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Dog being sick - yellow chips??


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Well done for reading the label. Choosing a good dog food is not that difficult once you have the basic principles to hand. Wainwright's is a good food because as well as having named meat source, first on the list it is clearly labelled so you know just what is in it. I hope your dog does well on it.

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The best, natural thing to help clean plaque from your dogs teeth is a bone! Lamb spine bones are great for it. But, if you don't feed raw food and bones regularly your dog might not digest the bone very well.


If you want some advice on raw feeding drop me a message, I'll be happy to pass on what I feed my dogs, where I get it from and what you need to make sure your dog does and doesn't get fed.


Re worming, I haven't had to worm or use flea treatments on my dogs since switching to raw food and more natural deterrents. My view is if I can avoid putting chemicals either on or in my dogs the better.

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Whilst bones may well help to keep teeth clean they probably will be of limited help if there is established plaque, particularly if it is attached to the molars and it is under the gums causing soreness and possible gingivitis. In these cases a descale and polish would be the best way to go.


As flibble's dog doesn't care for bones, it might be worth trying a duck or turkey neck. However, as mike 84 has said, it is useful to get some advice. I too feed my dogs raw food but not bones. Despite reassurances from others I am too nervous. In any case, I have more than one dog and unless they are separated it is too risky in terms of possessiveness.


I like to hear what other people say about their raw feeding practices so would be interested to read about yours mike84.

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Hi Ccit, what do you want to know? :)


My dogs are both well established on raw and have a wide and varied diet that includes minces from raw pet grub, fish from the fish monger, bones and offal from the butcher and morrisons as well as prey type food. They love rabbits, squirrels and various game birds.


My 40kg GSD will eat about 1k meat, bone and offal per day over 2 meals. I add coconut oil every other day to his food as well as eggs and the shell every other day. He has 2 or 3 cloves of garlic per week as well.


My SBT has the same but smaller quantities. For treats they'll have dried sprats or dried liver. Chicken feet are also a favourite and are good for joints with the glucosamine.


My 2 cats are raw fed as well, they have similar food but with more heart for taurine.

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Do you core the apples ? The seeds aren't good for dogs think the same goes for grape seeds.


Grapes full stop are extremely dangerous for dogs, along with raisins, onions and a variety of other things that seem so harmless.

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