadsley Park Village to assess their opinion of the proposals. Interestingly enough the feedback seems positive. ;)

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Yes Fox,

you are right, the houses on Wadsley Park have been given the opportunity to have a say on the developments pending for the Clay wheels Lane site.

Over the weekend questionaires were distributed to enable people to air there views, I know this as I asked the devevloper to do so at a consultation event that I attended recently and they agreed willingly.

Residents in Wadsley Park may feel isolated for many reasons, yet I have been to two events to date where the topic of discussion was their welfare and for their benefit, at one event two people took the trouble to turn up and at the second no one.

As I work in the local community and try to represent everyone fairly, I find myself constantly suporting them even though my work remit doesn't actually encompass their estate and I dont live there.

I would say it's time they stood up for their selves, formed a rsidents group and formalised their concerns, however I will still be supporting their many causes whenever the opporttunity presents itself

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Hopefully the WPV residents will soon form a group in order that they can represent themselves. In the mean time shoes & bags I know you will do your best for them. It would be useful if you knew what they wanted though :rolleyes:

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